Why does my cat tap me with her paw

Why does my cat tap me with her paw

i cat paws image by Albert Lozano from Fotolia.com

If your kitty taps you with his paw, he's most likely looking for you to pay attention to him, according to the American Animal Hospital Association. Pawing is an attention-seeking behavior that a cat will use to see if you'll respond to him, especially if he's bored, anxious or hungry.


When your cat gets lonely or bored, he may seek you out and try to get your attention by either meowing at you or touching you with a paw. He may just want to be stroked if he's anxious, or he may want you to play with him. Kitties need at least 15 minutes of interactive play with you each day to keep from becoming obese or developing behavioral problems, according to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Florida. Wave a cat toy on a string in front of your kitty to try to engage your cat's attention and motivate him to exercise. This also helps to tire your kitty out before bedtime so he'll sleep through the night without bothering you.


A kitty that expects to be fed at a certain time of day or is free-fed but has an empty bowl may come up to you and give you a tap with his paw to remind you to feed him. Some cats may come up to you while you are sleeping and give your cheek a tap to wake you up so you can feed them. A full gravity feeder can help prevent an alarm-clock kitty from waking you if his bowl is empty. Another option is to set up a timed feeder, which has compartments filled with your cat's portions that open at preset times during the day.

Scent Marking

Cats like to communicate with pheromones, chemicals they produce in their scent glands to mark their territory and even their owners. The bottoms of a kitty's feet contain scent glands that leave behind pheromones when he touches you with them. The presence of his scent on you comforts him and marks you as familiar -- he's saying "you're mine" with his scent. You may even notice that he starts with a tap with one foot but then proceeds to knead on you with both feet. This is a comforting behavior that reminds of nursing from his mom. To avoid any accidental scratches during tapping or kneading, keep your little one's nails trimmed or cover them with soft nail caps, available in pet supply stores.

Reinforcing Behaviors

If you like when your little guy comes over and gives you a tap with his paw, you can encourage this behavior. Teach him to do it on command by giving him a verbal cue when he does it, such as "paw," and following immediately with a treat. When he learns the connection, he'll be more than happy to repeat the behavior for a yummy reward.

On the other hand, don't respond to a hungry kitty that tries to wake you with a tap of his paw. Getting up and feeding him will only encourage this undesirable behavior. Instead, ignore your kitty when he's trying to get you to feed him. Feed him on schedule.


Writer Bio

Based in Las Vegas, Susan Paretts has been writing since 1998. She writes about many subjects including pets, finances, crafts, food, home improvement, shopping and going green. Her articles, short stories and reviews have appeared on City National Bank's website and on The Noseprint. Paretts holds a Master of Professional Writing from the University of Southern California.

Why does my cat put his paw on me?

Why does my cat tap me with her paw

Cats use their paws to communicate a range of things the way we humans do with our own “paws.” When a cat places his paw on your face or your arm, it might mean one thing to one cat, and one thing to another. It can mean different things at different times. A person who touches you with his fist is not communicating the same thing as a person who caresses your cheek, or shakes your hand.

In researching this post, I started out by reading reports from cat owners about how their cats touched them with their paws. Here are a few of my favorites:

“For nearly 15 years, every day, if I was at my computer, she would reach up from the floor, tap my arm with her paw, and meow to say, “Hey, what about me?” I picked her up and placed her in my lap, where she would purr and meow, then go on about her cat business.”[1]

“[S]he sits on the arm of my chair and rubs her face against my glasses a while, then pats me until I lift my arm up for her to curl up in and snooze.”[2]

“One, Mace, even engaged in actually stroking my face, hand or arm, just as if he was petting me. He also would firmly hold my hand while sleeping. If I tried to move or shift position, he would clutch my hand tightly to his chest.”[3]

What these reports tell me is that there is more than one answer to the question, “Why does my cat put his paw on me.” Let’s take a look.

A cat may use her paw to get your attention

In this video, the cat owner is pointedly and deliberately ignoring her cat, even though Luna is sitting five inches from her face. It’s a bit of a harmless experiment on the part of the owner, but it shows how resourceful Luna is in trying to regain her mom’s attention and what role a paw touch might play.

First, Luna meows. That is Luna using her “I’m talking to you, human,” voice. You might not know this, but cats reserve meows for people. Cats communicate with other cats through scent, body language, expressions, and touch, but meows are a special noise they set aside for talking to us.[4] 

Next, Luna tries the paw. It’s a gentle paw, barely a touch at all, but it does elicit a response from mom: some raised eyebrows, an air kiss.

How do we know that the paw touch was a bid for attention? Because Luna responds with a quick head bunt. The head bunt is an affirmation of their bond. It's almost like she's saying, "Yes. Now we understand each other."

Luna then uses her paw a little more insistently and it has a stronger effect on Mom: this time she speaks to Luna. Luna responds with a more languorous head bunt, and a bit of allorubbing (a behavior similar to head bunting in which a cat rubs the side of her body against a family member) and then walks off.

Of course, we don’t know what Luna is thinking at that moment, but it could have been that she was satisfied with the level of attention she received from Mom, or she might have gotten frustrated and given up.

What should you do if your cat is using her paw to get your attention?

Why does my cat tap me with her paw

I would suggest that if your cat is politely asking for some attention, and you’re able to, that you give it. Some of us may have the mistaken idea that cats are aloof or completely independent, but it’s not true. Cats are social animals[5] who rely upon their humans for absolutely everything, from food to companionship. Playing with your cat is good for your cat: it gives him much needed exercise and mental stimulation, and fulfills his biological need to play. And playing with your cat is good for you: it’s a joyful activity that builds a bond with your pet, and isn’t that the reason you got your cat in the first place?

Experts are divided about how much time and attention a cat really needs, but I like this recommendation from PetMd.com: four 10-minute play sessions per day.[6] If your cat is asking for attention, he might not be getting enough.

A cat may use his paw to train you

Sometimes a cat uses his paw on you because he's learned that it works. What cat owner has not been woken by a kitty-paw alarm at some ungodly hour, asking for breakfast?[7] Do you get up and fill the bowl? If so, your cat has trained you to respond to his paw.

If you haven’t experienced the “joy” of being woken by a cat paw on the face, here is Nemo to demonstrate how it’s done.

(There are other reasons why cats may be active just when we want quiet. Read, “Why does my cat yowl at night?” for more information about why your cat is active in the wee hours, and what to do about it.)

The bottom line is that a paw to the face works and your cat has learned that. Your cat has conditioned you to respond to her gentle command.

In the examples mentioned at the beginning of this post, cat owners reported that their pets used a paw to elicit a whole range of specific responses from their owners - from lifting an arm to allow the cat to snuggle, to being picked up and placed on a lap. It might not be food your cat is after, but she knows that you know what the paw tap means.

What should you do if your cat is using her paw to train you?

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If food is all your cat is after (and you'd like another hour of sleep), you can consider getting a gravity feeder, which ensures a continuous supply of dry food, like this PetSafe model. A timed cat feeder like the PETLIBRO model is another good way to prevent a kitty alarm clock, especially for a cat who can’t be trusted with continual access to dry food.

Otherwise, you have to decide if the "training" is something you want to reinforce or not. I got the sense in the examples above that the cat owners enjoyed the clear communication between them and their pets - they liked knowing exactly what the paw tap meant and they enjoyed accommodating their cats. 

If that's not you, and you don't enjoy the behavior, you have to work on extinguishing the behavior with your cat, which is probably best done with the help of a cat behaviorist, and is beyond the scope of this blog post.

Your cat puts his paws on you to keep some distance


Here’s an interesting one. In this video, a pet cat, who clearly has a comfortable relationship with his guardian, is using his paw in a completely different way. It’s not a “Hey you! I need something!” tap-tap-tap, like Nemo above. It’s more of a rigid, outstretched leg that seems to be saying, “I don't want you to come too close with that thing in your hand.”

Have you ever been cuddling your cat only to have him place a paw, rather stiff-limbed, against your face? The effect is very, “Back up. You’re too close.”

We don’t know exactly what our cats are thinking when they perform this behavior but we do know that some of our cats may tolerate more petting from us than they really enjoy. To a point. And that may be what the firm paw to the face might mean.

Why does my cat tap me with her paw

We humans love to touch to show affection, and cats, with their soft fur and adorable faces are absolutely irresistible to us. But cats are not dogs, and they are very individual when it comes to how much petting they really enjoy. Some generous cats will allow you to pet them until they just can’t stand another minute of it.

Learn more about how to pet a cat here.

What should you do if you think your cat is asking for some distance?

In the immortal words of Aretha Franklin, R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Your cat is a living being with emotions, preferences, wants, and needs of his own. The law may say you own your cat, but a relationship with your cat is the thing that matters. A relationship of any kind is built on trust and respect. If you think your cat is asking you so very nicely for some distance, give it.

Your cat puts her paws on you to transfer scent

To a cat, scent is everything. Scent says something about who you are and where you’ve been, and probably supplies a whole host of data we humans can’t even fathom. Cats have scent glands on their heads, faces, flanks, tails, in their anal glands, and yes, in their paws, and they use these body parts to place their scent on objects, on each other, and on you.[8]

Why does my cat tap me with her paw

Scent glands in the paws release pheromones that deliver chemical messages when a cat scratches or presses his feet on someone or something[9]. A cat’s paws are special because they also contain eccrine glands, or glands that produce scent-laden sweat. A cat’s paws are positively loaded with scent glands.

Depositing scent on an object or person is not really about marking territory, claiming possession, or dominating, as some people think. To the cat, it’s about making his world smell like him – a smell that is familiar, comforting, and safe.

Cats in groups want the whole group to smell like each other. They want all the objects in their environment to smell like their group, too. When a cat places her paw on you, she is not marking you, but she is saying, “You are my family and we need to smell the same.”

Your cat is putting his paws on you to mimic you

They say when you hear hoofbeats think horses, not zebras. This is one those things. Chances are, if your cat is touching you with a paw, it’s for one of the reasons mentioned above.

And then there’s Toro. You’ve got to watch this:

どっちが指を上に乗せるか選手権 pic.twitter.com/578n6iXe8s

— 癒月こなみ (@konamint) September 15, 2019

What is Toro doing? Is he playing? Is he annoyed that his owner, Yuzuki, is touching him, or, is he mimicking Yuzuki? Ask Toro and see what he says.

I didn’t think that cats were capable of, well, copycatting us. But science says they are! Claudia Fugazza, an ethologist at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest had been studying “do as I do” training in dogs.[10] In “do as I do” training, a dog is first trained to perform a behavior, such as rolling over. The dog is then trained to copy a behavior he already knows. So, if the human rolls over and the dog is given the copying command, the dog is supposed to roll over, too.

Fugazza was working on this research with a Japanese dog trainer who also happens to own a pet shop and cat, named Ebisu. The cat, who is highly food motivated, liked to sneak into her owner’s dog-training classes at the shop for dog treats.

What the owner discovered was that Ebisu could copy familiar actions, just like the dogs. Ebisu could perform “do as I do” behaviors, like opening a plastic drawer and biting a string. But she could also imitate brand new behaviors, like touching a box. The incredible thing was that Ebisu understood the parallels between her body and her owner’s: when the owner used her hand, Ebisu used her paw. When the owner used her face, Ebisu used her face. You must watch this in action here:

Your cat is probably not putting his paw on you for these reasons

Why does my cat tap me with her paw

If you’ve been reading my blog posts for a while, you know I like science and facts. It’s too easy to anthropomorphize, which means attributing human characteristics to animals. Anthropomorphizing is not a compliment to cats. Cats are fine just the way they are. They’re not “better” if they are more like us. Worse, assuming that cats think like people and are motivated by the same things people are, doesn’t further our understanding of them.

Google “why is my cat putting his paw on me?” and you’ll get all kinds of crazy, anthropomorphized answers, like:

  • “Your cat is testing you. She wants you to prove that you trust her not to claw your face.”
  • “Your cat is showing that he trusts you because his paw is near your mouth and you might bite him.”
  • “Your cat is returning the favor and petting you back.”

Cats are not as emotionally sophisticated as we are, and probably not cognitively capable of planning something as complicated (and frankly twisted) as a test of trust or love. And they don’t perform human behaviors like petting.

So, take that little paw on your face or hand for exactly what is: your cat trying to communicate something very, very specific to you. And listen.

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Why does my cat tap me with her paw

Why does my cat tap me with her paw

Dawn LaFontaine

Dawn LaFontaine is a lifelong animal lover who always seems to have a little pet hair in her keyboard. Her blog, Kitty Contemplations, helps cat guardians better understand and care for the special beings they share their lives and homes with. Her cat-products business, Cat in the Box, sells beautiful, well-made, and award-winning products that she designed to meet the biological needs of cats.



[1] https://www.quora.com/When-my-cat-is-lying-on-me-and-reaches-out-with-one-paw-what-does-this-mean

[2] https://www.quora.com/Why-does-my-cat-lay-next-to-me-and-puts-her-paws-on-my-hand

[3] https://www.quora.com/Why-does-my-cat-put-her-paw-on-my-face-when-shes-lying-on-my-chest-Is-she-trying-to-pet-me-like-I-pet-her

[4] Pierce, Jessica. “Why Do Cats Meow at Humans?” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 5 Sept. 2018, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/all-dogs-go-heaven/201809/why-do-cats-meow-humans.

[5] Landsberg, Gary M., and Sagi Denenberg. “Social Behavior of Cats - Behavior.” Social Behavior of Cats, Merck Veterinary Manual, May 2014, www.merckvetmanual.com/behavior/normal-social-behavior-and-behavioral-problems-of-domestic-animals/social-behavior-of-cats.

[6] How Long Should You Play With Your Cats Each Day?, PetMD, 28 Dec. 2020, www.petmd.com/cat/care/how-long-should-you-play-your-cats-each-day.

[7] Paretts, Susan. “What Does It Mean When a Kitty Comes & Taps You With Its Paw?” Pets, 19 Nov. 2020, pets.thenest.com/mean-kitty-comes-taps-its-paw-5524.html.

[8] Johnson-Bennett, Pam. “How Cats Use Scent Communication.” Pam Johnson-Bennett Answers the Why, When & How of Cat Behavior Issues, 9 Sept. 2020, catbehaviorassociates.com/how-cats-use-scent-communication/.

[9] “Cats' Paws Are Fascinating Pieces of Anatomy: Pet Connection.” GoErie.com, GoErie.com, 4 Oct. 2019, www.goerie.com/entertainmentlife/20191007/cats-paws-are-fascinating-pieces-of-anatomy-pet-connection.

[10] Adler, HE., et al. “Did We Find a Copycat? Do as I Do in a Domestic Cat ( Felis Catus ).” Animal Cognition, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1 Jan. 1970, link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10071-020-01428-6.

How can you tell if a cat has imprinted on you?

When cats don't feel threatened by other cats, they will show affection by rubbing on them, sleeping near them, and being in their presence. If your cat replicates those behaviors with you, Delgado says it has officially imprinted on you. They rub against you.

Why does my cat slap me with his paw?

It's classic play behavior. Your cat is bored and decided to practice hunting - with you as the prey. If there was a second cat, it would use that as the prey. Unless the cat uses it's claws, it's all in good fun and you can probably make it stop by playing more with it or getting a second cat.

Why does my cat tap my hand with his paw?

If your kitty taps you with his paw, he's most likely looking for you to pay attention to him, according to the American Animal Hospital Association. Pawing is an attention-seeking behavior that a cat will use to see if you'll respond to him, especially if he's bored, anxious or hungry.