Why does my music sometimes sound faster?

It sounds like you're talking about the same recording of the same song at different times. If you're talking about different recordings, then those songs have different tempos, where the musicians have just changed it up a bit.

If it's the same recording, then it's you, not the song. The perceived tempo will depend a lot on your heart rate. If your heart is beating faster, then something might sound slow to you because you're used to hearing it at rest. Maybe you listen to music while jogging, your heart rate was 140 beats per minute (bpm), and the song was at 100 bpm. At that point the song sounded slow to you. Later, when your heart was at 90 bpm at rest, the same song plays at 100 bpm and it sounds fast.

It's just relative, just like me, who while sitting on the couch is actually traveling around 25,000 mph.

Okay, I'm typing this after taking some Nyquil for a stuffy/runny nose, sinus congestion, and headaches. Yep, I have one of those awesome colds everyone's been talking about.

It's also 1:00 AM, so I'm already a bit tired to begin with.

This is a bizarre occurrence, but I've noticed that whenever I'm sort of tired, music seems to play faster, as if the tempo is sped up a bit. It's really odd! I'm listening to a song right now, and it seems like it's sped up so that instead of playing (for instance) 20 beats per minute, it's playing 24. But obviously, time is passing by normally.

Why does this happen?

Try it yourself... You might have to listen a bit to catch the increase in speed, but for me it's definitely there. I've been listening to I'll Be The One by Backstreet Boys, and So Cold by Breaking Benjamin (I noticed the speed increase in that one the most).

How does the genre of music affect the feel of speed? And how does a genre hit upon an inherent range of tempos to use, as in this question?

Before I answer your question, it should be clarified that there is a difference between genre and ensemble. Genre concerns identifiable stylistic traits, whereas ensemble concerns instrumentation. In other words, a full size orchestra can still play Bluegrass.

The difference in feeling you experience has to do with perceived tempo as opposed to written tempo. This funny phenomenon is known as hypermeter. The definition contained in the link is a little academic, so in more accessible terms, hypermeter is the perception of smaller metrical divisions combining to form larger metrical divisions. In other words, your brain sticks things together and simplifies the music into larger aural shapes.

This is why all metronomes usually top out at 200-208bpm; because beyond those tempi the brain will actually perceive the "beats" as subdivisions of larger beats - creating hypermeter.

All of that said, as you alluded to in your question, whether or not hypermeter is perceived largely depends on the musical material - hypermeter is not exclusively contingent upon tempo.

It's for this reason that you can listen to two pieces at 160bpm - one will sound blazing fast, and the other "slower" - sometimes accompanied by the sensation of floating.

Conductors often employ hypermeter into their conducting - probably some of them without realizing it. The next time you are watching a conductor for a orchestra conduct a very fast piece of music, watch how they only conduct the "big" beats as the music becomes "too fast" to conduct each individual beat.

As for genres containing an inherent range of tempi, I would say that it is two fold: in part through tradition in performance, and in part through listener expectation. For example, Klezmer music is usually traditionally played with a rather brisk tempo (though many instances of slow Klezmer may be found.) So, when people listen to Klezmer (or Polka or a March or Disco or Lounge or Funeral Music, they're going to have a certain amount of expectations that they believe should be fulfilled.

Some things need to be a certain tempi because they are not practical otherwise. For example: Marches. A parade march at 108bpm just won't make any sense at 32bpm. And likewise a funeral march at 44bpm won't make any sense at 172bpm.

Yes, you can generate a list if you'd like or find hundreds of lists on the internet about how certain genres fit into certain tempi, but for practically every example found an equal antithetical example may also hypothetically be found.

Hope that helps.

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I produce electronic dance music. Much of the time I work with headphones on, to help me focus on detailed sounds in repetitive loops. However, I often notice that when I switch to listening on speakers (to check the actual mix and so on) the track seems a bit faster. What could be the cause?

I'm not talking about a big change — a track that's, let's say, 130bpm seems to gain at least 2-4 bpm when I listen over speakers as compared to listening on headphones. Is this an actual phenomenon or should I just call a shrink?

SOS Forum Post

Monitoring on headphones rather than speakers can change your perception of the music in more ways than you might think...Reviews Editor Mike Senior replies: You're not the only one to experience this — I've often noticed the same effect when mixing my tracks and comparing between different monitoring systems. The apparent increase in speed is related to the differences in the frequency responses and dynamic ranges of the different playback systems. This is what causes the effect, but why this is the case is rather more complex, and has to do with the mysterious subject of psychoacoustics and auditory cognition.

A rule of thumb is that there is a rough correlation between the degree to which the music is rhythmically subdivided, and how fast or slow it is perceived to be. To take a simple example: an hour is likely to appear to be going by much slower if considered in terms of seconds as opposed to minutes. This might seem a rather philosophical point having little to do with the actual experience of listening to music, but try it for yourself — a straight kick-snare pattern sounds faster at the same tempo than one with a hi-hat subdividing the gap between each kick and snare hit. This has profound implications for rhythmic music, not only in terms of the overall track, but also from moment to moment in the timeline.

I'd suggest that your headphones are giving you better high-frequency response and better isolation from room noise than your speakers are, so your higher-frequency percussion and rhythmic instrument transients (which I'd guess are subdivided more finely than, say, your kick drums) are becoming more subjectively audible. Following the above rule of thumb (more subdivision = slower perceived speed), the track sounds slower in headphones than on speakers.

This is only one instance of the way in which perceived time/duration can drift against absolute time/duration. It's really important to recognise that this split between perceived and absolute time exists, especially when producing any music that must 'groove', because I've found that there are a lot of situations in the production process when you have to consciously adjust for your perceptions in order to get the best final results.

In a way, these issues are unique to programmed or sequenced music. A group performing live (if they're any good) will subconsciously adjust the actual tempo they're playing at to produce what is perceived as a steady beat. It's only when we come to map the individual musical events out on a mathematically regular grid that we discover they are 'out of time'. A heavily quantised, entirely regular rhythm will often sound lifeless or wrong, and you should always trust your perception of the way the music feels over what the sequencer tells you.

Another thing to consider is the way in which you interact with the music when listening. Nodding your head or tapping your feet can add extra elements of rhythm to what you 'hear', over and above what's actually on the record, a point I raised in Sam Inglis's piece on using tempo changes in computer sequencers in SOS November 2002, which is worth a read.

The basic point, though, is that this phenomenon does exist, so the best thing is to embrace its effects and learn to control it to your advantage, rather than trying to ignore it and questioning your own sanity!

Why does it sound like my music is going fast?

In the rare condition known as tachysensia, a person experiences a temporary distortion of time and sound, during which they get the “fast feeling” that everything is moving more rapidly than it actually is.

Why do songs suddenly sound different?

The researchers say this is applicable to humans. They say this means that our brains are wired to process sounds depending on how our ears deliver that sound. So if you suddenly heard the world through my ears, it might sound quite different.

Why does music sound sped up when Im tired?

I would say most music feels sped up because your processes are moving at a relatively slower pace. A music like reggae is very close to a normal functioning rhythm - say like a 68 beats per minute heartbeat.

What is it called when music gets faster?

Accelerando (Italian: 'getting faster')


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