Will chickens accept a new chicken?

For those of us with backyard chicken flocks, introducing new chickens into the mix can be tricky. There’s a lot more to it than simply opening the coop door, dropping the new hens in among the established flock and hoping for the best.

Over the years, as I have added to my own backyard flock of egg-laying hens, I’ve developed a system that I am happy to say has resulted in an easy transition every time I have gotten new birds.

The first thing to know is the existing flock has already established its pecking order. This is the hierarchy among the group. When new chickens are added in, it disrupts this pecking order and this can cause some real problems — especially for the new additions — until a new pecking order and peace is restored.

Some hens welcome newcomers, while others are more standoffish and still others are downright bullies pecking at the new birds until they understand their place at the bottom of the pecking order. This can not only stress out the new birds, but it can also cause some serious injuries and in extreme cases, death.

Take it slow

When I get a new clutch of day-old chicks from a farm supply store or another farmer, I brood them far away from the mature flock. The chicks spend their first weeks under a special heat lamp in an area that is secured against predators.

When they are old enough to move out of the brooder and into the coop, I have two strategies that have worked well over the years.

For introducing young hens, I build a seperate “room” in the coop for the newcomers. This can be as simple as building a small, fenced-in enclosure in the coop or outside run or even using an old playpen placed inside the coop. Either way, the idea is to allow the birds to get to know each other without physical contact.

After a week or two of this, you can remove the enclosure and let them get to know each other better. Keep a close eye on them to make sure no one is pecking the new birds. If that is happening, replace the enclosure, put the new birds back in and give them another week to settle in.

Separate housing

For older hens that have joined my existing flock, I like to use a completely separate coop to start them off. Getting a group of mature hens means they have established their own pecking order among themselves. If I were to simply toss them in with my established flock, it could cause a poultry battle royale as they all fight to sort out their places in this new, combined hierarchy.

This separate coop does not need to be fancy as it is going to be temporary housing for the new hens. A four-sided shed with access to a fenced-in run is perfect. I start by placing the new chickens in this temporary coop but not letting them range outside the run. Meanwhile, the existing flock is allowed to wander freely outside their own fenced area. This way they can observe and “meet” the new hens through the fencing.

After a month or so, I start letting the new hens out to range with the existing flock. The two flocks tend to keep to themselves at first, but over time they begin to mingle quite peacefully.

What is really interesting is the two flocks also return to their own lodgings at sundown at first. But after several weeks, they start to mix it up with new and established flock members roosting happily and peacefully together between the two coops.

Once that happens, I know it’s time to close down the temporary coop and move everyone into the existing coop.

Night maneuvers

If you find yourself needing to physically move chickens from one coop to the other, plan on doing so at night. Wait until they are roosting in the dark and gently pick them up one at a time and carry them into their new digs. I’ve found that one night spent in a new location is all it takes to convince a chicken that is its new home. 

However, if you observe one of your birds acting confused and not sure about where to go or how to get back into their coop at the end of the day, I have found placing a light inside the coop does a great job at guiding them back.


By using the above strategies, I can honestly say I have had 100 percent success in introducing new chickens into my flock. Keep in mind, however, this does not mean it’s always peaceful. Chickens are creatures of instinct and defined bird behavior. This means you have to expect a bit of bullying behavior as they sort out the pecking order. 

As your flock grows and changes, there will be times when you want to integrate a new chicken into your existing flock.  You might find a gorgeous hen at the feed store or an ad online for the rare breed you have been looking for.  This can be a stressful time for both you and your chickens.  It can be hard to watch your old, friendly flock turn vicious while picking on a newcomer, and it’s hard to watch your new chicken friend get bullied.

There are a few things you can do to make the transition as smooth as possible, but there WILL be fighting as a new pecking order is established.  Sometimes fighting can even break out among the old flock mates as some take advantage of the commotion to move up the pecking order ladder.  If possible, try to avoid adding just one new chicken.  It lets the new chickens have at least one friendly face in the flock and helps to spread out the bullying behavior so it’s not the entire flock picking on one new chicken.  It is possible though, with patience and care to add a single new chicken.  I would strongly recommend against introducing a single chick to an adult flock.  The adults could easily kill the younger bird.  Click here for tips on introducing chicks to your older flock.

First, you should always quarantine any new chickens for about a month before you begin the integration process.  Failure to quarantine new chickens can result in illness or parasites being introduced into your healthy flock – you don’t want to risk the health or life of your existing flock.  Quarantined birds should be kept at least 30-40 feet away from your old flock, and you should be careful not to carry pathogens yourself by sharing equipment between the flocks.  During the quarantine period carefully monitor the new chickens for signs of illness such as coughing, sneezing, discharge from eyes or nostrils, lameness, discolored wattles or combs, unusual droppings or lack of appetite.

When you are ready to begin the integration process, you don’t want to just throw the new chicken in the run and let them sort it out.  Use a wire dog crate to  allow the chickens to get used to each other without the risk of injury.   If you don’t have a large enough crate, try separating off a section of your run.  Click here to see how I built a mini coop for $2!  The first day, I like to have the dog crate just outside the run.  The old flock can see the new chicken, smell the new chicken, but she isn’t in their space yet so it’s not too big a deal.

 IMPORTANT – Don’t forget the food & water and don’t leave the new chicken(s) outside at night in the dog crate.  It doesn’t provide adequate predator protection, and the chicken will be very stressed out left in the open after dark.  At night, either move the new chicken back to the secured quarantine area, or section off part of the coop where they can sleep (and don’t forget to provide food & water!).  We like to block off a nest box with wire for the new chicken to sleep in.

On the second day, move the crate into the run.  Give everyone lots of treats!  Have some of your flock’s favorites on hand and pass out the treats often, helping them interact and get used to each other.

For the next few days, continue keeping the new chicken in the crate in the run during the day, and secured at night.  After a few days, try letting the flock all out together to free range.  Free ranging in the yard gives the newbies space to run away if needed and is a more neutral ground than the coop & run.

After 7-10 days it’s time to mix your new chicken in with the flock!  The best way to do this is to wait until dark when everyone is roosting, quiet and calm.  Take the new chicken and put her on the roosts with the old chickens.  Set your alarm for sunrise the next morning – you don’t want to sleep in and leave the new chicken with no where to escape locked in the coop!  Let the chickens out in the run together as early as possible that day.  Check on them several times per day for the next week or so.  Make sure everyone finds their way into the coop at night, some chickens may need you to pick them up and put them to “bed” for a few days while they get the hang of flock life.

Some bullying is to be expected but keep on eye out for injuries.  A quick peck or swipe is normal, as is chasing the new bird away.  If any of the chickens are injured or bleeding, remove them from the flock right away until they are healthy again.  If there is one chicken in particular (usually the top hen) who is relentlessly picking on others, take that chicken and put HER in the wire crate in the run.  Sometimes a “time out” is needed until she can be nice to her friends!  Make sure the new chicken is getting adequate water & food, and that the older flock members aren’t keeping them away from it.

Before you know it, the flock will be one and everyone will be happily scratching about the run again!

How long does it take for chickens to accept new chickens?

It can take quite a long time – up to 3 weeks for new chickens to get to like each other. Be patient. There will be pecking orders established so some pecking is okay. Just watch to make sure they aren't fighting for more than 20-30 seconds, drawing blood.

How do I get my chickens to accept new chickens?

Be sure there is plenty of space to prevent overcrowding. One way to help both groups acclimate to each other is to place the two groups in side-by-side runs. Placing the two groups next to one another for one week can help the birds form bonds before being housed together.

Can I mix chickens of different ages?

It's completely possible to combine multiple age groups of chickens into one space. Ideally, you can keep them separate until they're full-grown, but not everyone has that much room.


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