Your skin isnt paper dont cut it lyrics

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Your skin isn't paper, don't cut it. Your face isn't a mask, don't cover it. Your size isn't a book, don't judge it. Your life isn't a film, don't end it. You are beautiful.

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by Yayyoung

on Play This When You Think Of Me (2022)

Your skin isn't paper don't cut it
Your size isn't a book so don't judge it
Your face ain't a mask so don't cover it
Your heart isn't not a door so don't lock it
Your skin isn't paper don't cut it
Your size isn't a book so don't judge it
Your face ain't a mask so don't cover it
Your heart isn't not a door so don't lock it
Your skin isn't paper don't cut it
Your size isn't a book so don't judge it
Your face ain't a mask so don't cover it
Your heart isn't not a door so don't lock it

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On T.L.C. by Yayyoung

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Your skin isn't paper don't cut it

Your size isn't a book so don't judge it

Your face ain't a mask so don't cover it

Your heart isn't a door so don't lock it

Your skin isn't paper don't cut it

Your size isn't a book so don't judge it

Your face ain't a mask so don't cover it

Your heart isn't a door so don't lock it

Your skin isn't paper don't cut it

Your size isn't a book so don't judge it

Your face ain't a mask so don't cover it

Your heart isn't a door so don't lock it

Submitted by

AM's_51693 on Sun, 07/06/2020 - 07:48


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