Regarding a contractual offer, silence by the offeree can be interpreted as acceptance when ______.

1.A ______ is a promise or set of promises for the breach of which the law gives aremedy or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes a duty.

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2.A(n) ______ consists of an offer and an acceptance.

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4.A(n) ______ is an indication of the willingness of the offeree to consent to theterms of the offer.

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5.______ is defined as the bargained-for exchange.

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6.A contract is a set of legally enforceable ______.

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7.Which of the following refers to the legal ability to enter into a bindingagreement?

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8.What are the two essential elements of an agreement?

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9.A lack of genuine ______ in a contract means the contract was not entered intofreely by one or more parties.

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10.A(n) ______ is an indication of the willingness of the offeror to enter into acontract.

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11.Which of the following are the sources of contract law?

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12.Who accepts the terms of an offer?

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13.A convenient way to research contract law is to reference ______.

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14.______ is what each party gets in exchange for his or her promise under acontract.

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15.The ______ is a statutory source of contract law in the United States applicableto transactions involving the sale of goods.

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16.Contractual ______ refers to the legal ability to enter into a binding agreement.

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A, A Offeree, following types of contracts


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