The room temperature is 25 degree Celsius what is the corresponding temperature on the kelvin scale


Celsius and Kelvin are two scales used to measure temperature. Both follow the same unit difference between each scale but with different starting points.

Relationship between Celsius and Kelvin

The relation between Celsius and Kelvin is

Temperature in Kelvin = Temperature in oC + 273


Temperature in oC = Temperature in Kelvin – 273

Difference between Kelvin and Celsius

The same magnitude for degrees Celsius (° C) and kelvins (K).

  • The only difference between the scales is their point of departure: 0 K is absolute zero, while 0°C is the point of freezing.
  • By adding 273.15 one can convert degrees Celsius to kelvins; so the boiling point of water, 100°C, is 373.15 K.

The room temperature is 25 degree Celsius what is the corresponding temperature on the kelvin scale

Substitute the given value in the equation and then calculate the other unknown value.

a) 25° C

25° C = (25 + 273) K

= 298 K

b) 373° C

373° C = (373 + 273) K

= 646 K

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