What animal is Lennie compared to in Chapter 1

Animal Imagery: Lennie is compared to a bear and a horse. Lennie and George are described as opposites; Lennie is big and George is small, Lennie is the body and George is the brains. The mouse in Lennie’s pocket is foreshadowing. They leave Weed because Lennie grabbed a girl’s dress and she accused him of rape.

What animal does George Compare Lennie to in Chapter 2?

His arms did not swing at his sides, but hung loosely. Lennie is described as a bear. He moves like a bear, his shape is like a bear, and even his hand are paws. Later on when there is an altercation between the two men, Lennie says that he will go off into a cave if George wants him to do so.

What animal does George say Lennie can have?

As they get ready to eat and sleep for the night, Lennie asks George to repeat their dream of having their own ranch where Lennie will be able to tend rabbits.

In Of Mice and Men George is not compared to any animals. Steinbeck uses animal imagery to compare Lennie to a horse, a bear and a terrier.

How are animals presented in Of Mice and Men?

Animal imagery is vital in the characterisation of Lennie and he is often described as being like a “bear”. The most meaningful animal images are those which are repeated. Lennie is connected to mice and rabbits, innocent yet furtive creatures, soft and defenseless but wily and invasive as well.

What animals does Lennie like to pet?

Lennie is not only described as a person who likes animals (like rabbits, mice and puppies). He is also characterized as being animalistic (or animal-like).

What animals did George and Lennie want on their farm?

Before sleeping, George describes their dream to Lennie; they want to buy their own small farm where they will grow their own food, rear animals and keep rabbits for Lennie to look after.

What does George do while talking to Lennie?

He tells Lennie about the rabbits, and promises that nobody will ever be mean to him again. “Le’s do it now,” Lennie says. “Le’s get that place now.” George agrees. He raises Carlson’s gun, which he has removed from his jacket, and shoots Lennie in the back of the head.

Why does Lennie seem to like animals like mice and rabbits?

Literally, the reason that Lennie likes these kinds of small animals is that he likes to pet them. He is so obsessed with little things that he can pet that he seems like a child.


Animal and Human Nature in Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men... - 1871 Words Essay


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Lennie is described as a bear. He moves like a bear, his shape is like a bear, and even his hand are paws. Later on when there is an altercation between the two men, Lennie says that he will go off into a cave if George wants him to do so.

What is Lennie described as in Chapter 1?

Lennie is described as being George’s ‘opposite’ – ‘a huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws’.

What animals were Lennie compared to?

Animal Imagery: Lennie is compared to a bear and a horse.

How is George and Lennie described Chapter 1?

The first, George, is small, wiry, and sharp-featured, while his companion, Lennie, is large and awkward. They are both dressed in denim, farmhand attire. As they reach a clearing, Lennie stops to drink from the river, and George warns him not to drink too much or he will get sick, as he did the night before.

Why does Steinbeck describe Lennie in animalistic terms what animals is Lennie compared to in this chapter explain why Steinbeck might have made that choice?

Elaborate. Steinbeck uses animal imagery to describe Lennie because he is often portrayed as being very strong physically like most animals, but mentally is disable which leads him to being unaware of his surroundings. The way he walks is similar to an animal and he is obedient and loyal to George.

How is Lennie compared to a terrier?

A little later in chapter one, Lennie is also compared to a dog. Like a dog he is usually obedient to whatever George wants: Slowly, like a terrier who doesn’t want to bring a ball to its master, Lennie approached, drew back, approached again.

Why is George worried about Lennie chapter1?

As will be discovered later, George mistakenly believes that he can protect Lennie from himself because Lennie will do anything George says. But Lennie’s strength, his size, his mental handicap, and his fondness for soft things conspire against them.

How does Steinbeck convey Lennie’s animal-like qualities in Chapter 1?

How does Steinbeck convey Lennie’s animal-like qualities? Lennie gulps water like a horse. His hand is like a paw. He uses his hands to eat and drink.

How are George and Lennie described in the book?

In Chapter One, when George and Lennie first appear, George is described as small and alert, while his companion is described as large and lumbering, “dragging his feet a little the way a bear drags its paws.”

What kind of animal is Lennie from mice and men?

Lennie is often compared to a bear with his huge size and strength. His hands are described as paws, and he is always associated with rabbits and mice. He snorts like a horse at the stream and circles like a terrier when he does not want to bring the dead mouse to George. These animal images lead careful readers to question Lennie’s future.

How are George and Lennie described in Animal Farm?

Poverty has reduced them to animals – Lennie a ponderous, powerful, imbecilic bear; George a quiet, scheming, scrappy rodent of a man. Notice how frequently the two men, particularly Lennie, are described in animal similes: Lennie drags his feet “the way a bear drags his paws” (2) and drinks from the pool “like a horse” (3).

What was the relationship between George and Lennie in the grapes of Wrath?

In their descriptions and interactions, Steinbeck shows the men’s relationship: George takes care of Lennie, who is childlike and mentally handicapped, constantly giving him advice and instructions: Don’t say anything tomorrow when we get to the ranch; come back here if there is any trouble;










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