What are the 5 definition of management?

At the beginning of this website is created, I have discussed vividly what is management (read: the notion of management ). Well, in this article I want to discuss about the definition of management according to experts. But this article is excerpted / written based on many sources, so the rocket management can not guarantee that this definition is 100% correct according to the experts. But, we are trying to at least approach the statements of experts although not identical but essentially the same.
cara membuat instagram Immediately berikuti ni 20 definition of management from the experts: Management by Koontz and Cyril O'Donnell, Management is an attempt to achieve / reach certain goals through activities / efforts of others. Management by R.Terry Management is a unique and distinctive process consisting of actions of planning, organizing, and mobilization and controlling performed to determine the direction and achieve predetermined objectives through the use of human resources and other resources. Management by Lawrence A.Appley Management is the art of achieving certain goals remedy made ​​by others / the efforts of others. definition Management People Medium Management Meeting (Image: Google) Management by Drs / Oey Liang Lee Management is the art and science of planning, organizing, directing, penyuuan and oversight of HR in order to achieve certain goals that have been determined. Management by James AFStoner Management is a process of planning, organizing, leadership, and control the efforts of members of the organization as well as the use of resources available in the organization to achieve a goal that has been set the previous organization. Management by Mary Parker Follett Management is an art, because to do / finish certain work done by others requires certain skills. Management by Hilman Management is a function to achieve a goal through the intermediary activities of others and oversee the efforts of each individual in order to achieve the same goal. Management according Encyclopeia of The Social Science: Management is a process of implementation to achieve certain goals implemented and supervised. Management by GR Terry

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Management is a framework / process that requires the direction and guidance of a group of people to achieve organizational goals tangible. Management by Ricky W. Griffin Management is the process of planning / planning, organizing, pengkoordinasisasian, as well as controlling any existing resources in order to achieve the goal or goals that have been set effectively and efficiently. Effective means of objectives can be achieved in accordance with the existing plan, and efficient means terorganisis implemented correctly and in accordance with a predetermined schedule. Management according to Henry Fayol Management is a science that implies the idea / ideas are 5 main function of designing, ordering, organizing, controlling and mengoordinasasi. I think management Chaster Bernard Management is an art and a science. Management by Federick Winslow Taylor Management is an experiment conducted in earnest in order to deal with any issues that arise in any leadership of the company / other organization / every system of cooperation that is conducted every human being with the attitude and the soul of a scholar as well as the use of tools of formulation. Management by Lyndak F.Urwick Management is predicting / forecasting, planning organizing / planning orga-nizing, ordering / commanding, coordinating / coordinationg and level controlled / controlling. Management by Prof. Eiji Ogawa Management is planning, implementation and control of all activities including the manufacture of goods made ​​by every business organization with previously set individual goals / objectives for enhanced working in accordance with the conditions (flexible). Management by Dr. Ahuja Management is the parties who offer / provide services related to the field of management. Management according to Renville Siagian Management is one line of business engaged in the services managed by experts who are trained and experienced. Management by Dr. Bennett NB Silalahi, MA Management is a science of behavior that consist of social aspects inexact not dai responsibility of safety and occupational health both in terms perencaannya. Management by William H.Newman

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The management function is interconnected to achieve specific results through others. Management by Drs. Oey Management is planning / planning, organizing / organizing, directing, coordinating and level controlled.

It had been a variety of definitions of management according to the expert . Although it is not 100% true and accurate, but I am trying to present it in a style of my own language without changing the meaning / purpose / goal of each expert to give a definition to management. Hopefully this article useful to you. Thanks.

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Management defined as all the activities and tasks undertaken for archiving goals by continuous activities like; planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

Management is a process of planning, decision making, organizing, leading, motivation and controlling the human resources, financial, physical, and information resources of an organization to reach its goals efficiently and effectively.

Threefold Concept of Management

To understand the definition of management and its nature, a threefold concept of management for emplacing a broader scope for the viewpoint of management.

We can say management is a;

Management is an Economic Factor

For an economist, management is one of the factors of production together with land, labor, and capital.

As the industrialization of a nation increases, the need for management becomes greater.

The managerial resources of a firm determine, in large measure, its productivity and profitability. Executive development, therefore, is more important for those firms in a dynamic industry in which progress is rapid.

Management is a System of Authority

From an administrator’s point of view, management is a system of authority. Historically, management first developed an authoritarian philosophy.

Later on, it turned paternalistic.

Still, later, constitutional management emerged, characterized by a concern for consistent policies and procedures for dealing with the working group.

Finally, the trend of management turned towards a democratic and participatory approach.

Modern management is nothing but a synthesis of these four approaches to authority.

Management is a Class and Status System

As viewed by a sociologist, management is a class-and-status system.

The increase in the complexity of relationships in modern society demands that managers become elite of brain and education.

Entry into this class of executives is being more and more dependent on excellence in education and knowledge rather than family or political connections.

Some scholars view this development as a “Managerial Revolution”.

But you might have a different point of view about management but the purpose of it remains static; reach the goal effectively and efficiently.

It is a set of activates directed at an organization’s resources to achieve organizational goals efficiently and effectively.

The basic managerial functions or activities are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

These activities are undertaken by the managers to combine all resources (human, financial, physical, information) efficiently and effectively to work toward achieving the goals of the organization.

So, we can say that the nature of management is;

  • Management as a systematic process of planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. As managers, people carry out the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling.
  • The concepts and activities of management apply to all levels of management, as well as to all types of organizations and activities managed.
  • The aim of all managers is universal: to create a surplus.
  • Management identifies a special group of people whose job is to direct the effort and activities of other people towards common objectives.
  • Management is concerned with productivity, thereby implying efficiency and effectiveness. Factors of production of an organization such as labor, capital, land, equipment, etc. are used efficiently and effectively prepared through management for achieving organizational goals.
  • Management has to pay attention to fulfilling the objectives of the interested parties.
  • Management is the art and science of getting work done by other peoples.
  • “Maximum results with the minimum of efforts” is the motto of management of any organization.

Management as a concept has broadened in scope with the introduction of new perspectives by different fields of study, such as economics, sociology, psychology and the like.

Features of Management

Management is the process of setting and reaching goals effectively and efficiently. Management process has some qualities or features;

  1. Management is Associated with Group Efforts
  2. Management is Purposeful
  3. Management is Accomplished Through the Efforts of Others
  4. Management is Goal-oriented
  5. Management is Indispensable
  6. Management is Intangible
  7. Management can Ensure Better Life

Management is Associated with Group Efforts

It is usual to associate management with a group.

Although people as individuals manage many personal affairs, the group emphasis on management is universal.

Every enterprise entails the existence of a group to achieve goals. It is now established that goals are achieved more readily by a group than by any one person alone.

Management is Purposeful

Wherever there is management, there is a purpose. Management deals with the achievement of something definite expressed as a goal or objective.

Management success is commonly measured by the extent to which objectives are achieved. Management exists because it is an effective means of getting the necessary work accomplished.

Management is Accomplished Through the Efforts of Others

Management is sometimes defined as “getting things done through others’ efforts.”

Besides the manager of a firm, there may be accountants, engineers, system analysts, salesmen and a host of other employees working but it is the manager’s job to integrate all their activities.

Thus it can well be said that participation in management necessitates relinquishing the normal tendency to perform all things oneself and getting tasks accomplished through group efforts.

Management is Goal-oriented

Managers focus their attention and efforts on bringing about successful action. Successful managers have an urge for accomplishment.

They know when and where to start, what to do with keeping things moving, and how to follow a goal-oriented approach.

Management is Indispensable

Management can neither be replaced nor substituted by anything else.

Even the computer which is the wonderful invention of the twentieth century can only aid but not replace management.

We know that the computer is an extremely powerful tool for management.

It can widen a manager’s vision and sharpen his insight by supplying more and faster information for making key decisions.

The computer has enabled the manager to conduct analysis far beyond the normal analytical capacities of man.

But what happens, in reality, is that the computer can neither work by itself nor can it pass any judgment.

The manager plays his/her role by providing judgment and imagination as well as interpreting and evaluating what the information/data mean in each case.

Management is Intangible

Management is often called the unseen force; its presence is evidenced by the results of its efforts – motivation among employees, discipline in the group, high productivity, adequate surplus, etc.

Conversely, the identity of management may also be felt by its absence or by the presence of its direct opposite mismanagement. The consequence of mismanagement is anybody’s guess.

Management can Ensure Better Life

A manager can do much to improve the work environment, stimulate people to perform better, achieve progress, bring hope and accomplish better things in life.

The study of management has evolved into more than just the use of means to achieve ends; today it includes moral and ethical questions concerning the selection of the right ends towards which managers should strive.

Management is the science and art of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives by coordinating and integrating all available resources efficiently and effectively.

Let’s understand the management definition and it’s basics in this infographic


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