What are the main reasons for the regulations?

Amir Ghandar | September 11, 2015 | 1

Available Languages: English | Russian

Regulation has become immensely complex and is impacting organizations’ opportunities to grow and innovate, according to the Global Regulation Survey, an IFAC survey of 313 accounting, finance, and business professionals on six continents.

As our CEO, Fayez Choudhury, put it, “Good regulation is essential to the fairness, efficiency, and effectiveness of economies, and making it work as well as it can is a never-ending mission. Growth remains a concern globally, and these results should be a wakeup call for us to examine the impact of regulation, including the regulation and reform introduced in response to the global financial crisis.

Survey respondents had a lot to say about regulation, business, growth, and opportunity.

1. Growth and innovation

Approximately two-thirds of respondents said regulation is having a significant or very significant impact on their organizations’ opportunities to grow and innovate.


2. Complexity and risk

Approximately four in five respondents reported that the regulation impacting their organizations is complex or very complex.

3. Consistency and collaboration

Almost half of respondents reported that collaboration between regulators is ineffective, and a third said they found the approach to regulation inconsistent or very inconsistent across different regions.

4. Looking ahead

Four in five respondents expect the impact of regulation will continue to become more or much more significant in the next five years.

Next steps

Again, our CEO said it best: “There are urgent questions surrounding regulation’s impact on growth and innovation, as well as how its complexity is affecting the agility needed to face emerging risks and, potentially, the next financial crisis. IFAC aims to collaborate with policy makers, regulators, and the organizations impacted to examine these questions and probe the impacts as a major priority.”

IFAC plans to publish an issues paper later this year elaborating on principles of good regulation and the current state of post-crisis reforms, to be discussed and debated at high-level roundtables.



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