What are the major contribution of behavioral science to the study of organizational behavior?

Organizational behavior (OB) is characterized by being a multidisciplinary discipline in nature as so OB is contributed by various disciplines.

These disciplines have developed and made organizational behavior a strong separate field of study with its own applications to use. As the complexities are increasing, OB has faced many complexities and assumed to use ideas of some disciplines that led it to bring success in the organizational functions.

The major contributing disciplines to the field of organizational behavior are:

  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Social Psychology
  • Anthropology
  • Political Science
  • Economics
  • Medicine

Here, we will discuss all these disciplines and how they have contributed to organizational behavior to be a better discipline.


Psychology is the behavioral science that studies human behavior (+animals) and mental processes. It is the science of humans. It is the best tool to understand why people think, what they think, and how they think.

Psychology helps to know why people think and behave the way they do. Its major seven perspectives – cognitive, behavioral, psychodynamic, humanistic, biological, socio-cultural, and evolutionary are what let us understand human behavior in a better way.

Psychology has contributed many important concepts to OB, such as:

  • Motivation
  • Learning
  • Perception
  • Personality
  • Emotion
  • Training
  • Employee Selection
  • Attitude
  • Work Design
  • Job Stress, etc.

Since organizational behavior is also a behavioral approach the above contributions of psychology have made better use in organizational settings. Such as motivation, is the influencer of employees when motivation is seen in employees the organizational performance seems to be positively boosted, and learning on the job further enhances the skills of employees, and so forth.


Sociology is the study of human behavior in a social setting consisting of human interaction, social ties, growth of society, structure, and regulations. Sociology believes humans are social beings, they are in groups.

Sociologists study humans in group behavior. After psychology, sociology is one of the most important contributing disciplines to the field of organizational behavior.

The major contributions areas of sociology are group dynamics, status, culture, status, power, communication, socialization, organizational change, and technology. Sociologists view an organization as a system consisting of a variety of people having different roles, statuses, power, and authorities.

A manager should use the concept of sociology to understand a group’s behavior at both group and organizational levels and take appropriate managerial actions.

Social Psychology

Social psychology is the combination of both psychology and sociology. It studies the social behavior and thought of people plus how people think, feel, process, and act. It explains the interaction, interdependence, and influence of people among one another.

It studies the behavior of people at the group level. One of the main contributions of social psychology to the OB is how to predict, manage, and change the behavior of humans in organizational settings.

Social psychologists study various areas combining both sociology and psychology but the most important for organizational behavior are the concept of behavioral change, attitude change, communication, group process, and group decision making.


Anthropology is the science of humans. It studies the evolution or development stages of human beings consisting of human nature, different societies, and how different cultures are developed.

It also studies how humans interacted with their environment, how they are now, and how in the future and how humans are civilized.

It helps to understand the society of humans and their activities. Its major contributions include comparative values, attitude, analysis, and norms and it helps to understand cultural factors in organizational settings such as organizational culture, environment, power, and so on.

Political Science

Political science deals with politics and its practices in different scenarios. It mainly concerns the allocation of power, conflict resolution, group coalition, and how to manipulate power for individual self-interest.

Its concerns in OB mainly deal with the allocation of power to the employees, manipulation, and controlling of conflicts in the organization.

Today, organizations are also regarded as a political system. Thus, a manager should understand the structure of politics and how it works.

The study of politics helps managers to understand the dynamics of power and politics and help apply them in the organizational settings in a proper way.


Medicine is the branch of health science that deals with the identification and treatment of diseases to improve the health of people. It treats both physical and psychological diseases of people.

While treating people it observes their behavior of people and tries to find out the causes. Some causes are related to the body and some are mental.

In organizational settings, employees also suffer from psychological diseases, and applications of medical science help managers organize different wellness programs so that employees’ health will be improved and they are ready again to work.


The science of economics is related to the cost. It is the study of how to minimize cost, how to best use scarce resources, and achieve more from less.

To run the daily operations of the organization there is a need for money. The study of economics helps managers to best use the organization’s limited resources. And, economic factors such as labor market dynamics, wages, demand-supply, cost of production, etc. also influence organizational behavior.

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OB is an applied behavioral science built on contributions from a number of behavioral disciplines, mainly psychology and social psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Psychology’s contributions have been principally at the individual or micro-level of analysis, while the other disciplines have contributed to our understanding of macro concepts such as group processes and organization. Exhibit 1-1 is an overview of the major contributions to the study of OB.

Toward an OB Discipline

Figure 1-1 Full Alternative Text

Psychology seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the ...

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Behavioral Science Theory combines elements of psychology, sociology, and anthropology to provide a scientific basis for understanding employee behavior. It examines why employees are motivated by specific factors, such as social needs, conflicts, and self-actualization. It recognizes individuality and the need for managers to be sociable. 

The behavioral approach is unique from the human relations theory in that it emphasizes leadership as a determining factor in management success. 

It presents an increased focus on group relationships and group behavior in organizational effectiveness. 

The objective of behavioral science is the ability to predict future employee behaviors. 

The main propositions of the behavioral science approach can be summarized as under.

  • An organization is a socio-technical system
  • The interpersonal or group behavior of people in the organization is influenced by a wide range of factors.
  • The goals of the organization are to be harmonized with an understanding of the human needs
  • Multitude of attitudes, perceptions, and values are prevalent amongst employees and these characterize their behavior and influence their performance
  • As a result, some degree of conflict is inevitable in the organization and not necessarily undesirable.


Who are the primary contributors to the Behavioral Science Theory of Management? 

As previously discussed, the early contributors to Behavioral Theory in the area of human relations were Professor Elton Mayo and Professor Mary Parker Follet. 

Building upon the work of these scholars, several sociologists and psychologists contributed early on to the development of behavioral science approach to Behavior Management Theory. 

Motivation Theory

Contributors and theories in the area of Motivation or motivating worker productivity include:

  • Need Hierarchy Theory - Abraham Maslow, an eminent U.S. psychologist, gave a general theory of motivation known as Need Hierarchy Theory in his paper published in 1943. Maslow made assumptions that people need to satisfy each level of need, before elevating their needs to the next higher level e.g. a hungry person's need is dominated by a need to eat (i.e survival), but not to be loved, until he/she is no longer hungry. The level of needs include Physiological, Safety, Social, Ego or Self Esteem, Self-Fulfillment or Self-Actualization.
  • Theory X & Y - Douglas McGregor was a social psychologist. Theory X, the employee is lazy and avoids responsibility. These employees need coercion and control. This type of person is the rational economic man. Theory Y, the employee likes working, accepts or seeks responsibility. These employees need space to develop imagination and ingenuity. This type of person is the self-actualizing man. This approach identifies just two extreme types of employee; but, it laid the groundwork for how management deals with employee motivation based upon personality type.
  • Two-Factor Theory - Frederic Herzberg found that from his research, in workplace there actually two factors that influence motivation - Motivators and Hygiene. Motivators include: Achievement, Recognition, Nature of the Work, Responsibility, Advancement. Hygiene includes: Company Policy and Recognition, Supervision of Technical work, Compensation, Interpersonal Relations - Supervision, Working Conditions. While motivators promote employee satisfaction, hygiene prevents dissatisfaction. This work provided an additional framework for how individual relationships and environmental factors contribute to employee motivation.
  • Hugo Munsterberg - Munstberg's work gave rise to the modern understanding of industrial psychology. His work dealt with many topics including hiring workers who had personalities and mental abilities best suited to certain types of vocations as the best way to increase motivation, performance, and retention, methods of increasing work efficiency, and marketing and advertising techniques. Mnsterberg focused upon selecting the person with the correct skillset with the correct position to maximize their productivity, and to select those that have "fit personalities and reject the unfit ones." He used psychological tests that limit subjectivity that is possible through more traditional techniques of introspection instead of using measurements of one's personality, intelligence, and other inherent personality traits to try to find the best possible job for every individual. Mnsterberg also explored under what psychological conditions that an employer can secure the most and highest quality output of work from every employee by looking at the effects of changing the workspace environment, what can possibly affect workers production, problems of monotony in the factory and other vocations that involve tedious repetitive tasks and how to avoid these situations, studied attention and fatigue in the workplace, and the Physical and social influences on the working power.

Management Style

A contributor and theorist in the area of Management Style includes:

  • Likert's System 1-4T- System 1-4T alternatively known as likert system analysis. The organizational dimensions Likert addresses in his framework seven variable: motivation, communication, interaction, decision making, goal setting, control, and performance. He categorized management styles as follows:
    • Exploitative - This is a highly task-oriented management style. It is authoritative where power and direction come from the top downwards. Managers employ threats and punishment. Communication is generally poor and teamwork is rare. Individual productivity is generally low to medium. This environment is best for the Rational Economic Man.
    • Benevolent - authoritative is similar to the above but allows some upward opportunities for consultation and some delegation. Rewards may be available as well as threats. Productivity is typically fair to good but at the cost of considerable absenteeism and turnover. This environment is best for a weaker version of the Rational Economic Man.
    • Consultative - where goals are set or orders issued after discussion with subordinates, where communication is upwards and downwards and where teamwork is encouraged, at least partially. Some involvement of employees as a motivator. This environment is best for the Social Man.
    • Participative - This is a more group-oriented management style. The main aspect is group participation. The result is an increased commitment to the organizations goals. Communication flows more readily up and down the organization. Productivity tends to be higher with lower employee turnover. This environment is best for the Self-Actualizing Man.

Organizational Nature

A contributor and theorist in the area of the Nature of the Organization includes:

  • Chris Argyris - Chris Argyris' early research explored the impact of formal organizational structures, control systems and management on individuals and how they responded and adapted to them.

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