What are the most difficult languages to learn

(For an English speaker!)

A lot of people struggle to learn English… it is a strange language made up of many parts. But what many people don’t really talk about is how much English speakers struggle to learn other languages. So, we did a bit of research and now present to you, the Top Ten hardest languages for English speakers to learn!

1. Mandarin
Right at the top is the most spoken language in the world: Mandarin. This is a tonal language which, for an English speaker, in extremely difficult to master. It is also full of idioms, aphorisms and homophones making it very hard to learn without learning some of the culture as well. And then of course, it has its own alphabet on top of that!

2. Arabic
Number two, Arabic, challenges English speakers because most letters are written in 4 different forms depending on where they’re placed in a word. Further, vowels are not included when writing. But it’s not just the writing, it’s also about WHICH Arabic you are learning. There as many different dialects as countries that speak Arabic making it very hard to master overall.

3. Japanese
While Japanese is apparently easier to learn to speak than Mandarin, it has 3 independent writing systems: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Each has its own alphabet and thousands of characters have to be learned before being able to write in Japanese

4. Hungarian
Basically, Hungarian grammar is what kills English speakers. It has 26 different cases. Suffixes dictate tense and possession instead of the word order, which is how most European languages tackle the problem. In addition, like Japanese, there are also important cultural overtones which can make it really, really difficult to learn in isolation.

5. Korean
Korean is a strange language in that it does not appear to be related to any other language in any way. It has a unique word order, complex grammar, its own alphabet and many more challenges. Basically, it’s like no other language you may have learned.

6. Finnish
Finish may look and sound a bit similar to English, its complexity is more like that of Hungarian. In addition, there is what you might call classical or old fashioned Finnish and then the way that contemporary Finns express themselves… and they are very different. Prepare yourself for a grammar labyrinth!

7. Basque
Basque is another language that bears no resemblance to other languages around it. It has borrowed some vocabulary from the romance languages though, so it’s not as hard as Korean. The way Basque is written and spoken though is distinct from any other language. Oh, and there are at least 5 distinct dialects just to add to the degree of difficulty.

8. Navajo
From North America, Navajo is a verb-centred language. This means that descriptions are given through verbs, in addition, most English adjectives have no direct translation into Navajo. It also sounds very different and in fact there are a number of sounds in the language that just do not appear in English at all… making pronunciation especially difficult.

9. Icelandic
Icelandic is nowhere near as difficult as some of the languages on this list. BUT the fact that it is spoken by less than 400,000 people on one island and is largely unchanged since Iceland was settled in the ninth and tenth centuries mean that is also pretty complex and idiosyncratic. Iceland is one of those countries who make up new words for newly invented objects instead of adopting an English or French one. Basically, you really have to be there to learn it well.

10. Polish
Number ten on the list, Polish is hardly simple. It has 7 cases after all! But at least it uses a familiar alphabet and in fact has LESS sounds in it, particularly for vowels, than English does.

If you have an eagle eye, you will have spotted what each of these languages has in common: There is no Germanic language root to any of them. This mean they are simply not connected to English or its root and history at all and this is what makes learning them so hard.

TalenInstituut Language Learning Tip:
Try and bear I mind that, as an adult, learning a new language is always hard and requires serious time, goal-setting and follow through. These above are extreme examples that are not often learned outside of their home countries, but these 3 principles apply no matter what language you want or need to learn.

Here at TalenInstituut Nederland (The Dutch Language Institute) we understand the needs that companies face as well as the fears individual learners feel. This is why we offer flexible, fully customised Business language courses to businesses and individuals. Through a process of interviews and meetings we establish the unique needs and competence of our clients and design each and every course around those. To find out more about our Business Language courses, visit our website and ask us for a quote: www.taleninstituut.nl.

© Taleninstituut Nederland

By: David Chislett
Trainer Business English


If you think picking up a little French or Spanish in your spare time is difficult, then you should know the kind of work you're getting into learning some other languages from around the world. Serious about learning Hungarian? Or Navajo? Or Thai, which contains an alphabet comprised of a staggering 44 consonants and 32 different vowels? Then you better be ready to study. To help you understand what you're getting into, we've compiled this list of the hardest languages to learn. And for the English words you're still getting wrong, check out The 14 Hardest Words to Pronounce in the English Language.


To learn Arabic, you have to learn a new alphabet, and get used to reading from right to left. A lot of the sounds in the language are difficult for English speakers to master, and the grammar is packed with irregular verbs. Even if you manage to overcome all of that, it is also a language with many, many dialects that vary widely. So, you might be able to get by in Jordan, but have a hard time in Kuwait.

For English terms you need to finally perfect, here are 23 Words You Need to Stop Mispronouncing.


Russian is rated a two of three in difficulty by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), which ranks languages based on how long it would take the average native English speaker to learn it, so it's not as difficult as some of the other languages on this list. However, there are some definite roadblocks to becoming fluent in Russian, among them being that spelling isn't always straightforward, it's full of vowel sounds unfamiliar to the average English speaker, and it requires learning an entirely new alphabet to master.

Shutterstock/Eiko Tsuchiya

In terms of learning to read, Korean has a relatively straightforward alphabet that doesn't take too long to learn, unlike the characters used in Chinese and Japanese writing systems, so you can start sounding out words pretty quickly. But being able to speak is a completely different can of worms, thanks to grammar that is totally different from English and pronunciation that is laden with difficult-to-master rules.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb

And for words you should cut out of your vocabulary right this second, check out Stop Using These Phrases to Sound Instantly Smarter.


Navajo is hard enough to figure out that code talkers in World War II used the language to develop a code for communicating that the Germans wouldn't be able to track.


Finnish has a reputation for being a tricky language to learn, and with good reason. Nouns have 15 different cases, while in English, they have only three: subjective, objective, possessive. The language is in the Finno-Urgic language family, so it doesn't have any Latin or German influence to help you guess what something means.

The one thing that does make it a little easier is that it is written the way it sounds in the same alphabet as English. In theory, pronunciation is also fairly straightforward, but it can be easy to get hung up on long vowel and consonant sounds.

And for some useful wisdom from a "dead" language, here are 40 Latin Phrases So Genius You'll Sound Like a Master Orator.


Unusual grammar, difficult pronunciation, and six different tones make Vietnamese a challenge for English speakers. So, how long does it take to master it?

Expect to spend around 1,100 hours in class to attain speaking and reading proficiency, according to the FSI.

Shutterstock/Leah-Anne Thompson

The trickiest part of Mongolian is the pronunciation. Once you've got that down, the grammar is not so hard, as long as you know Finnish. And the alphabet's a breeze, assuming you can read Russian. If you don't meet those two criteria, though, it is a very challenging language to master.

For English sayings you didn't realize were offensive, check out 7 Common Phrases That You Didn't Know Have Racist Origins.

Shutterstock/Jorn Pilon

Hungarian is a member of the same small language family as Finnish, so the average English speaker won't be finding much familiarity in its vocabulary. It also has 18 cases and 14 vowels, which makes saying things right particularly difficult.

The language also relies more heavily on idioms than other languages, so if you dropped out of the sky with a few select phrases under your belt, you might feel like everyone is speaking in inside jokes or a secret code.


It isn't the grammar that will bog you down when you're trying to learn Thai, it's the writing and the pronunciation, which has five different tones and long and short vowel sounds. The alphabet has a staggering 44 consonants and 32 vowels.

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Shutterstock/Menno Schaefer

With four cases and three genders assigned to their words, as well as many letters unfamiliar to English speakers, Icelandic is no walk in the park to learn. Words can also be very long, and deciphering how to pronounce them can defy intuition. It's frequently listed as one of the more difficult languages to learn for English speakers.

Shutterstock/Julia Kuznetsova

Estonian is packed with a whopping 14 noun cases. In addition to that, consonants and vowels have three distinct lengths: short, long, and overly long. But the fun doesn't stop there. The grammar is also loaded with exceptions that require a ton of practice.


Georgian has its own writing system that no other language uses. And a lot of the letters look surprisingly similar. For example, ვ, კ, პ, ჰ, ყ, ფ, გ, and ც are all different letters that you might have a hard time distinguishing between if you're new to the game. The pronunciation is also pretty challenging for native English speakers.


Declension in Czech is its own special nightmare, but you won't even need to worry about that until you get past the seemingly insurmountable hurdle that is pronouncing the words correctly. On the one hand, each letter only has one pronunciation ever. On the other hand, Čtvrtek means Thursday, and mastering the way each of those sounds works together is going to take you a while.

It's helpful if you speak another Slavic language, but otherwise, it's going to be a challenge.


Albanian's 36-letter alphabet should clue you in that attempting to master this language is going to be a wild ride. In addition, the grammar is filled with exceptions to the rule that you'll have to remember.

Shutterstock/lucky eyes

Turkish is an agglutinative language, which means, in crude terms, that complex words are formed by tacking stuff on without changing the previous stuff at all. It is pretty foreign to English speakers, but if you speak Japanese, Korean, or Finnish (which are all also on this list), you won't have such a hard time grasping it.

Shutterstock/1000 Words Photos

Compared to the Finno-Ugric languages on the list (Finnish, Hungarian, Estonian), the seven cases you have to contend with in Polish don't seem too intimidating. The pronunciation is what will get you. There are a lot of sounds that simply aren't present in the English language and require a lot of practice to master.


The most obvious impediment to learning Greek is the alphabet. The grammar can also be a little tricky, with some unusual conjugations, lots of rules, and gendered nouns. And pronunciation requires some practice because there are sounds that don't have an equivalent in English. There's a reason "it's Greek to me" is a common idiom for expressing confusion, after all.


Mandarin is one of the few languages ranked as the most difficult to learn for English speakers by the Foreign Service Institute. The alphabet is made of very elaborate characters; the language is tonal; there are lots of idioms, and the ability to speak the language doesn't help you read it. Knowing how to read it doesn't even particularly help learn how to write it. It's not for the faint of heart.


The first obstacle to learning Japanese is the writing system, which will provide you no clues unless you also speak Chinese. The grammar seems like it's very simple, but Japanese also uses particles, which are markers for parts of speech that do not have an English equivalent.

Shutterstock/Eiko Tsuchiya

The tones in Mandarin make it a challenge for English speakers, but Cantonese has twice as many tones as Mandarin—eight in total. Because of its pictorial writing system, you aren't going to be able to learn to read phonetically. In addition, because Mandarin is the simplified version of Cantonese and is widely used across mainland China, there simply aren't as many resources for learning Cantonese.


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