What are the odds of getting in a car crash

In 2017, a total of 6,452,000 car accidents took place on American roads. Of these collisions, 1,889,000 resulted in injuries, and 34,247 resulted in fatalities.

While fatalities caused by extravagant events such as a hurricane or an airplane crash may grab headlines, these stats just goes to show how dangerous driving a vehicle, something we do every day, can be.

Through this article, we’ll look at your chances of getting in a car crash vs. your chances of dying in a car crash. We’ll also examine how the odds of dying in a car crash stack up against other causes of death.

The odds of getting in a car accident

What is the chance of getting into a car accident? According to car insurance companies, the average driver will make an automobile collision claim once every 17.9 years. This means that if you start driving at 16 years of age, you’ll be involved with at least three collisions over your lifetime. 

The chances of a car accident occurring are the greatest with teen drivers. The combination of inexperience, high speeds, lack of seat belt use, and the use of alcohol all contribute to higher rates of collisions amongst teens. Young male teenagers aged 16-19 are especially prone to car accidents.

The chances of dying in a car crash

While the chance of a car accident is relatively high, the chances of dying in a car crash are thankfully, comparatively lower.

According to the National Safety Council, the chances of dying from a motor vehicle crash is 1 in 103.

What contributes to these motor vehicle fatalities? The leading factors contributing to car accident fatalities include:

Of all the states in the US, Mississippi has the highest number of fatalities per 100,000 population at 23.1. Other states that have high fatality rates include Wyoming, South Carolina, Alabama, New Mexico, and Montana.

Car crash deaths compared to other causes of death

The chances of being in a car crash and dying ranks among the top ten in the National Safety Council list. Five causes that have even higher odds include:

    1. Heart disease (1 in 6)
    2. Cancer (1 in 7)
    3. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease (1 in 27)
    4. Suicide (1 in 88)
    5. Opioid Overdose (1 in 96)
    6. Motor Vehicle Crash (1 in 103)

It doesn’t come too much of a surprise that health-related conditions rank high in causes of death. Based on the NSC list, here are the top causes of death that are not health-related:

    • Suicide (1 in 88)
    • Opioid overdose (1 in 96)
    • Motor Vehicle Crash (1 in 103)
    • Fall (1 in 114)
    • Gun Assault (1 in 285)
    • Pedestrian Incident (1 in 556)

Of course, generalizations over a segment of the population in America are made when calculating these odds. The odds of a car accident resulting in death are much higher if, for example, you sample only those who are drivers. The chances of dying further increases when you sample only drivers who drive daily.

Most common cause of death from car crashes

Factors that contribute to the cause of death from car crashes vary. The cause of death will depend on the nature of the accident, where the collision occurred, speed of the accident, etc.

Here are some of the most common cause of death from car crashes:

  • Speeding: Speeding-related accidents accounted for 26% of all motor vehicle crash deaths in America. Approximately half of those speed-related fatalities occurred on roads with a speed limit of 55 mph and less.
  • Seat-belt use: In 2018, there were 9,648 known fatalities where a seat-belt was not in use. We can’t say for sure whether the use of seat-belt would have definitively saved their lives, but it’s more than likely that number would be much lower, had seat-belts been used.
  • Head trauma: Upon impact, it’s not uncommon for drivers and passengers to hit their head on the steering wheel, window, or seats. Moreover, a sudden stop literally shakes the brain inside the skull, which can cause severe head trauma leading to death.
  • Thorax trauma: Chest trauma is another common cause of death from crashes. Blunt-force injuries to the chest area can be caused by your seat belt, dashboard, and airbag.

Other common car crash injuries

Not all car crashes are fatal. However, injuries can and do occur. Here are some of the most common car crash injuries:

  • Broken ribs: Since ribs are relatively fragile, they are susceptible to breaking even with light to moderate impact.
  • Soft-tissue injuries: Likely the most common type of injury in a car crash, soft-tissue involves the muscles, ligaments, or tendons. A whip-lash injury is a type of soft-tissue injury to your neck and upper back.
  • Arm or leg injuries: Your arms and legs are generally cramped in the car, with little space for movement. A collision can cause your arms and legs to smash into the dashboard or front seat, resulting in bruises, scrapes, sprains, and breaks.
  • Post-trauma stress disorder:  Not only can your physical health be affected by a car crash, but your mental health may be too.

Valiente Mott

With millions of drivers on American roads, the odds of being in a car crash at some point in time is relatively high.

The Las Vegas car accident attorney team at Valiente Mott is dedicated to helping personal injury victims recover from car crashes, defective products, catastrophic events, and more.

If you’ve sustained an injury in a collision, contact Valiente Mott today! We offer a free consultation, and you won’t need to pay unless we win your case.

At the end of this helpful article, I will include some unique bonus information for car accident victims, including car passengers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

I will also explain suffering individuals can receive a no-risk, free legal consultation with our premier car accident attorneys. You heard right. You’ll be able to contact and chat with an honest lawyer at no charge to see if our legal services are a fit for you or your affected family. Let’s begin.

Car Crash Fatalities?

While driving, motor vehicle accidents are the top activities leading to preventable deaths in the U.S.A. More than 32,000 American deaths occur yearly in America, seeing around 90 car accident fatalities each.

The government says that our chances of dying in a motor vehicle crash impact are more than twice the rate as other first-world, financially secure countries with similar road conditions.

As of 2019, the National Safety Council (NSC) calculates that in an American’s lifetime, the odds of dying in a car accident are 1 in 107. These odds were calculated using data from the National Center for Health

Statistics, the Vital Statistics Cooperative Program, and the U.S. Census Bureau provided mortality, population, and life expectancy statistics of the people killed.

Sometimes the car crash victim’s pain and suffering are so bad they lose patience and die after they commit suicide. Lives lost after a car crash are a big deal.

Common Causes of Fatalities Involving Vehicles

The following are some of the most common causes responsible for fatal car accidents:

  • Following too closely
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Speeding
  • Disregarding other traffic regulations
  • Using a cell phone while driving (considered distracted driving.)
  • Driving when tired or drowsy (reckless, impaired driving)
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (driving while intoxicated by cannabis, etc.)

Past Negligent Death Numbers

According to the CDC, 37,559 motor vehicle accidents were among the major causes of death in the United States in 2019. The death rate was 11.5 per 100,000 people. Speed played a major role, as higher impact speeds correlated with serious injuries leading to deaths.

In 2019, there were 173,040 accidental injury deaths in the United States. The overall accident fatality rate was 0.559 people per 100,000 population. Unintentional injuries from car accidents were the third most frequent cause of death in the United States in 2019.

Filing a wrongful death lawsuit isn’t always an option in many fatal accidents, as a fatal car accident often involves a hit-and-run driver. Often an undocumented alien with no valid liability insurance or not enough insurance coverage won’t pay your wrongful death claims.

Would you like to learn about bringing a wrongful death claim for a loved one’s death? Our law office offers all new car accident clients a free consultation. You may be entitled to substantial compensation for fatalities caused by a car wreck.

Car Accidents Causing Injuries?

Over two million people are hurt in a traffic accident every year. As noted above, Esurance, says your odds of getting involved in a car accident are one crash out of 366 for every 1,000 miles distance driven.

Some car crashes cause minimal damage with a slight chance of dying. But the probability of losing a close relative will depend on the circumstance of the individual case. (were they wearing their seatbelt or partially at fault?)

In most low-impact car crashes, not every person will need medical treatment. Some vehicle occupants will become inpatients, and some will need pain killers, placing them at risk of dying from an opioid overdose and long-term addiction.

A premier Southern California car accident lawyer can hold the at-fault parties liable in court or through a pre-litigation insurance settlement. Everything we do is in your best interest.

Your first step is to gather up your evidence and call us to discuss your traumatic experience.

Car Crashes and Emergency Room Treatment Data?

No reliable statistics exist on the number of people who receive minor injuries, not receiving care from a doctor or emergency room visit.

The car crash statistics we’re using are based on statewide averages. Even within our state, your chance of being injured in a collision will be determined by where you drive, as well as other variables like the weather and the condition of the roads.

In 2012, more than 2.5 million Americans visited an emergency department for automobile-related injuries, according to the CDC. Almost 200,000 of those car crash ER trips ended in hospital admissions.

A motor vehicle accident emergency room visit costs between $3,300 and $7,700. These injuries frequently require hospitalization, which costs an average of $57,000 before they are discharged home.

Motor Vehicle Injuries by Age

The government maintains statistics on the top ten reasons for visits to the emergency department that are not fatal or intentional. Accidental injuries, in other words, are not included in this count.

Injuries from automobile collisions rank number 7 among causes of ER visits for children born through age four. A car crash remains the seventh most common cause of ER visits for children.

Calculations are #5 on the list between 14 and 24. In their early to mid-twenties, car collisions are the third most common cause of ER visits. However, for those aged 25 to 34, automobile accidents are second only to unintentional falls as a source of ER visits.

Collisions for those between 35 and 40 are #5 on the list. Between 45 and 64, accidents are to blame, with #6 being the lowest rated. For individuals aged 65 and older, incidents rise again to fourth among all age groups. Car accident collisions are the third most common cause of non-fatal unintended injuries.

Making you and your family safer after a high-speed or low-speed crash is what we do. You only have a limited time to seek compensation by filing a lawsuit or insurance damages claim. If you miss the statutory deadline, you will waive the right to pursue compensation for your total losses.

Schedule a Free Consultation To Even The Odds After a Car Accident

Our experienced, compassionate advocates are in the business of helping eligible car crash victims. We offer a free consultation for case validation purposes. A personal injury attorney from our office can explain your legal rights.

Get in touch with our law offices today. Let’s work together and discuss forming a hopeful attorney-client relationship at any one of our convenient, statewide locations.

Call us at (213) 596-9642 or send us a message using our convenient online website form to continue with questions.


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