What are the population pyramid how do they help in understanding about the population of country?

  • Answer:

    Population pyramids are the graphical method to show: (a) Total polulation in to male and female i.e.. sex composition. (b) Age group from 0-14, 15-59, 59 years and above. (c) Work force. (d) Dependent and productive population. The shape of the population pyramid help us to know about the people living in that particular Country. The numbers of children (below 15 years) are shown at the bottom and reflect the level of births. The size of the top shows the numbers of aged people (above 65 years) and reflect the number of deaths. The population pyramid also shows that how many dependents are there in a country. 

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    When people are attracted to an area it becomes densely populated. Factors that influence this include extreme climate, good supplies of natural resources and favourable land. 

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    Society with too many under 15s': (i) The number of children are more. (ii) To provide them education more schools are required. (iii) The demand of materials required in schools like blackboard, chalks, table, benches will be                               more. (iv) The demand for stationery items like pen, pencil, eraser, notebook, textbooks will be more. (v) More number of parks are required for them to play. (vi) The requirement of teachers will be more. (vii) The toy industry need to be expanded. (viii) More number of children also ensure the supply of young, spirited and skilled labour supply for future. Society with too few under 15s' (i) The government need to invest in construction of old age homes. (ii) For the old age people more hospitals, doctors, nurses, medical equipments are required. (iii) Pension schemes need to be launched for the old age people.

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Answer the following question.
What are population pyramids? How do they help in understanding about the population of a country?

The population pyramid or the age−sex pyramid is a graphical illustration that is used for studying the population composition of a country. It shows the present number of males and females in a country along with their age groups. The age-group distribution of population tells us the number of dependents and the number of economically active individuals present in the population.

Concept: Population Composition

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What are population pyramids? How do they help in understanding the population of a country?

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