What are the three standard ways used to measure teamwork?

  1. What is a team, and what makes a team effective?

Teamwork has never been more important in organizations than it is today. Whether you work in a manufacturing environment and utilize self-directed work teams, or if you work in the “knowledge economy” and derive benefits from collaboration within a team structure, you are harnessing the power of a team.

A team, according to Katzenbach and Smith in their Harvard Business Review (HBR) article “The Discipline of Teams,” is defined as “people organized to function cooperatively as a group”.

Katzenbach and Smith, “The Discipline of Teams”, Harvard Business Review, July 2005.

The five elements that make teams function are:

  • Common commitment and purpose
  • Specific performance goals
  • Complementary skills
  • Commitment to how the work gets done
  • Mutual accountability

A team has a specific purpose that it delivers on, has shared leadership roles, and has both individual and mutual accountabilities. Teams discuss, make decisions, and perform real work together, and they measure their performance by assessing their collective work products. Wisdom of Teams reference. This is very different from the classic working group in an organization (usually organized by functional area) in which there is a focused leader, individual accountabilities and work products, and a group purpose that is the same as the broader organizational mission. Think of the finance organization or a particular business unit in your company—these are, in effect, larger working groups that take on a piece of the broader organizational mission. They are organized under a leader, and their effectiveness is measured by its influence on others within the business (e.g., financial performance of the business.)

Finance Working Group

Smart managers understand that not all of a company’s influential relationships appear as part of the organization chart. Consider a publishing company that might have a lead finance head for each group, such as adult fiction, nonfiction, young adult, and children’s book divisions. A finance team working group would help spread best practices and lead to more cohesive operations for the entire organization. (Credit: thetaxhaven /flickr / Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0))

So, what makes a team truly effective? According to Katzenbach and Smith’s “Discipline of Teams,” there are several practices that the authors have observed in successful teams. These practices include:

Establish urgency, demanding performance standards, and direction. Teams work best when they have a compelling reason for being, and it is thus more likely that the teams will be successful and live up to performance expectations. We’ve all seen the teams that are brought together to address an “important initiative” for the company, but without clear direction and a truly compelling reason to exist, the team will lose momentum and wither.

Select members for their skill and skill potential, not for their personality. This is not always as easy as it sounds for several reasons. First, most people would prefer to have those with good personalities and positive attitudes on their team in order to promote a pleasant work environment. This is fine, but make sure that those individuals have the skill sets needed (or the potential to acquire/learn) for their piece of the project. The second caveat here is that you don’t always know what skills you need on a project until you really dig in and see what’s going on. Spend some time up front thinking about the purpose of the project and the anticipated deliverables you will be producing, and think through the specific types of skills you’ll need on the team.

Pay particular attention to first meetings and actions. This is one way of saying that first impressions mean a lot—and it is just as important for teams as for individuals. Teams will interact with everyone from functional subject-matter experts all the way to senior leadership, and the team must look competent and be perceived as competent. Keeping an eye on your team’s level of emotional intelligence is very important and will enhance your team’s reputation and ability to navigate stakeholders within the organization.

Set some clear rules of behavior. I have been through many meetings and team situations in which we have rushed through “ground rules” because it felt like they were obvious—and everyone always came up with the same list. It is so critical that the team takes the time up front to capture their own rules of the road in order to keep the team in check. Rules that address areas such as attendance, discussion, confidentiality, project approach, and conflict are key to keeping team members aligned and engaged appropriately.

Set and seize upon a few immediate performance-oriented tasks and goals. What does this mean? Have some quick wins that make the team feel that they’re really accomplishing something and working together well. This is very important to the team’s confidence, as well as just getting into the practices of working as a team. Success in the larger tasks will come soon enough, as the larger tasks are really just a group of smaller tasks that fit together to produce a larger deliverable.

Challenge the group regularly with fresh facts and information. That is, continue to research and gather information to confirm or challenge what you know about your project. Don’t assume that all the facts are static and that you received them at the beginning of the project. Often, you don’t know what you don’t know until you dig in. I think that the pace of change is so great in the world today that new information is always presenting itself and must be considered in the overall context of the project.

Spend lots of time together. Here’s an obvious one that is often overlooked. People are so busy that they forget that an important part of the team process is to spend time together, think together, and bond. Time in person, time on the phone, time in meetings—all of it counts and helps to build camaraderie and trust.

Exploit the power of positive feedback, recognition, and reward. Positive reinforcement is a motivator that will help the members of the team feel more comfortable contributing. It will also reinforce the behaviors and expectations that you’re driving within the team. Although there are many extrinsic rewards that can serve as motivators, a successful team begins to feel that its own success and performance is the most rewarding.

Collaboration is another key concept and method by which teams can work together very successfully. Bringing together a team of experts from across the business would seem to be a best practice in any situation. However, Gratton and Erickson, in their article Eight Ways to Build Collaborative Teams, found that collaboration seems to decrease sharply when a team is working on complex project initiatives. In their study, they examined 55 larger teams and identified those with strong collaboration skills, despite the level of complexity. There were eight success factors for having strong collaboration skills:

As teams grow in size and complexity, the standard practices that worked well with small teams don’t work anymore. Organizations need to think about how to make collaboration work, and they should leverage the above best practices to build relationships and trust.

  1. What is the definition of a team?
  2. Name some practices that can make a team more successful.

knowledge economy The information society, using knowledge to generate tangible and intangible values working group Group of experts working together to achieve specific goals; performance is made up of the individual results of all members emotional intelligence The capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and others’ emotions ground rules Basic rules or principles of conduct that govern a situation or endeavor collaboration The action of working with someone to produce or create something

Tracking team member performance is invaluable. Talented employees want feedback to help them grow and improve. Not only that—understanding performance at your company can help you plan and achieve more in terms of output and revenue.

However, quantifying and measuring performance metrics is easier said than done. Traditional metrics such as productivity can present a moving target and can often be misleading. As an article in Inc notes: “measuring is important, but measuring what you need to measure and measuring it the right way is critical.”

Not sure why you should care about measuring performance? Download our latest ebook, The positive effects of an effective performance management process, to learn the true value of performance management.

There are a number of different methods you can choose to track performance metrics. The Houston Chronicle outlines regular appraisals, productivity tests, 360-degree feedback, and management by objectives as a few common forms of measuring individual performance metrics.

The most effective metrics for measuring team member performance will depend on your business and on different team member roles. Here are five possible metrics for measuring team member performance.

Team Member Performance Metric #1: Attendance

First and foremost, it’s important to look at whether a team member shows up to work or not. Automating time tracking is a great way to keep an eye on attendance. If a team member is consistently showing up late, leaving early, or taking an unusual number of sick days, they’re likely not showing their full potential.

Poor attendance can be caused by a number of things, including a lack of motivation, health issues, or burnout. There are a number of indirect costs of absenteeism such as extra pressure put on other team members, which can affect work quality and safety. Furthermore, if your organization is understaffed and team members are overworked in general, it’s best to address the problem as soon as possible to avoid putting your employees’ health and well-being at risk.

Team Member Performance Metric #2: Helpfulness

Helpfulness is important for fostering a culture of teamwork, allowing your team to perform better when tackling difficult tasks together. It might be difficult to measure helpfulness, but consider having employees fill out an anonymous survey asking who in their department (or another department) has been the most helpful over the past six months. This will help you identify top “helpers” across your organization. 

Team Member Performance Metric #3: Efficiency

Team members need to be able to complete their work on time. They should have a good handle on the limitations of the time and resources available and should be able to prioritize getting things done as efficiently as possible. Look for missed deadlines or work that suffers as a result of tight deadlines for clues as to how efficiently a team member is working.

Attendance is important here too: if you see a team member clocking large amounts of overtime every day, you may need to speak to them about time management.

Team Member Performance Metric #4: Initiative

Employees who ask for help or jump in when they see help is needed are the ones that show initiative—and an employee who shows initiative is a sign of team satisfaction and engagement.

Looking at team members who take initiative is also important for rapidly growing businesses that require people who can adapt and be proactive. Initiative-taking is definitely a difficult metric to measure. A good place to start would be by keeping track of the times you see a team member taking initiative, but also can be a part of your performance reviews with self, peer, or manager ratings. 

Team Member Performance Metric #5: Quality

The quality of work your employees put out is perhaps the most important metric, but it can also be the most difficult—and subjective—to define. Team members who care about what they do and are engaged at work will likely perform better, and it’s a good idea to recognize their achievements.

Productivity is more complex than simply looking at the number of sales calls put out or the number of blog posts published. How many meaningful connections did your salesperson actually make with those new leads? How much of your content actually gets viewed and shared by your audience? One suggestion is to measure the amount of work that gets rejected or needs to be redone as a proxy for the quality of work, but it’s best to pick and design the method that suits your business.

People and culture experts have their work cut out for them when it comes to measuring and assessing team performance. How do you quantify the performance of a rockstar member of the team? Certainly, while quantification is important, it’s also important to not get too caught up in numbers and details.

At the end of the day, team members are people and not just resources to be consumed. Some qualities—such as the propensity for relationship building—are worth their weight in gold and should not be overlooked. It’s important to evaluate your employees in a way that takes into account their measurable contributions but also examines the individual value that they bring to your organization. 

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