What communicative strategy pertains to the process by which people decide who takes the conversational floor?

INTRODUCTION:People communicate every day to establish and maintain relationships,know and understand themselves, and find meaning in the daily grind.Moreover, since humans are social beings who survive more effectivelythrough sensible discourses, they are always driven to learn the skills ofcreating and sustaining meaningful conversations.MOTIVATION:Watch the video:Decide on the “Most Exciting Tourist Spot” in the country.Explain your answers in 5-10 sentences.INSTRUCTIONS:Successful communication requires understanding of the relationshipbetween words and sentences and the speech acts they represent.However, a conversation may be complex at times; that is why somepeople get lost along the way and misunderstand each other. It is onlywhen we willingly cooperate and speak in socially approved ways that wecan make a conversation meaningful.TYPES OF COMMUNICATIVE STRATEGYSince engaging in conversation is also bound by implicit rules, Cohen(1990)states that strategies must be used to start and maintain aconversation. Knowing and applying grammar appropriately is one of themost basic strategies to maintain a conversation. The following are somestrategies that people use when communicating.
PURPOSIVE COMUNICATION- Quiz 005It pertains to the process by which people decide who takes conversationalfloor. The idea is to always give communicators a chance to speak.Select one:a. Turn-takingb. Topic Shiftingc. Terminationd. Repair


  • collaboratively and productively establish a topic
  • Introducing a topic
  • Examples: Have you noticed the weird weather lately? Is this because of global warming?


  • limitation you may have as a speaker
  • Limiting the topic or scope of discussion.
  • Giving the listener a limited set of categories that is made by the speaker.
  • Example: That arrest move was a disaster waiting to happen. Do you agree?


  • process by which people decide who takes the conversational floor
  • A strategy that someone uses in order to smoothly come in a certain situation/conversation. It requires that a speaker speaks only when it is already his turn during an interaction.
  • Example: I agree with the point just made. But may I add that OFWs would rather be home and work here so they could be with their families.


  • covers how procedural formality or informality affects the development of topic in conversations
  • This strategy maintains the focus in a certain topic of discussion. It is also a question and answer formula that moves the discussion forward
  • Example: How often does that happen to you?


  • involves moving from one topic to another
  • It should be remembered that the shifting should be done with respect and proper transitions.
  • Example: This is a battle with corporations that continue to pollute the environment. But this is also a battle with a man himself, who continues to act as if there is another Earth we can move to once this Earth dies.


  • refers to how speakers address the problems in speaking, listening and comprehending that they may encounter in a conversation.
  • This strategy  includes requesting clarification, not acknowledging, topic shifting, not responding, repeating, recasting, and adding.
  • By not acknowledging the new situation the situation already in progress will continue.
  • Topic shifting can help direct the discussion to another topic or divert the attention of the listener from the topic that has become problematic.
  • Repeating is a good way of correcting oneself and gives the speaker the time to do just that.
  • Recasting means changing the form of a message that could not be understood in another way so that the listener can understand what was originally incomprehensible.


  •  refers to the conversation participants’ close-initiating expressions that end a topic in a conversation.
  • Example: See you later.


Loraine T. Domingo

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  1. Nomination- collaboratively and productively establish a topic
  2. Restriction- limitation you may have as a speaker
  3. Turn-taking- process by which people decide who takes the conversational floor
  4. Topic control- covers how procedural formality or informality affects the development of topic in conversations
  5. Topic shifting- involves moving from one topic to another
  6. Repair- refers to how speakers address the problems in speaking, listening and comprehending that they may encounter in a conversation
  7. Termination- refers to the conversation participants’ close-initiating expressions that end a topic in a conversation

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