What district would i be in the hunger games

10 Questions | Total Attempts: 13179

    • Anything earthy, like green, brown and golden yellow.

    • Shiny - gold, silver, bronze, pink, emerald, white!

    • Bright and bold - red, orange, bright yellow!

    • Darker colors like grey and black.

    • Mystic, gentle colors like purple and blue.

    • Exercise and build up strength and skill!

    • Relax - or do anything to make money!

    • Tinker around with my latest crazy contraption.

    • Travel - even if it just means walking down the road and back.

  • Which skill would you most want to survive within the Hunger Games? Do not answer in relation to the district you are hoping to get!

    • Knife and spear throwing.

    • I don't care as long I survive and am showered with riches!

    • Probably swimming and fishing, actually.

    • Cleverness. You never know when a piece of wire will save your life!

  • Describe your appearance.

    • Small to medium height, quite lean, dark hair.

    • Small to medium height, stocky, blonde, or brown hair.

    • Tall, slim, blonde, or brown hair. Quite attractive, if I do say so myself!

    • Tall, muscular, blonde, or dark hair.

    • I don't quite fit any of these descriptions.

  • You're in the Games! What's your strategy?

    • Stay hidden, avoid confrontation. Possibly stay off the ground.

    • Use my charms to make alliances.

    • Team up with the Careers and kill as many as possible!

    • Go solo and kill as many as possible.

    • Make a steady alliance with someone stronger than me!

  • You are very calm and patient.

  • You observe things before proceeding.

  • You are quick when needed.

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Which of these people most resemble your appearance?

A little on the geeky side

Which category did/do you fit under at school?

Where is your dream home?

what is your worst quality?

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which of the characters do you despise?

who would you choose as an ally?

The people of district two take pride in loyalty, discipline and physical strength. It is located near the Capitol, it's main trade is masonry. District two is a hardworking and tough community, each year they train up their children for the hunger games. (Career District) And without all district 2's hard work, panel would be much worse off. They'd be the first ones to gym class, and the last to control their temper. However they barely step out of their comfort zone. Cato, Clove, Brutus & Enobaria are from Dictrict 2.

District 3 is best known for technology, they are by far the most advanced district with its televisions, computers & forms of entertainment. Yes they are clever, but don't overlook them. Often brains can beat brawn. Who else knows about force fields, tactics and how the Capitol's technology works? They were also one of the first districts to rebel, and make handy alliances. They ought to be commended for their work, otherwise Panem wouldn't even have the hunger games. Beetee and Wiress are from District 3.

"Do you like seafood? Shrimp and crabmeat? Often overlooked, District 4 plays an essential role, bringing us the bounty of the sea. These citizens are adept with nets and tridents, and can swim like fish themselves." They are also one of the wealthier districts, with successful victors and beautiful landscapes. Oh and the most beautiful people. *casually refers to Finnick*
Mags, Finnick and Annie are from District 4.

"This beautiful district is lush with trees, from which these citizens supply our lumber and paper. The people of District 7 are hardworking and down-to-earth."
―Description from The Hunger Games: Tribute Guide. Aside from Career districts, District 7 has the biggest advantage in the games, as they not only have experience in the arenas brutal environment, but they also show exceptional skill in weapons such as an axe and other cutting tools. Just look at Johanna Mason.

"Known for its bountiful orchards, District 11's workers spend their days among rustling fruit trees and sizeable farms."―Description from The Hunger Games: Tribute Guide

They specialise in Agriculture. However, all their wonderful crops are sent over to the Capitol, district 11 is one of the poorer districts. Life his hard over there. Common attributes in these people are kindness, sharp mindedness and usually in touch with nature. It's all they know. Rue, Thresh, seeder and Chaff are also from District 11.

"One of the outer districts, this is nonetheless a crucial one. These brave and hardy workers descend deep into the earth each day to mine the coal that keeps our nation running." District 12 is poor, and far away from the Capitol. So they have to be independent and rely on eachother. Starvation and a lack of money is why life in district 12 is hard, and why District 12 has to work so hard. They are however closer and more laid back than other districts. District 12 usually have one aim and that's to keep their loved ones alive. Katniss, Haymitch and Peeta are also from district 12.

District 13 is the last of the thirteen districts of Panem and was thought to be destroyed by the Capitol during the First Rebellion. It was said by the Capitol to be uninhabitable with the ruins still smoldering from the chemical bombs dropped on it. Its primary industry was nuclear science and technology, whilst its other minor industry was graphite mining. People from district 13 are cunning & they need to be strong. They're fighters and also needs to be independent, as they are cut off from other civilisation. There is a mix of many other districts here, such asylum seekers and rebels.

The Capitol of Panem is a technologically advanced, utopian city where the nation's most wealthy and powerful. They're outrageous in every sense, even fashion. Looking for ways to stand out and become noticed. The majority are followers, the rest are born leaders with no in between.They know how to party and have a good time, but can be extremely cruel. However the best of the Capitol are creative, sympathetic and also know who the real enemy is.

The empire of Panem is divided into 13 districts, where do you belong and where is your place?