What does a ceo do reddit

What does it take? How big of a factor does luck play? How important is the education you got, the school you went to? Do you have to know a lot of people? What qualities do you need to have? How are the CEOs chosen?

What exactly does a CEO do? Is it enough to justify the stratospheric pay? And if so, why? from AskReddit

My company has all three - how are these different functions? What do that all do?

I am curious, they make 300x the amount of money compared to an average employee, so what would they do that would justify such a ludicrous pay?.

I work for a large company and recently found out my CEO makes 125x more than me... Does he do 125x the work? Is it the direction of the company?

What do CEOs do all day? from NoStupidQuestions
ELI5: What does a CEO of a major corporation do on a day-to-day basis? from explainlikeimfive

I'm asking more specifically about CEOs for huge corporations, like Apple or Amazon.

Presumably, they drive to work, get into their offices... and then what? From what I understand they are extremely far removed from daily operations. I imagine they answer emails, make phonecalls and have meetings, but what would those emails and phonecalls be about? Mergers and acquisitions? Financial stuff? Are they talking mainly to other companies to make deals or to their underlings asking questions about the direction of the company?


ELI5: What does a CEO of a large company do in a "typical" week, and why is he (usually he) paid so much? from explainlikeimfive


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