What fruit has less sugar

What fruit has less sugar

Here are 15 fruits that are low in sugar content, which include tomatoes, strawberries, lemons, and oranges.

Although fruits are undoubtedly powerhouses of nutrients, many people tend to avoid them fearing their natural sugar content.

  • Sugars are simple carbohydrates that are sweet to taste, which include sucrose (table sugar), fructose (also called fruit sugar), and glucose.
  • Nonetheless, several fruits contain fewer sugars per unit weight and healthy fiber content that provide an ideal snacking option for weight-watchers, people on a keto diet, and those with diabetes.

15 low-sugar fruits

15 fruits that are low in sugar (contain on average less than 11 grams of sugar per 100 grams of the fruit) include

  1. Tomatoes
    • (2.6 grams sugars and 3.9 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  2. Watermelons
    • (6 grams sugars and 7.5 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  3. Cantaloupe
    • (8 grams sugars and 8 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  4. Peaches
    • (8 grams sugars and 10 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  5. Strawberries
    • (4.9 grams sugars and 8 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  6. Avocados
    • (0.7 grams sugars and 9 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  7. Blueberries
    • (6 grams sugars and 9 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  8. Honeydew
    • (8 grams sugars and total 9 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  9. Lemons
    • (2.5 grams sugar and 9 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  10. Pineapples
    • (10 grams sugars and 11 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  11. Plums
    • (10 grams sugars and 11 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  12. Oranges
    • (9 grams sugars and 12 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  13. Raspberries
    • (4.4 grams sugars and 12 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  14. Dragon fruits
    • (7.6 grams sugars and 13 grams total carbs per 100 grams)
  15. Guava
    • (9 grams sugar and 15 grams total carbs per 100 grams)

7 fruits that are high in sugars

Some of the fruits that are known to contain a high amount of sugars include:

  1. Mangos
  2. Grapes
  3. Bananas
  4. Pears
  5. Cherries
  6. Figs
  7. Lychee

Although a distinction can be made between fruits based on their sugar content, it is the serving size that matters a lot.

Therefore, if you consume a hearty wedge of watermelon (300 grams) containing just six grams of sugars per 100 grams of the fruit, you may end up consuming about 20 grams of sugar. This is comparable to consuming a cup of cut mango pieces containing about 23 grams of sugar.

Hence, the key is moderation or having smaller servings. You will be able to enjoy your favorite fruits this way without any fear of spiking your sugar levels.

How many servings of fruits should you have in a day?

The American Heart Association recommends that one should have about five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. It further adds that the best combination is having two servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables a day.

One serving of fruit equals:

  • One whole medium-size fruit such as peach, apple, banana, or orange.
  • Half a cup of diced fresh, frozen, or canned fruits.
  • One-fourth cup of dried fruits.
  • One-fourth cup of fruit juice.
  • One fresh apricot or half cup canned or five dried.
  • One ounce of resins.

You must aim to consume various types of fruits and vegetables to obtain several nutrients and their health benefits.

Although a single serving of 100 percent juice can replace one of your recommended daily servings of fruits, it is always better to eat the fruit instead of having its juice. Fruits provide a lot of fiber and thus are good for your gut, heart, and general health. They are also more filling than juices with the same number of calories.

Avoid consuming fruits and juices with added sugars or salts.

What fruit has less sugar
Diet-Wrecking Foods: Smoothies, Lattes, Popcorn, and More in Pictures See Slideshow

Medically Reviewed on 11/23/2021


Image Source: iStock Images https://newsroom.heart.org/news/the-right-5-a-day-mix-is-2-fruit-and-3-vegetable-servings-for-longer-life https://www.health.harvard.edu/nutrition/how-many-fruits-and-vegetables-do-we-really-need https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/add-color/fruits-and-vegetables-serving-sizes


Reviewed by Christine Mikstas, RD, LD on November 02, 2021

What fruit has less sugar

Fruit’s good for you! It has fiber and other nutrients you need. But it also has natural sugar, and some have more than others. For example, one mango has a whopping 46 grams of sugar -- not your best choice if you’re trying to watch your weight or how much sugar you eat. Maybe enjoy a couple of slices and save the rest for later.

What fruit has less sugar

A cup of these has about 23 grams sugar. That’s a lot for something that’s so easy to pop in your mouth. You might eat them more slowly if you slice them in half and freeze them. They’ll be waiting for you as a refreshing summer treat that takes a bit longer to eat. 

What fruit has less sugar

They’re sweet, and they have the sugar to show for it:  A cup of them has 18 grams. If you fill up a large bowl with them, you can lose track of how many you eat. Measure your snack beforehand so you know exactly how much sugar you’ll get.

What fruit has less sugar

One medium pear has 17 grams of sugar. If you’re trying to cut back, don’t eat the whole thing -- just put a few slices in some low-fat yogurt or on top of a salad.

What fruit has less sugar

A medium wedge of this summer treat has 17 grams of sugar. As its name suggests, it’s loaded with water, and it has special minerals called electrolytes that are just what your body needs to recharge after some time in the sun. Just keep it to a slice or two.

What fruit has less sugar

Two medium-size ones have 16 grams. If you’re trying to keep an eye on your sugar, maybe slice a couple and spread some goat cheese on them for a protein-rich treat, or use some in a sauce to add some zip to lean meats like skinless chicken.

What fruit has less sugar

One medium banana has 14 grams sugar. If that seems like more than you bargained for, slice half of it into your morning cereal or smash a small piece in the middle of your peanut butter sandwich.

What fruit has less sugar

Not all fruits are loaded with the sweet stuff. A whole avocado -- yep, it's a fruit -- has only 1.33 grams of sugar. Put it in a salad, spread it on toast, or make some guacamole. But while they’re low in sugar, they’re high in calories, so it might not be a good idea to make them a daily habit.

What fruit has less sugar

Each one has 5 grams of sugar and about 3 grams of fiber, too -- more than you'd get from a serving of brown rice or a slice of whole-grain bread. You’ll get even more fiber if you add guavas with the skin on to your smoothies.

What fruit has less sugar

These pack a serious punch of fiber with 8 grams per cup -- and only 5 grams of sugar. The fiber is good for digestion and can help you feel fuller with fewer calories. They’re the perfect size to savor one at a time, and they’re not bad with some fresh whipped cream and a spoon, either. 

What fruit has less sugar

It’s kind of amazing that the flavor and satisfaction packed in a single medium wedge can come from only 5 grams of sugar -- and only 23 calories. Try it with some cottage cheese and a sprinkle of salt.

What fruit has less sugar

Here’s a good one to add to your shopping list: Half of a small one has 6 grams of sugar. Even a small one is pretty big, so half is plenty to eat at one time. You can add a squeeze of lime and a sprinkle of sea salt -- or a dollop of frozen yogurt for a tropical treat.

What fruit has less sugar

A cup of whole strawberries has only 7 grams. Add them to a salad for some vibrant color and a touch of summer.