What is an example of an effective time management strategy?

Effective time management skills provide you with the ability to juggle a variety of workloads, efficiently use your time, and meet critical deadlines. Time management skills also demonstrate your professionalism, your ability to multitask, and your availability to contribute to team projects while meeting company objectives. Developing an effective time management resume can also be an invaluable asset in the job market.

Managing your time effectively means being honest with yourself and with others about your personal and professional abilities. For example, if you’re a morning person, scheduling high-level, detail-oriented projects in the early part of the day makes more sense than selecting the late afternoon. Understanding your areas of strengths and limitations help you develop and perfect your time management skills.

Create an organizational system that allows you to quickly access critical materials and information that help you manage your time efficiently.

Prioritization skills go hand-in-hand with time management skills. Depending on your line of work, you may have your work tasks prioritized for you or have free reign to do it yourself. Some criteria to use in deciding which tasks take precedence include sorting by deadline, importance to the company, monetary value or necessity.

Use tools to plan your days, such as to-do lists, project management tracking programs such as Workforce, or reminders set on your computer, watch or phone. Review your list first thing in the morning, at midday and in the evening when you finish work. Not only does task-tracking keep you focused, but it also creates a record of achievement you can use to demonstrate your time management skills to management.

Get into habits at work that help you stay on track. For example, designate certain times of day for checking email and voice mail, returning calls, or completing regularly occurring tasks. When possible, ascribe other elements of your day to routine as well, depending on your industry. For example, if you’re in retail, you may stock shelves during slow hours, or if you’re in the restaurant business, you may have opening and closing routines to follow.

It’s easy to lose track of time when you don’t make reasonable estimates of how long particular work tasks will take. When planning your schedule, estimate on the longer side of the equation. For example, if staff meetings are scheduled for one hour, but people routinely arrive early and stay late to chat, you're better-served budgeting 90 minutes. This approach demonstrates your ability to handle specific time management situations efficiently.

Outside distractions can be a major time suck, particularly in open or busy work environments. Avoid common distractions such as:

  • Constant monitoring of your phone or personal email during work hours
  • Listening to music 
  • Surfing the web 
  • Starting and stopping tasks repeatedly

Build a time cushion into every day to allow for unanticipated needs and emergencies. Keep long-term or "busy" projects at the ready if you find you’ve reached the end of the day and have time to spare. For example, cleaning out your inbox, shredding documents or running computer updates are necessary tasks that don’t typically have to be completed within a certain time frame but do require attention.

Don’t schedule yourself so tightly that you don’t have wiggle room if your company’s priorities change or an all-hands-on-deck project arises. One of the best ways to ensure you don’t throw off your schedule is to plan to complete tasks ahead of schedule, rather than waiting until the last minute. Even if you consistently meet deadlines, you can demonstrate your time management skills by striving to complete tasks ahead of your timetable whenever possible.

Even the most effective time management systems can benefit from occasional review. Periodically set aside time to take stock of your routine and your time allocation to analyze what’s working and what has room for improvement. Just like a household budget, it’s often possible to find places to shave away a little extra money, or in this case, time, to ensure you’re consistently operating at peak performance.

Tracking your time management skills makes you a more effective employee and a more productive team player. Ultimately, you want your boss to recognize your contributions as well, which means finding ways to quantify and demonstrate the value of your work. This is critical to being viewed favorably in the workplace and helps you build a time management resume with the potential to reap rewards in the future.

Here are some ways to accomplish this goal:

Define your objectives: Many supervisors set goals with employees during performance evaluations. Establishing clearly defined objectives during this period and completing them on target demonstrates your time management abilities.

Create project plans: Creating project plans for both large and small tasks allows you to effectively track and manage your workload while also giving you proof of your time management skills. You can refer to the plans when giving your supervisor updates, discussing strategies, or in performance reviews when you highlight achievements.

Provide regular status reports: Get into the habit of providing your supervisor with a daily, weekly or monthly overview of your projects and achievements. This not only demonstrates your contributions but simultaneously shows how well you manage your time.

Self evaluate: There’s always room for improvement, so continually evaluate how well you’re using your time. If you find you aren’t meeting your objectives, look for areas where you might be underestimating your workload or overestimating your availability.

Good time management isn't just about using time effectively; it's about regularly looking for ways to improve work functions that streamline operations overall. For example, if you regularly spend an hour a day responding to common customer inquiries, consider reviewing the FAQ section of your website to see if you can proactively address common questions before customers get to you. If meetings regularly run over schedule, institute a tight agenda and enlist a moderator to ensure a smooth, on-time gathering. If you find you are regularly drawn into conversations in the break room rush for morning coffee, bring coffee from home and catch up with colleagues during designated breaks or lunch.

Co-workers can have a serious impact on your time management. If you’re working in a team environment and are relying on others to contribute to a project or complete their work before you can complete yours, there’s a potential for timetables to go off track. There’s also the common issue of human distraction – getting caught up in non-work-related conversation in the hallway or being pulled into office drama. While you don’t want to seclude yourself or rebuff your colleagues on a regular basis, take these time suckers into consideration when planning your day.

  • Shut your office door, if you have one, to discourage drop-by visitors or distractions that can throw you off your time track.
  • If you work in an open workspace or cubicle, situate your monitor in such a way that you won’t be distracted by close cube mates or foot traffic.
  • When a quick chat with a colleague seems to be moving toward a larger issue or debate, suggest tabling the matter and scheduling a brief meeting to address the issue in full.
  • If co-worker chat veers from business into personal matters and cuts into work time, make a polite exit by saying, While I would like to keep chatting, I’m afraid I have a deadline to meet. 

If you find yourself taking on tasks that are not your responsibility or carrying someone else’s weight on a regular basis, put on the brakes proactively. Discuss the matter with your colleague or your supervisor to ensure you are making the best use of your time.

Like it or not, most of us work in collaborative environments where workloads are interconnected or overlap with others. When colleagues don’t share your approach to time management, it can be difficult to demonstrate your own approach to effective workload management.

Here are some ways to handle this dilemma:

  • Establish expectations with other team members about workload distribution and completion timelines. Put the details in writing, so everyone is on the same page.
  • Establish regular check-ins to ensure others are on track, especially if you’re in a situation in which you’re waiting for someone else to complete their work before you can complete yours.
  • Send out reminder emails regarding project timelines. This ensures everyone is on the same page, and it also alerts you if there is a potential holdup or problem that can be solved with early intervention.

Build in time to lend others a helping hand when you can. You’ll have favors to call in when necessary, which can ultimately keep you on time track.

It can be tempting to demonstrate your effective time management skills by scheduling every minute of your workday. Unfortunately, this ambitious approach has the potential to backfire. If your computer freezes up, you have a flat tire, or you have to call in sick, your entire timetable can be thrown off. Being scheduled to the hilt can result in throwing numerous projects off track.

  • Regularly evaluate factors that draw your time away from key tasks. 
  • Don't underestimate how long it will take to complete projects.
  • If lack of knowledge or experience about an undertaking has the potential to derail your timetable, acknowledge this fact and address it up front.
  • If certain types of training, equipment or supplies would allow you to utilize your time more effectively,  discuss it with your boss and ask for support.

Demonstrate your time management skills by sharing best practices with colleagues in a formal or informal setting. Your co-workers may have tips and tricks of their own for doing things more efficiently. Create a guidebook for your place of work or volunteer to present a brief training session at a staff meeting or retreat. Not only will you share valuable information with your colleagues, but you’ll also demonstrate to higher-ups that you have your time management act together.


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