What is called when you compare something to something else

Ask the Editor



What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor? — Steven B., United States


Similes and metaphors are both figures of speech that are used to make a comparison between two things that are not alike. The difference is that similes make the comparison by saying that something is like something else but metaphors make the comparison by saying that something is something else.

A simile says that one thing "is like" or "is as … as" another thing. A metaphor says that one thing "is" another thing. Metaphors do not use the words "like" or "as" in their comparisons.

Here are some examples of similes:

  • Life is like a box of chocolates.
  • He was as blind as a bat without his glasses.
  • Her mother was as sharp as a tack. [=her mother was very smart]
  • The kids were fighting like cats and dogs.
  • He swims like a fish. [=he is a good swimmer]

Here are some examples of metaphors:

  • The world is your oyster.
  • His computer was a dinosaur. [=his computer was very old]
  • The puppy was the ray of sunshine the family needed.
  • She is a night owl. [=she likes to stay up late at night]
  • But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
    It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. (Shakespeare) 

I hope this helps.

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1 to describe as similar

  • reviews that compared the adventure movie to a thrilling ride on a roller coaster

2 to regard or represent as equal or comparable

  • compared the restaurant's food to the nectar of the gods

  • associate,
  • connect,
  • correlate,
  • identify,
  • join,
  • link,
  • match,
  • relate
  • assort,
  • categorize,
  • class,
  • classify,
  • grade,
  • group,
  • sort


to consider how things or people are similar and how they are different


to show a relationship between one person or thing and another

phrasal verb

to compare one thing with another


to compare two things in order to show how they are different


to see or show a difference between things


to show clearly that someone is not connected with someone or something


formal to place things together or describe things together so that people can see how they are different

phrasal verb

to find out whether information is accurate or useful by comparing it with other information


in comparison with someone or something similar


used for comparing two things, people, situations etc and showing that there is an important difference between them


used for talking about the ways in which two things are different, or about the ways in which something has changed


used for saying that something is true when you compare it with other similar things


used when you are comparing two things or people and saying that the second one is very different from the first


when compared to someone or something


used with ‘more’, ‘less’, and other comparatives for showing that when an amount, activity, feeling, or quality increases or is reduced, it causes something else to increase or be reduced at the same time


considered in relation to something


having a particular quality when compared with something else

Should you use a metaphor, a simile, or an analogy in your writing?

While all three are closely related, it’s smart to understand the differences. The distinctions among metaphors, similes, and analogies will also help underscore why you may want to use one and not the other in certain situations.

Now that we know metaphors can be powerful persuasion tools, let’s make sure everyone is on the same page from a definitional standpoint.

Let’s take a look at some basic definitions before exploring each one further …

A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses one thing to mean another and makes a comparison between the two. A simile compares two different things in order to create a new meaning. An analogy is comparable to metaphor and simile in that it shows how two different things are similar, but it’s a bit more complex.


Remember, metaphors use “one thing to mean another.”

So, when someone says, “He’s become a shell of a man,” we know not to take this literally, even though it’s stated directly as if this person had actually lost his internal substance.


In the case of similes, we are made explicitly aware that a comparison is being made due to the use of “like” or “as.” (He’s like a shell of a man.)

For fun, the next time someone corrects you and says, “That’s a simile, not a metaphor,” you can respond by letting them know that a simile is a type of metaphor, just like sarcasm is a type of irony.

Resist the urge to be sarcastic in your delivery.


Rather than a figure of speech, an analogy is more of a logical argument.

The presenter of an analogy will often demonstrate how two things are alike by pointing out shared characteristics, with the goal of showing that if two things are similar in some ways, they are similar in other ways as well.

Why metaphor?

There are circumstances where either a simile or an analogy is the more appropriate vehicle for getting your point across.

But coming up with a great metaphor may be your best bet in many situations. A metaphor carries so much more power than a simile, because it’s direct.

Using “like” or “as” to make an open comparison will often diminish the vivid visual you’re trying to paint in the reader’s mind.

Likewise, a spot-on metaphor will spark instant understanding for a reader, without the elaboration that an analogy requires.

From here, we’ll examine specific ways to use metaphor in your blog posts. Headlines, openings, themes, calls to action and more can all benefit from the use of metaphor, as long as the metaphors don’t suck.

We’ll look at ways to avoid that, too.

Did you miss the first post in this series? Read it now: Become a Master of Metaphor and Multiply Your Marketing Effectiveness

Next in the series:

5 Smart Ways to Use Metaphors to Create Irresistible Content

The Persuasive Power of Analogy