What is nature damage in new world

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Hi, is there a way to see the kind of damage enemies do?
For example I’d like to know which kind of magic Impress Zhou uses to be able to take the right kind of ward potion.


That’s a good question!

Sometimes I would see an icon next to damage I do that matches icons from things I have on my gear or debuffs I get.

One thing AGS devs dropped the ball on, sadly. Being more clear on debuffs and what exactly are afflictions.

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Thanks but this the chart of which type of damage are efficient on each type of enemy. What I’m looking for is the type of damage that enemies do themselves.


Whenever you need it, google “new world damage chart”.

It will be the first image.

Enemies do the normal weapon type damage and the elemental damage is by their type. To protect against a type of enemy, you use the wards. For example, Ancient Ward, which absorb % of damage from Ancient Guardians.

Damage type:

  • Slash: Axes, Swords, Hatchets, Rapiers
  • Thrust: Bows, Spears, Muskets, Rapiers, Swords
  • Strike: War Hammers
  • Elemental: Arcane, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Nature, Void

I presume your question is about the elemental damage, these are by enemy and their skills, not by family. Zhou is from Dynasty Shipyard, right? All enemies there are corrupted, so Corrupted Ward will save you there.

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Again, I’m talking about magical absorption effects (mostly potions): arcane absorption, void absorption, fire, ice, nature, etc.

How am I supposed to know which potion to use before a fight?
Are Zhou’s spells arcane, void or any other type?

And if damage are by type of enemies (Corrupted, Lost, etc) what use are those damn potions?


What is nature damage in new world

Are Zhou’s spells arcane, void or any other type?

Now, if you want a database with creature skills, you can’t have it. It isn’t available yet. You need to guess. If it looks like fire, it is fire. The game or any database currently available don’t have the details of creature abilities and their damage type. Zhou skills maybe don’t even have a damage type, maybe is all corruption damage. I didn’t test it.

Your best protection in a place you want to farm is the Wards in the gear:

What is nature damage in new world

This is all the info I can give. More than that is to ask AGS to release a creature database with their abilities detailed.

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What is nature damage in new world

You need to guess. If it looks like fire, it is fire.

What do Arcane and Void look like?

What is nature damage in new world

What is nature damage in new world

Your best protection in a place you want to farm is the Wards in the gear:

I hardly think so. The epic stuff I got from Dynasty is Nature protection and I don’t think those guys do any nature damage…


They ought to tell you what damage your being hit by with icons numeric colors

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What is nature damage in new world


The creatures on Dynasty are corrupted, you need Corrupted Ward. The gear I posted is just an example.

What is nature damage in new world

Also, Ward and Resistance are two different things. Ward give you % less damage from a creature of the family, Resistance is against the debuff of the same type.

when you get hit by something it will show an icon as to what damage type it is

A Combat Log would help a lot in this case.

knowing these devs, it wouldnt display the correct information anyways

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In New World, there's far more to dealing damage than just swinging your sword and hoping for the best! There is actually a wide variety of different damage types available for you to test out in combat, providing bonuses that could just make the difference between overcoming a strong foe in the world of Aeternum and getting bodied.

In this guide, we'll run you through each damage type present in the game, why they are important, and how to implement them into your character's loadout. These damage types will be split into appropriate categories, so that you can jump to the different sections quickly.

Read More: New World Offensive Perk List: Every Damaging Perk and What They Do

Physical Damage Types

What is nature damage in new world

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Physical damage types in New World refer to different forms of damage your weapon deals on hit, and all non-magic based weapons have a physical damage type attached to their attacks. These damage types include:

Without any added modifiers, these damage types can be found on weapons naturally (such as the sword's heavy attack dealing thrust damage). However, they can also be enhanced through specific perks found on rings.

Elemental Damage Types

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Elemental Damage types are where things start to get interesting. Only found by default on magical weapons like the fire staves and ice gauntlets, and not only the vast number of weapons 100% of the time. These damage types include:

  • Arcane
  • Fire
  • Ice
  • Lightning
  • Nature
  • Void

These elemental damage types can be added to your weapons either through gems or perks. This could come in the form of converting a portion of your weapon damage into an elemental damage type, adding a small amount of elemental damage in addition to weapon damage, or having elemental damage chain to nearby enemies on hit.

What Are the Uses of Adding or Enhancing Damage Types?

You may be asking "yeah that's great and all, but why are these important?" Well, aside from potentially increasing your total damage done, certain damage types deal additional damage to enemies weak to those types. When you hit an enemy, you may see arrows next to the damage number that indicates whether or not they're resistant or weak to the type of damage you're hitting them with.

For example, one of the enemy factions in the game is The Lost. These soulless ghouls wander around the world, unable to die and violently attacking anyone they meet. Enemies from this faction have partial protection from thrust and void damage, but take additional damage strike, ice, and nature damage.

What this means is if you're planning to go into some difficult PvE content, like an expedition or a powerful world boss, you can prepare your equipment beforehand to significantly boost your damage against the enemies you're about to face.

Now that you've learnt about all the different damage types in New World, you'll be better able to take on the more challenging end-game content with the right perks and gems turning your standard weapon into an elemental powerhouse. Speaking of perks, be sure to check out our offensive perk list, or our weapon tier list!