What is open mat bjj

If you have been doing BJJ for some time, you have undoubtedly heard about the BJJ open mat. What exactly is an open mat? This class is open to all levels and belt colors and is mainly used for sparring and drilling. Additionally, it is a great way to meet new people and test your skills. Open mat classes host many people and gather all of them for the same reason – Get better at jiu-jitsu and have fun! This article will discuss open mats in BJJ and go through some vital information. Stay tuned!

What Does Open Mat Mean in BJJ?

In Brazilian jiu-jitsu, there are a lot of different classes. Most schools structure their program according to the level of their students. For example, there are beginner classes, the white and blue belt classes, and the upper belt classes. Open mat is a training session that combines all levels together and means that the mats are “open” to everyone. It is an environment where people come to train on their own and develop techniques. No lesson plan is followed, and students can spar or drill at their own pace. Sparring rounds are a large part of open mats, so this is a great chance to roll with different people and learn new skills.

What to Expect During Open Mat

Visiting an open mat can be a great experience. You will probably see many new people, and maybe even some visitors from other schools. Additionally, you will have a long training session and do a lot of sparring. Here is a video that shows what you can expect when going to a BJJ open mat.

A Lot of Sparring

Prepare yourself for many rounds of sparring if you attend an open mat. Although you can work on your technique and drill, most people prefer to jump right into sparring. Nonetheless, before doing anything BJJ related, you should warm up properly. A good warm-up will increase your heart rate and get the blood flowing. Additionally, warming up will reduce the risk of injury and make your time on the mat more enjoyable.

New People

When you go to an open mat, there are people of all levels training. You will meet some higher belts and probably have a chance to roll with them. Also, you will have a chance to see some competitors in action, and you may even see some visitors stopping by for a few rolls. Remember that you should be respectful towards everyone, and if you want to roll with someone specific, ask politely.

Should I Go to BJJ Open Mat?

The short answer to this is – Yes! Whether you are a beginner or an experienced grappler, an open mat is a great way to improve your jiu-jitsu. Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a combat sport, and the best way to enhance your skills is to roll with different opponents. Open mat gives you the chance to spar both lower and higher belts. You can spar with lower belts if you want to work on something new and develop techniques. On the other hand, if you want to challenge yourself and see how good you are, you can test yourself against higher belts. Open mats are fun and can be a great way to socialize and test yourself, so you don’t want to miss them! However, before visiting a BJJ open mat, it is best to prepare and set some goals you want to accomplish. Let’s look at some things you should do.

Prepare the Techniques You Will Work On

When going to an open mat, it is recommended to spend some time working on techniques. You can review and drill techniques you learned in your previous classes or work on something new. Whichever the case, you should spend some time developing your technique. If you want to learn new techniques, watching some instructional DVDs is the best way to do so. Pick a DVD and go over a couple of techniques that you want to learn. Keep it simple and work on something you are already familiar with. For example, if you learned half guard in your previous classes, you can look for some half guard sweeps and transitions. Many websites sell BJJ instructionals; I will link some of them below.

  • BJJ Fanatics
  • Jiu-Jitsu X
  • The Grappler’s Guide

Have Good Hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene is crucial when attending jiu-jitsu classes or an open mat. It is a close contact sport, and many people are involved in a training session. You should always do your best to stay clean and avoid infections. Keep your toenails trimmed to avoid cutting someone because open wounds can be very dangerous. Also, bring clean clothes and slippers and avoid using other people’s stuff. Whenever you train, whether in a gi or no-gi, you should always wear a rashguard, as they are fantastic at preventing rashes. After the training, be sure to take a shower and wash your clothes (you should never reuse clothes from a training session). If you want to go further, you can buy some antifungal soap to keep your skin clean and prevent diseases. One of the best soaps on the market is Defense Soap, and you can also get their after-training body wipes.

Benefits of Open Mat

Going to open mats regularly has a lot of benefits for you. You can meet new friends, gain experience, burn unnecessary calories, and have fun. Let’s discuss some of these and see how they will benefit you in the long run.

New Friends

Open mats are a great place to meet new people and make new friends. Drilling techniques and sparring can connect people quickly and make them appreciate each other. This can develop individual relationships, and people can become friends on and off the mat. Making friends in the gym will encourage you to train more and make you more comfortable during your training. After a class, you can hang out and have a great time. Few things spark joy as much as having a cold beer with your friends after a tough open mat full of sparring. These are the moments you will remember the most. It is the journey, not the destination, that matters.


If you train jiu-jitsu with the same group of people all the time, you’ll get used to one another’s game, which can cause sparring sessions to become boring. Visiting an open mat is a great way to roll against different people and see how you compare to various styles. In the long run, you will gain loads of experience fighting other people and figuring out their games. The more individuals you face, the better you will be, and if your school hosts large open mats, you are fortunate. Experience is very helpful in jiu-jitsu, and learning to roll with new people will make you less anxious in competitions. However, don’t let your ego get the best of you. Remember that your goal is to get better and learn as much as possible, not win every round.

Open Mat Is a Great Workout

To train Brazilian jiu-jitsu, we need to be in good physical shape. Without good cardio, you quickly run out of energy and become exhausted. To prevent this from happening, you should do your best to be physically fit and train regularly. The open mat workout will keep you in shape and motivate you to perform at your peak. Doing numerous sparring rounds with small rests in between will push your cardio to the next level, which will be great for your overall jiu-jitsu performance. Also, if your academy has some gym equipment such as kettlebells, medicine balls, or a battle rope, you can use that and do a mini HIIT workout. Having one to two open mat sessions a week will do wonders for your jiu-jitsu and make you a cardio machine.

Are Open Mats Free in BJJ?

Many schools worldwide have different policies when it comes to open mats. Some schools prefer not to have them because they don’t want to share their techniques. Most schools host local open mats for free, but some academies look at it from a business perspective and have fees. Open mats can gather many people, which is why school owners must adequately organize them. The mats must be clean, and the dressing rooms for men and women must be separated. Also, open mats require a lot of space so people can roll without bumping into each other. These can be expensive for academy owners, which is why they have fees. One of the most popular BJJ teams in the world, “B Team” organizes open mats regularly, and they charge 50$. Here is a video of their open mat; it looks amazing! The fees for open mats usually range from 10$ to 50$, so they aren’t too expensive.

Is Open Mat Gi or No-Gi

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a martial art that can be trained using a kimono (gi) or without a kimono (no-gi). There’s usually no rule on what you wear to an open mat, so you can choose how you want to come. However, it is recommended to bring both sets of clothing just in case. You don’t want to bring no-gi gear and see most people training with a gi. Gi and no-gi can have many differences in the rules, so you should learn both rulesets when going to a BJJ open mat. Let’s go over some differences between gi and no-gi training rules.

Training in the Gi

A Brazilian jiu-jitsu gi is a training uniform composed of a heavy cotton jacket, reinforced drawstring trousers, and a belt that communicates rank. When training in the gi, you can use a lot of different grips to control your opponent and manipulate his movement. Also, you can use many chokes that can only be done with a kimono. However, when training in the gi, there are certain grips that you cannot do, and many leglock attacks are forbidden. Heel hooks and knee reaping are banned in the gi. These rules are universal in most gyms, so you should know them. I will link the official IBJJF (International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation) rulebook below.

No-Gi Training

No-gi training doesn’t require you to have any particular uniform. You can train in a rashguard and shorts. The difference compared to gi training is that you cannot grab clothing, so the match’s tempo is much faster. Also, there are a lot of differences when it comes to techniques that you can do. All leglocks are allowed for higher belts because it is much easier to escape from them and can be less dangerous when people are sweaty. Nonetheless, you should always ask if your partner wants to do heel hooks and other types of leg attacks. Jiu-jitsu training can be very hard on the knees, so you don’t want to injure someone that already has an injury. The rules used for no-gi training are mostly ADCC (Abu Dhabi Combat Club) rules. I will link them below. Be sure to check them out!


Let’s summarize what we talked about BJJ open mat in this article. Open mats are a great way to improve your jiu-jitsu and make you a better grappler. Numerous sparring rounds will give you the necessary experience and cardio for training and competitions. Additionally, open mats are great for meeting new people and making new friends. When going to an open mat, there should always be a couple of things to remember. Always have a goal, pick a specific technique you want to work on, and drill it with your partner. Take care of your hygiene and avoid visiting if you have a skin infection. Be respectful to everyone on the mats and have a good attitude. When you spar with someone, ask them about the ruleset you are doing and if they are uncomfortable with certain techniques, avoid them. Be mindful of these things, and open mats can be a fun experience. I wish you safe training!

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, my name is Milos Milosavljevic, and I am the head coach and owner of Fort Jiu-Jitsu. Go check us out!


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