What is the area of triangle LMN 3 square units 4 square units 6 square units 8 square units?

What is the area of triangle LMN 3 square units 4 square units 6 square units 8 square units?

What is the area of triangle LMN 3 square units 4 square units 6 square units 8 square units?
What is the area of triangle LMN 3 square units 4 square units 6 square units 8 square units?

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We don’t have your requested question, but here is a suggested video that might help.

Triangle LMN, with vertices L(6,-9). M(9,-7), and N(7,-6), is drawn inside rectangle, as shown below: What is the area in square units, of triangle LMN? Answer: units" Submit Rnswct

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