What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?

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What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?


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What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?

What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?

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This is an acid-base reaction (neutralization): AgNO3 is a base, HCl is an acid.

This is a precipitation reaction: AgCl is the formed precipitate.


  • AgNO3 – Silver(I) nitrate, Silver nitrate
    What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    • Other names: Silver nitrate
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Nitric acid silver(1+) salt
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Lapis infernalis
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      Nitric acid silver(I) salt
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , AgNO3
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Silver(I) nitrate
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    • Appearance: Colorless solid
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      ; Odourless colourless or white crystals
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
  • HCl – Chlorane
    What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    , Hydrogen chloride
    What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    • Other names: Hydrochloric acid
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , M
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Uriatic acid
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      Hydronium chloride
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Chlorhydric Acid
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Hydrochloric acid gas
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , HCl
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Anhydrous hydrogen chloride
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Hydrochloric acid, anhydrous
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Aqueous hydrogen chloride
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , [Note: Often used in an aqueous solution.]
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    • Appearance: Colorless, transparent liquid, fumes in air if concentrated
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      ; Colorless gas
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      ; Colourless compressed liquefied gas with pungent odour
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      ; Colorless to slightly yellow gas with a pungent, irritating odor. [Note: Shipped as a liquefied compressed gas.]
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?


  • AgCl – Silver chloride
    What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    • Other names: Cerargyrite
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Chlorargyrite
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Horn silver
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , AgCl
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Silver(I) chloride
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    • Appearance: White Solid
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
  • HNO3 – Nitric acid
    What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    • Other names: Aqua fortis
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Spirit of niter
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Eau forte
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      Hydrogen nitrate
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Acidum nitricum
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Nitric acid (> 70% in water)
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Fuming nitric acid
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Engravers acid
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , HONO2
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , Red fuming nitric acid
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , RFNA
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      , White fuming nitric acid (WFNA)
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
    • Appearance: Colorless, yellow or red fuming liquid
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      ; Colourless-to-yellow liquid with pungent odour
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?
      ; Colorless, yellow, or red, fuming liquid with an acrid, suffocating odor. [Note: Often used in an aqueous solution. Fuming nitric acid is concentrated nitric acid that contains dissolved nitrogen dioxide.]
      What is the balanced net ionic equation for the following reaction agno3 aq HCL aq → Agcl s hno3 AQ?