What is the effect of hot and humid environment on exercise?

Major sports championships are often scheduled in warm/dry and warm/humid environments, so it is important to be able to quantify the influence of these environmental extremes on work capacity. The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of relative humidity on endurance exercise performance in a warm environment. Eight male volunteers (mean ± SD age 26 ± 4 years; height 1.80 ± 0.03 m; body mass 72.0 ± 7.0 kg; VO2max 4.38 ± 0.65 l/min) performed four cycle exercise trials at 70% maximum oxygen uptake until volitional exhaustion in an environmental chamber maintained at 30.2 ± 0.2°C. Volunteers were tested under four relative humidity (rh) conditions: 24%, 40%, 60% and 80%. Core and weighted mean skin temperature, heart rate, skin blood flow, and cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) were recorded at rest and at regular intervals during exercise. Mean (SD) time to exhaustion was 68 ± 19, 60 ± 17, 54 ± 17, and 46 ± 14 min at 24, 40, 60, and 80% rh, respectively (P < 0.001); exercise time was significantly less at 60 (P = 0.013) and 80% (P = 0.005) rh than recorded at 24% rh. There were no differences in core temperature (P = 0.480) and heart rate (P = 0.097) between trials. Core temperature at exhaustion was 39.0 ± 0.3°C at 24, 40, and 60% rh and 39.1 ± 0.3°C at 80% rh (P = 0.159). Mean skin temperature at the point of exhaustion was higher at 80% rh than at 24% rh (P < 0.001). Total sweat loss was similar between trials (P = 0.345), but sweating rate was higher at 60 and 80% rh than at 24% rh (P < 0.001). The results suggest that exercise capacity at moderate intensity in a warm environment is progressively impaired as the relative humidity increases. Early fatigue in the higher humidity trials was accompanied by a faster rate of rise in core temperature and a greater weighted mean skin temperature, with no differences in heart rate, skin blood flow or the metabolic response to exercise.

What is the effect of hot and humid environment on exercise?


Many people flock outside in warm weather to jog, play basketball or do yard work. But when the mercury rises, "easy" exercise becomes a huge physical undertaking, and intense exercise can be deadly. If your body's temperature regulation system is overtaxed, you're at risk of developing a heat-related illness. Here's what you need to do to protect yourself in extreme summer heat.

Keep an Eye on the Weather

Exercise and warm weather increase your core body temperature. When you combine the two — for example, when you run on a hot, humid day — even seasoned athletes need to exercise caution. Your body cools itself by sweating, but cooling down is harder in humid weather because perspiration doesn't evaporate as quickly from your skin. Your heart rate rises as your body works hard to keep its cool.

Before you lace up your running shoes or head to the tennis courts, take a look at the weather report. If the temperature or humidity is high, scale back your workout. A workout that feels easy on a temperate day can be dangerously intense on a hot, humid afternoon. Respect your body and your own limitations. People with larger bodies, the elderly, kids and those not accustomed to rigorous exercise should be extremely cautious in hot weather.

Dress Appropriately

When exercising in heat, what you wear matters. Light-colored, sweat-wicking clothing is best for hot weather; dark, heavy clothes can make you even hotter. Gear — such as protective padding or helmets — also traps heat and raises your body temperature. If you have to suit up, shorten your workout intensity and duration.

Wear UV-blocking sunglasses and don't forget the sunscreen. Choose water-resistant sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 or higher (the most effective products say "broad spectrum" or "UVA/UVB protection" on their labels), and apply it 30 minutes before going out. Continue to reapply the sunscreen according to the package directions. Sunburn decreases your body's ability to cool itself.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

When the weather heats up, make sure you drink enough fluids throughout the day to stay hydrated, and enjoy water-rich foods including crisp lettuce, watermelon, grapefruit, broccoli and tomatoes.

It's surprisingly easy to lose a few pounds of water weight through sweating. Weigh yourself before and after working out, and replace each pound of weight loss with 2 to 3 cups of water. Water is a good choice because it moves quickly through your digestive track and into your tissues. If you're sweating heavily or exercising for more than 60 minutes, sports drinks can help your body refuel and rehydrate more efficiently.

Know the Warning Signs: Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

Dehydration is a serious medical condition. Exercising in hot, humid weather can rapidly raise your body's core temperature, putting you at risk of heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

Heat exhaustion is a milder form of heat-related illness that can develop after several days of exposure to high temperatures, and inadequate or unbalanced replacement of fluids.

Signs of heat exhaustion include:

  • Heavy sweating
  • Muscle cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Fainting
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Dark urine
  • Cool, moist skin

The pulse rate may be slow and weak. If heat exhaustion is untreated, it may progress to heat stroke.

Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related illness. Body temperature may rise to 103°F or higher within 10 to 15 minutes.

With heat stroke victims, look for the following symptoms:

  • Dry, hot skin (no sweating)
  • Rapid, weak pulse
  • Confusion
  • A body temperature of above 103°F
  • Seizures
  • Unconsciousness

If you see someone with any warning signs of heat stroke, call 911 immediately, then cool the victim however you can (for example, move him/her to a shady spot or an air-conditioned location, or wet his/her skin with a sponge or hose).

Humid weather and excruciatingly hot weather conditions can force you to skip a workout. Sometimes when you’re stuck in a tropical climate it feels almost too hot to move. Exercising is the last thing you feel like facing, On the other hand, skipping your sweat session is a definite, no because you’re dedicated to your fitness routine,

The problem is that whenever you exercise in a humid climate… You might feel dizzy, nauseous, light-headed, or weak during or after the workout.

There’s nothing worse than feeling completely exhausted for the rest of the day. And unlike most people, who’d much prefer to sit around in a cool air-conditioned room. You’re still committed to sticking to your routine. However, your usual fitness schedule might have to change slightly, if you want to take proper care of your health.

Humid Weather Affects Your Body

If you’re going to exercise in extremely hot and humid conditions. Then you need to take caution. I am currently staying in Kenya, Watamu – where the weather is sometimes so hot that you feel as if you’re about to melt. But because fitness is a huge part of my lifestyle and career, I am not prepared to miss out on it because of the heat. If you’re like me. you must be aware of how it can affect your body and what to do to protect yourself.

When you exercise vigorously, a humid climate can cause your core body temperature to increase significantly. This will stress your body’s natural cooling system which works hard to maintain all the normal body functions. According to health experts, when you don’t maintain proper precautions you might experience various heat-related conditions.

Humid Heat Conditions

Painful Heat Cramps

Do you know that feeling when your toe decides to randomly scrunch up and throb uncontrollably? Well, the pain you’re feeling is a sore, involuntary contraction of the muscles. It is caused when excessive sweating depletes the body of important salts and fluid levels drop.

What is the effect of hot and humid environment on exercise?

Experts explain that these painful muscle cramps often happen in the calf, thigh, or abdomen. However, they might also occur in your arms during sports like tennis where a lot of repetitive muscular force is used.

Heat Syncope

If you’ve just finished an intense workout, and you begin to feel light-headed or faint. Then you are experiencing heat syncope. Moreover, these sensations can happen during or after exercise. Excessive humidity can trigger this which causes you to experience dizziness or even loss of consciousness.

What is the effect of hot and humid environment on exercise?

Although these sensations are uncomfortable, they do not usually last long which is half the problem. Just because the condition subsides quickly doesn’t mean you should ignore it and continue as normal with your fitness routine. You might recover almost immediately. However, it could be detrimental if you keep doing the same thing each time you try to sneak in high-intensity workouts amongst the humid heat.

That’s why it’s vital that you include a warm-up before every workout. It’s very common for these symptoms to occur when there is no gradual warm-up before strenuous activities. Having said that, you must also always cool down properly after any exercise. If you suddenly stop a vigorous activity you can cause your blood pressure to drop significantly.

Heat Exhaustion

If you experience an unusual level of lethargy during the day after completing an intense workout in hot and humid weather. Then you’re probably experiencing heat exhaustion. The effects can be debilitating, and sadly we often overlook the dangers.

What is the effect of hot and humid environment on exercise?

Completing a short and intense workout seems like a great idea to maximize your results. But, is it really worth the risk? Working out in excessive heat can cause you to experience intense thirst, nausea, weakness, anxiety, and lightheadedness after exercising.

Therefore, you’re at a huge risk of collapsing due to elevated body temperature. 

Heat Stroke

Humid weather and the hot sun combined can bring on a serious case of heatstroke. This is probably one of the most severe heat-related conditions. Experts explain that it is when the body is unable to cope with extreme heat. Moreover, heatstroke is identified when your core temperature rises above 400C (>104 F).

When your body reaches excessive core temperatures, then the central nervous system starts to dysfunctional. This is what leads to confusion, altered sensation, and seizures. Therefore, you must take caution because heat stroke is a life-threatening condition and requires immediate medical attention.

Prevent Humid Heat Illnesses

Luckily, there are methods you can use to avoid these illnesses from happening. It just means that you need to take care of and refine your fitness routine. And you’ll find that most of them are common sense.

What is the effect of hot and humid environment on exercise?

It is very important to educate yourselves about the consequences of playing sports or exercising in hot and humid climates. Carefully read through the following precautions so that you can keep fit in tropical or humid areas.  

Always Complete Acclimatization

If you’re based in a sticky, hot area then you need to give your body more time to adjust before getting straight into the workout. The body takes time to adjust, especially if you usually exercise indoors.

You’ll need to start slowly, and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workout. Don’t just dive right in. That’s the fastest lane to pass out.

Stay Hydrated

I’m sure you’re familiar with keeping hydrated. I know that you know how important this is. However, it’s even more crucial if you’re going to workout out vigorously in a humid environment. You’ll need to take in plenty of fluids even before you start your exercises.

What is the effect of hot and humid environment on exercise?

You need to keep sipping both an electrolyte drink and water during your workout because dehydration is the major factor for most heat-related illness. According to research, coconut water is one of the best forms of hydration. But your body requires a certain volume of fluid to maintain normal blood pressure so do not replace water.

The reason you require electrolyte drinks is to stabilize sodium and potassium levels. In addition, they add carbohydrates which help reduce fluid loss, maintain performance, lower exercise heart rate, reduce heat stress, heat exhaustion, and possibly heat stroke.

Take Regular Breaks

 You need to structure your workouts into a format that consists of intermittent rest periods. This allows your body to cool down and not overheat. You will also bto catch your breath, drink some water, stretch and then slowly get back to working out.

Think of these breaks as mini recovery sessions for your body.

Don’t Forget Sunscreen

Even if you’re not exercising in direct sunlight, this is still pertinent. Before every workout, you must apply sunscreen to prevent your skin from burning or blistering. It is also important to reapply regularly when sweating.

What is the effect of hot and humid environment on exercise?

I’d recommend using a sweat-proof product with a low SPF30. Not only do you want to prevent heat conditions, but you need to protect yourself from skin cancers too.

Don’t Exercise In Direct Sunlight

Try not to exercise in the baking heat. It’s best to pick a time when the weather is cooler and the sun is not too hot yet. That’s why it is best to work out early in the morning or late in the evening.

Whatever time you choose, be sure to avoid the baking sun!

Workouts Should Be Progressive

If you’re exercising in humid conditions then you might need to be less intense about your workout. It’s best to progress slowly rather than plunging into it full force. Rather build up slowly and then once you’re used to the climate on that day, increase the intensity. Accept that the heat and humidity may not allow you to perform the way you would in a more temperate climate.

What is the effect of hot and humid environment on exercise?

You need to be smart about the situation rather than trying to compete with your past workouts!

Watch Out For Sore Muscles

Stop immediately if your muscles begin to cramp up or get sore. Don’t just push through with it. This means you are dehydrated.

It’s always better to stop exercising and give your body time to calm down. Doctors suggest seeking shade, gentle stretching, taking fluids and resting for the remainder of the day.

What is the effect of hot and humid environment on exercise?

Too often we ignore our bodies when they’re trying to tell us something. When you’re feeling sick, hungry or tired – the body lets you know. If you don’t listen, it forces you to listen. That’s why when you experience dizziness, nausea or headaches, don’t just brush them off.

These are the first warning signs of heat conditions. And you don’t even need to feel thirsty before you start losing hydration. 2% of fluid loss happens before you even know to drink water. Therefore, it’s vital you keep drinking and urinating regularly to ensure you have enough fluid in your system.

If you begin experiencing any of the above symptoms then you must stop and immediately get some shade, air-conditioning, or hop into a cold shower while drinking lots of water.

Plan Ahead

Depending on the activity you’re about to do, you can think ahead of time. If you’re going for a long run or completing a hike. So it’s vital you get the necessary hydration and fuel beforehand, during and after the activity. The same applies to all workouts.

It might be a good idea to let people know about it in case of an emergency. You can also pack snacks to keep your energy, sodium, and water levels balanced.

So, if you’re staying in a hot and humid place and love keeping fit and healthy. Then go for it! However, you must be mindful of the effects of extreme heat and incorporate the necessary methods into your fitness routine.