What is the group of participants chosen to receive the independent variable manipulation called quizlet?

It means using a control group in the experiment. In this group, researchers keep the independent variable constant. This control group is then compared to a treatment group, where the researchers have changed the independent variable. 

Well, for obvious reasons, researchers are interested in the treatment group more as it has a scope of change of the dependent variable. 


You want to find out if the workers work more efficiently if there is a pay rise. 

Here, you will put certain workers in the treatment group and certain in the control group.

Treatment group: You pay more to the workers.

Control group: You don’t pay any extra to the workers and things remain the same. 

By comparing these two groups you understand that the workers who got paid more worked more efficiently than the workers who didn’t. 

As for the quasi-experimental design, the manipulation characteristic of the true experiment remains the same. But randomization or control characteristics are present in contrast to each other or none at all. 

Hence, these experiments are conducted where the random selection is difficult or even impossible. 

The quasi-experiment does not include random assignment as the independent variable is manipulated before the measurement of the dependent variable.

True experiments, despite having higher internal validity, can be expensive. Also, it requires enough participants so that the true experiment can be justified. Unlike that, in quasi-experiment, you can use the already gathered data. 

The data is collected and paid by some strong entity, say the government, and you use that to study your questions. 

Well, that concludes our guide. If you’re looking for extensive research tools, Voxco offers a complete market research tool kit that includes market research trends, a guide to online surveys, an agile market research guide, and 5 market research templates.