What is the most important purpose of photosynthesis to plants

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Photosynthesis is not just about oxygen production it is also about energy production.

Most people would agree that photosynthesis is a great thing. I’ve never heard anyone argue against it. However, some folks have missed the purpose of photosynthesis. It’s not oxygen production.

The primary function of photosynthesis is to convert solar energy into chemical energy and then store that chemical energy for future use. For the most part, the planet’s living systems are powered by this process. It’s not particularly efficient by human engineering standards, but it does the job. Photosynthesis happens in regions of a cell called chloroplasts. The chemistry and physics are complex.

It’s a bit humbling to consider that the energy in our bodies travels 93 million miles in a little more than eight minutes, and that life has tapped into that energy stream. For a short time that energy is tied up in biological systems before it continues on its merry way into the dark of space.

In essence, green plants take carbon, hydrogen and oxygen from the molecules of carbon dioxide and water, and then recombine them into a new molecule called glucose. This happens in the presence of sunlight, of course. Energy is stored in the bonds of the glucose molecule. Glucose is a fairly simple sugar, easy to break down. Ever wonder why kids bounce off the walls and ceilings soon after a good dose of sugar?

Chemically speaking, the inputs to photosynthesis are six carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms and 18 oxygen atoms. Glucose uses six carbon, 12 hydrogen, and six oxygen molecules. Simple math shows 12 leftover oxygen atoms, or six oxygen molecules. Oxygen atoms prefer mates.

Interestingly, and not coincidentally, the process of respiration breaks apart the glucose molecule. Respiration occurs in the cells of nearly all living things. The released energy is then used for all sorts of metabolic activity, including the energy that you are using to read this article. Respiration happens in regions of a cell called mitochondria. The chemical reactions are the reverse of photosynthesis, using a glucose molecule and six oxygen molecules (12 atoms) as inputs. Energy is released along with some carbon dioxide and water.

But this is enough chemistry.

Trees and other green plants practice respiration, too, just like animals, but they also practice photosynthesis. This is why ecologists categorize green plants as “producers” and most every other life form as a “consumer.” It’s about the energy. OK, there are decomposers, too, but that’s another story and they’re still dependent upon the energy captured by the producers.

Oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis and, correspondingly, carbon dioxide the byproduct of respiration. Trees are often credited as the major oxygen generator for the planet, but that would be false. Most of the planet is covered with water and the collective photosynthesis of lowly algae is the true oxygen machine.

Nevertheless, trees and forests are, indeed, significant oxygen producers. However, if oxygen was the only benefit of trees and forests, we could easily live without them. And some forests actually produce more carbon dioxide than oxygen. Fortunately, the benefits of both trees and forests extend far beyond something as narrow as oxygen production.

Much of the basic structural material of plants and wood is cellulose, which is an especially complex sugar. The constituent molecules of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen can be recombined to form lots of useful chemicals such as ethanol, perfumes, bioplastics, clothing fabrics and a range of industrial ingredients. It’s generally agreed that sources from within renewable living ecosystems have distinct advantages over using the ancient materials that make up fossil fuels.

Plants and photosynthesis are the basis of fossil fuels, too, but from millions and millions of years ago. Bringing huge volumes of those molecules back into living ecosystems has a few drawbacks that science has gotten pretty good at measuring and describing.

Trees, forests, forest soils and forest products are mighty important in the cycling of carbon and the relative size of various carbon pools. There are other elements that also cycle through forests. Science has a pretty good handle on these relationships, too. Michigan residents might do well to place a bit more weight on these service benefits of trees, forests, and forest management.

As for photosynthesis itself, maybe it’s better if we think more about the energy capture and less about the oxygen production.

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Photosynthesis is arguably the most important biological process on earth. By liberating oxygen and consuming carbon dioxide, it has transformed the world into the hospitable environment we know today. Directly or indirectly, photosynthesis fills all of our food requirements and many of our needs for fiber and building materials. The energy stored in petroleum, natural gas and coal all came from the sun via photosynthesis, as does the energy in firewood, which is a major fuel in many parts of the world. This being the case, scientific research into photosynthesis is vitally important. If we can understand and control the intricacies of the photosynthetic process, we can learn how to increase crop yields of food, fiber, wood, and fuel, and how to better use our lands. The energy-harvesting secrets of plants can be adapted to man-made systems which provide new, efficient ways to collect and use solar energy. These same natural "technologies" can help point the way to the design of new, faster, and more compact computers, and even to new medical breakthroughs. Because photosynthesis helps control the makeup of our atmosphere, understanding photosynthesis is crucial to understanding how carbon dioxide and other "greenhouse gases" affect the global climate. In this document, we will briefly explore each of the areas mentioned above, and illustrate how photosynthesis research is critical to maintaining and improving our quality of life.

Photosynthesis and food. All of our biological energy needs are met by the plant kingdom, either directly or through herbivorous animals. Plants in turn obtain the energy to synthesize foodstuffs via photosynthesis. Although plants draw necessary materials from the soil and water and carbon dioxide from the air, the energy needs of the plant are filled by sunlight. Sunlight is pure energy. However, sunlight itself is not a very useful form of energy; it cannot be eaten, it cannot turn dynamos, and it cannot be stored. To be beneficial, the energy in sunlight must be converted to other forms. This is what photosynthesis is all about. It is the process by which plants change the energy in sunlight to kinds of energy that can be stored for later use. Plants carry out this process in photosynthetic reaction centers. These tiny units are found in leaves, and convert light energy to chemical energy, which is the form used by all living organisms. One of the major energy-harvesting processes in plants involves using the energy of sunlight to convert carbon dioxide from the air into sugars, starches, and other high-energy carbohydrates. Oxygen is released in the process. Later, when the plant needs food, it draws upon the energy stored in these carbohydrates. We do the same. When we eat a plate of spaghetti, our bodies oxidize or "burn" the starch by allowing it to combine with oxygen from the air. This produces carbon dioxide, which we exhale, and the energy we need to survive. Thus, if there is no photosynthesis, there is no food. Indeed, one widely accepted theory explaining the extinction of the dinosaurs suggests that a comet, meteor, or volcano ejected so much material into the atmosphere that the amount of sunlight reaching the earth was severely reduced. This in turn caused the death of many plants and the creatures that depended upon them for energy.

Photosynthesis and energy. One of the carbohydrates resulting from photosynthesis is cellulose, which makes up the bulk of dry wood and other plant material. When we burn wood, we convert the cellulose back to carbon dioxide and release the stored energy as heat. Burning fuel is basically the same oxidation process that occurs in our bodies; it liberates the energy of "stored sunlight" in a useful form, and returns carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Energy from burning "biomass" is important in many parts of the world. In developing countries, firewood continues to be critical to survival. Ethanol (grain alcohol) produced from sugars and starches by fermentation is a major automobile fuel in Brazil, and is added to gasoline in some parts of the United States to help reduce emissions of harmful pollutants. Ethanol is also readily converted to ethylene, which serves as a feedstock to a large part of the petrochemical industry. It is possible to convert cellulose to sugar, and then into ethanol; various microorganisms carry out this process. It could be commercially important one day.

Our major sources of energy, of course, are coal, oil and natural gas. These materials are all derived from ancient plants and animals, and the energy stored within them is chemical energy that originally came from sunlight through photosynthesis. Thus, most of the energy we use today was originally solar energy!

Photosynthesis, fiber, and materials. Wood, of course, is not only burned, but is an important material for building and many other purposes. Paper, for example, is nearly pure photosynthetically produced cellulose, as is cotton and many other natural fibers. Even wool production depends on photosynthetically-derived energy. In fact, all plant and animal products including many medicines and drugs require energy to produce, and that energy comes ultimately from sunlight via photosynthesis. Many of our other materials needs are filled by plastics and synthetic fibers which are produced from petroleum, and are thus also photosynthetic in origin. Even much of our metal refining depends ultimately on coal or other photosynthetic products. Indeed, it is difficult to name an economically important material or substance whose existence and usefulness is not in some way tied to photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis and the environment. Currently, there is a lot of discussion concerning the possible effects of carbon dioxide and other "greenhouse gases" on the environment. As mentioned above, photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide from the air to carbohydrates and other kinds of "fixed" carbon and releases oxygen to the atmosphere. When we burn firewood, ethanol, or coal, oil and other fossil fuels, oxygen is consumed, and carbon dioxide is released back to the atmosphere. Thus, carbon dioxide which was removed from the atmosphere over millions of years is being replaced very quickly through our consumption of these fuels. The increase in carbon dioxide and related gases is bound to affect our atmosphere. Will this change be large or small, and will it be harmful or beneficial? These questions are being actively studied by many scientists today. The answers will depend strongly on the effect of photosynthesis carried out by land and sea organisms. As photosynthesis consumes carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, it helps counteract the effect of combustion of fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuels releases not only carbon dioxide, but also hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and other trace materials that pollute the atmosphere and contribute to long-term health and environmental problems. These problems are a consequence of the fact that nature has chosen to implement photosynthesis through conversion of carbon dioxide to energy-rich materials such as carbohydrates. Can the principles of photosynthetic solar energy harvesting be used in some way to produce non-polluting fuels or energy sources? The answer, as we shall see, is yes.


 Devens Gust

Regents' Professor Emeritus


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