What is the name of the town at which george and lennie arrive at the beginning of the novel?

  • Last updated on December 10, 2021

First published: 1937

Type of work: Novel

Type of plot: Impressionistic realism

Time of work: Mid-twentieth century

Asterisk denotes entries on real places.

*Salinas Of Mice and MenValley (sah-LEE-nas). Rich agricultural region along north-central California’s Pacific coast in which the novel is set. Steinbeck grew up in the Salinas Valley and set much of his important fiction there and in the surrounding areas. In this short novel, his focus is comparatively narrow: All its action unfolds between the Salinas River, a single ranch, and the nearby town of Soledad. Although the backdrop of the story hints at social discontent–which is manifest in the dream of itinerant farmworkers George Milton and Lennie Small to own their own land–the book’s drama centers on the personal problems of the giant Lennie, who has a history of stumbling into serious trouble wherever he and George go.

*Salinas River. Stream next to which the story begins and ends. The novel opens as itinerant farmworkers George and Lennie are hunkering down beside the pleasant river, discussing the new ranch to which they are headed. They also talk about a little ranch they hope to buy for themselves, and the pastoral riverside location evokes Lennie’s wistful yearnings to raise rabbits and live “off the fatta the lan’.”

Fearing that the simple Lennie may get into trouble with their new employers, George makes him promise to return to this same spot by the river if something happens that forces them to flee the ranch. Later, Lennie accidentally kills a woman and comes back to the river, where George finds him before the rest of the ranch hands catch up with him. There, Lennie has a vision and then with George’s help, imagines the little place with rabbits, where there is no trouble. As George instructs him to gaze across the river and see the place with no trouble, he shoots Lennie with a pistol to prevent his being lynched by others.

Ranch. Salinas Valley farm on which George and Lennie take jobs as hands. George hopes only that he and Lennie can keep their jobs long enough to build up a cash stake that will help them buy a small farm for themselves. There is little description of the farm beyond its barn and the bunkhouse in which George and Lennie are quartered. They arrive during what appears to be a barley harvest–work at which the powerful Lennie excels. George and Lennie establish a pleasant camaraderie with some of their bunkmates, so their immediate prospects seem favorable. Such trouble as arises comes from the owner’s family: his belligerent son who unwisely taunts Lennie into a pointless physical confrontation, and the son’s wife, whose coquettish flirtation with the man who humiliates her husband results in both her and Lennie’s deaths. Although George and Lennie’s troubles have little to do with broader labor problems, it is significant that their downfall is brought on by representatives of landowners.

Crooks’s room. Quarters of Crooks, the ranch’s African American cook, who has been living apart from the main bunkhouse through the many years he has worked on the ranch. Although forced to live alone because he is black, he has the ironic privilege of being the only hand on the ranch to enjoy true privacy. He hungers for company other than his books but has never admitted another hand into his room before the night in which Lennie wanders in to pay a friendly call. When another veteran ranch hand, Candy, soon follows, Crooks grudgingly allows the intrusions but secretly relishes having human company, even if it consists only of two fellow pariahs–a dimwit and a crippled amputee. Crooks’s hunger for companionship comes to the surface when he begs to be allowed to join Lennie, Candy, and George’s plan to live on a ranch of their own. In another of the book’s little ironies, its sole African American character also appears to be the ranch’s only hand who was once a member of a family that owned its own land.

*Weed. Small Northern California farming town, about 330 miles north of Salinas, from which Lennie and George were run out immediately before the narrative begins. Although George is afraid that he and Lennie will lose their new jobs if anyone at the Salinas ranch finds out why they left Weed, he tells his guilty secret to the skinner Slim. Mentioned several times throughout the novel, Weed is an icon of George and Lennie’s perpetual failure to find stable work and homes, as well as an example of the great distances farm hands must travel to find work.

Imaginary farm. Ten-acre plot of farmland that George hopes to buy for himself and Lennie from an elderly couple whom he knows. Though a real place, the farm is appropriately at an unspecified remote location–a place “you couldn’t find in hundred years.” The chances of George and Lennie ever actually owning the place are so slim that it may as well be the farm existing in Lennie’s simple imagination: an idyllic place with abundant crops, rabbits, and other animals that Lennie will tend, and no trouble.

So as not to jeopardize their employment on the Salinas ranch, George repeatedly instructs Lennie not to mention the farm to anyone else. However, Lennie can not stay silent, and each ranch hand whom he tells about the farm wants to be a part of it. George and Lennie’s quest to live on a place of their own is the dominant motif through the novel, so it is fitting that Lennie is imagining life on the farm at the moment George shoots him, thereby ending that dream for everyone.

Benson, Jackson J., ed. The Short Novels of John Steinbeck: Critical Essays with a Checklist to Steinbeck Criticism. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1990. Contains Anne Loftis’ “A Historical Introduction to Of Mice and Men,” William Goldhurst’s “Of Mice and Men: John Steinbeck’s Parable of the Curse of Cain,” and Mark Spilka’s “Of George and Lennie and Curley’s Wife: Sweet Violence in Steinbeck’s Eden.”Benson, Jackson J. The True Adventures of John Steinbeck, Writer. New York: Viking, 1984. Definitive biography calls Of Mice and Men’s popularity the turning point between poverty and success in Steinbeck’s career. Traces the novel’s composition and its revision into drama.French, Warren. John Steinbeck. Boston: Twayne, 1975. Calls Of Mice and Men a naturalistic fable resulting from Steinbeck’s fascination with Ed Ricketts’ nonteleological belief “that what things are matters less than the fact that they are.” Discusses Steinbeck’s deliberate writing of a fiction work that could be easily revised into a play.Hayashi, Testsumaro, ed. John Steinbeck: The Years of Greatness, 1936-1939. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1993. Contains Charlotte Cook Hadella’s “The Dialogic Tension in Steinbeck’s Portrait of Curley’s Wife,” Thomas Fensch’s “Reflections of Doc: The Persona of Ed Ricketts in Of Mice and Men,” and Robert E. Morseberger’s “Tell Again, George.”Owens, Louis. John Steinbeck’s Re-Vision of America. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1985. Discusses the importance of setting to the Eden myth in terms of Lennie’s dream of living “off the fatta the lan’.” The novel seems pessimistic because Eden cannot be achieved, but commitment between people allows for hope.


Of Mice and Men was first published in what year?1937
What is the name of the town from which George and Lennie are fleeing when the story opens?Weed When Lennie drops down next to the pool of water as the story opens, what is George’s advice to him?Not to drink too much that he gets sick What excites Lennie most about his dream life with George?He'll get to farm and tend rabbits Why is Candy unable to imagine getting rid of his old dog?He's had it since it was a puppy Why does Curley wear a Vaseline-filled glove on one hand?To keep it sof for his wife Why does Carlson insist on shooting Candy’s dog?He believes it's too old and decrepit to be of any use Whit enters the bunkhouse with a magazine featuring a man he used to work with. Why is the man in the magazine?He wrote a letter to the editor saying how much he liked the magazine What is Old Susy’s place?A flophouse Who discovers Curley’s dead wife?Candy What does Curley wear to set himself apart from the other men?High heeled cowboy boots Why doesn’t Crooks allow Lennie to enter his room at first?Because he isn't allowed in the white men's bunkhouse, so he won't let them into his room Who cared for Lennie before George?Lennie's Aunt Clara Of Mice and Men is set in which decade?1930s What does Curley’s wife offer to let Lennie touch?Her hair To whom does Candy look for advice before allowing Carlson to shoot his dog?Slim Whom do Lennie and George agree to let live on their farm?Candy Why do many critics find fault with Of Mice and Men?They think it's too sentimental / Too much "bad language" / Inaccurate How does Steinbeck foreshadow the death of Curley’s wife?Opens the chapter with Lennie and the dead puppy / has Lennie frequently killing or harming things he likes How did Crooks get his name?He was kicked by a horse Before George meets Lennie in the woods in the final scene, whose gun does he take?Carlson's What does George say to Lennie before shooting him?He tells him to look away, and imagine their farm and the rabbits Who is the only man to understand the bond between Lennie and George?Slim After killing Curley’s wife, who does Lennie imagine appears to chastise his behaviour?Aunt Clara and a giant rabbit Curley’s wife wonders what she would be if she had followed her dreams and become what?A Hollywood actress



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