What is the purpose of Article VI of the Constitution?

Article 6 of the Constitution not only states that all debts and prior engagements before the Constitution was written are still in effect, it also discusses that the Constitution is the highest ruling document and governing law in the U.S. It not only states U.S. citizens have to abide by it, but the federal officers as well as judges in the U.S. are also required to follow, and to govern, following the rules and regulations that are set forth in the Constitution.

Breaking it Down

Unlike other articles, the 6th is not broken down into sections and clauses. It is simply made up of three clauses of text, and discusses three distinct issues. The issues that are discussed in this article are all in relation to any debts that a state might have, any prior engagements a state might have entered into, and what the states are regulated by (what laws apply), when it comes to any of these issues and topics.

The article discusses that certain debts are not going to be wiped away simply because they are older than the Constitution; it also states that engagements and contractual obligations that were agreed upon prior must still be carried out by the states, even if they were made official prior to the Constitution being signed.

What the Article Includes

Some of the basic points that are made in the short, three clause text includes: – Judges and federal officials are required to abide by the law that is written in the Constitution. – All debts and engagements, regardless of when they were entered into (even prior to the Constitution being written), have to be paid off by the states that owe them. – All laws and treaties in the Constitution are the governing law of the U.S. – All officials, senators, representatives, house members, judges, etc., must take an oath to abide by the Constitution and the governing laws in it; and,

– No religious tests will ever be a requirement for someone to qualify as a representative, or elected body in the U.S.

This article basically breaks down what the Constitution is, who has to follow it, and what the rules in it mean. It also prescribes that regardless of what issue, if there are differences in federal and state laws, that the federal law, is always going to trump state law, even in state courts.

Clause 1: Debts

This is the clause that discusses any debts that the states owe, which were entered into and negotiated, prior to the advent of the Constitution being ratified, and entered as the supreme law of the U.S. The clause states that all these debts and engagements are still valid, and hold to the same terms, as when they were entered into under the Articles of Confederation.

Clause 2: Supremacy

This is known as the supremacy clause in the U.S. Constitution. It basically states that all federal laws, that are comprised and make up the U.S. Constitution, are the governing laws, and supreme laws that must be followed by all U.S. citizens. In the event a state law dictates what a federal law states, the state law will be trumped by federal law, regardless of which one came first. It also dictates that the state courts, regardless of beliefs or laws in the state, must abide by the federal laws, if there is a conflict among them. There are several federal and state issues that contradict one another, and have been throughout history. Regardless of the issue, or what kind of debate it is, if a federal and state law contradict what the other says, this Supremacy clause basically states that the states can’t abide by their own state law, and must follow what the federal regulation is on any subject matter.

Clause 3: Oaths

This caluse basically states that elected executive officers, any judges, all federal legislators and all state legislators, and any other governing body or power, must follow an oath (prior to being able to take office in their respective practice), and must state that they will abide by all rules in the Constitution, and that the Constitution is the governing law of the U.S.

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All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Article 6 consists of three sections, all of which collectively assert the supremacy of the Constitution in establishing laws and treaties.

Our forefathers were wise in knowing that people would constantly attempt to undermine the Constitution and create exceptions to further their own agendas, even through unconstitutional means. Article 6 avoids any treasonous interpretations. 

No state laws should overall federal laws

Article 6 is a way to cover all bases in clarifying that no state or individual can come to a legal agreement that contradicts the privileges and laws laid out within the pages of the original US Constitution (now housed in the National Archives Museum in Washington, DC).

Additionally, Article VI of the Constitution established freedom of religion.

The 6th Article contains three sections and can be better understood when broken down and dissected.

Why Article 6 is Still Important Today

Some might say that our current society is on the verge of self-destruction. Over the past decade, the United States Constitution has been challenged time and time again by those who have no respect for its authority. 

Abraham Lincoln recognized ‘We the people’ are the true masters of Congress.

Contentious issues in the constitution are those from the right to life to the right to bear arms. Many have and continue to insist that the Constitution got it wrong and needs to be upgraded for today.

The eternal life of the constitution

People fail to realize that the United States Constitution was written for all time and is as relevant today as when it was first written.

The Constitution is not a piece of clay made to be remolded at any time for each individual. It is a strong foundation, unyielding to new philosophies and special circumstances.

Wise words from President Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln once said,

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”

Article 6 declares that all Constitutional Amendments and laws will forever be the final law of America, and no citizens or states will ever change that.

Lincoln emphasized the right of the people to overthrow those who pervert the Constitution.

Section One of Article 6

Article 6, Section 1 is a formal notification that the United States government initially took the burden of debt upon itself. America had accrued this debt before implementing the Constitution and the separate states coming together in unity. 

In doing so, the United States’ Founding Fathers garnered instant respect for being known as a government that takes care of its own. This initial wave would set the tone for how our nation would handle debts for generations to come.

Henceforth, the United States of America was known as a moral nation that handled its responsibilities promptly and maturely.

The US took responsibility for its own debt.

Section Two of Article 6

Article 6, Section 2 contains what is known as the Supremacy Clause. The Supremacy Clause is where the United States Constitution is deemed the Supreme Law of the Land. If you are a citizen of the United States of America, you will respect and abide by the laws set forth within the said document.

Judges and Congress members must abide by the Constitution firmly, and no state law can contradict the Constitution or other federal law subject to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Also, state laws cannot violate treaty agreements made with America – past or present.

United States citizens must recognize the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land.

Section 2 declares that while state governments do have the power to create their own laws when necessary, they cannot overlook or negate the Supreme Law of the Land as outlined in the Constitution and upheld by the Supreme Court.

Section Three of Article 6

Article 6, Section 3 continues the main theme of the ultimate authority of the United States Constitution. Still, it also sets additional provisions for religious freedom within the US federal government.

Federal government officers, including the President, are legally bound to adhere to the Constitution.

Initially, it states that any and all persons who are involved in the United States federal government – be it in the judicial branch, the chief justice, vice president, acting president, president, officer, or those in Congress – are legally bound to adhere to the US Constitution by swearing an oath.

Here, we see the No Religious Test Clause come into play. It states that while taking an oath to abide by the Constitution is required to work in the State, Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches of the United States government, no one should have to take any religious test to be admitted into the government.

Did You Know That England Had a Religion Test?

From approximately 1673 to 1689, anyone who wanted to work in that government had to renounce Roman Catholicism and accept the Anglican doctrine taught by the Church of England. That automatically disqualified protestants and Catholics from working in civil service.

Roman Catholics were disqualified from working in civil service.

By mandating no religious test be deemed to hold a position within the American government, our Founding Fathers, such as James Madison, set a precedent that no man should be judged based solely upon their religious beliefs.

Purpose of Article 6 of the Constitution

“Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it.”

Judge Learned Hand

The United States Constitution was created in order to establish a strong foundation by which all people should be governed. The Constitution’s beauty is that it establishes a base whereby all men truly are treated with equality and respect.

The flag of the United States of America.

In a way, it’s almost comparable to a holy text in that it has stood the test of time, despite how many people have relentlessly tried to change it.

It is our obligation as US citizens to hold onto Article 6 of the United States Constitution like a banner for everyone to read, as people will try to dismiss the liberties and boundaries established within the pages of that document.


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