What real will prosper quotes?

Live Long and Prosper Votes: 3

Leonard Nimoy

Only cheaters prosper. Votes: 0

Howard Tayler

Wine-Counsels seldome prosper. Votes: 0

George Herbert

Base men who prosper are unenviable. Votes: 0


Can someone explain this to me I find it hard to get around my head for some reason.

What real will prosper quotes?

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Quotes tagged as "prosper" Showing 1-30 of 41

What real will prosper quotes?

“There will always be haters. And the more you grow the more they hate; the more they hate the more you grow.”
Anthony Liccione

What real will prosper quotes?

“Soar with wit. Conquer with dignity. Handle with care.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

What real will prosper quotes?

“Everything needs to work in sync and to the best of its ability for a business to prosper.”
Pooja Agnihotri, 17 Reasons Why Businesses Fail :Unscrew Yourself From Business Failure

“It is not about what you lose when it is over. Far more, it is about what you gain during the journey!”

Cass van Krah

“During these times of stress and strain where society is flooded with negativity and loss of hope for humanity, I have a friendly reminder. I am a firm believer in the particularly special sect in society that happens to be significantly socially educated in modern generations. I want to kindly remind you of the people that grasp hope and humanity firmly in one hand and their neighbor with the other. There is a significant amount of loving and educated people that will be the reason we look back at negative events that occur today in awe. And with so much bigotry and lack of humanity today, we must remember that with no struggle there is no progress. The struggles we experience today are the motives for the progress and accomplishments of tomorrow, remember that. When you encounter social pessimism, remember to set the example for newer generations to come and leave the past to dwell where it belongs.”
Ghaleya Aldhafiri

“If you are possessed by the desire to be useful for God on this earth, He will honor you, you will prosper and your life will be a testimony of success”
Sunday Adelaja

“Only the people who are rooted in the house of God will thrive, prosper, become rich and still have joy in every situation”
Sunday Adelaja

“Black hawk down.Black eagle up.”

Cass van Krah

What real will prosper quotes?

“You don’t prosper by maintaining standards; you prosper by maintaining habits. You are what you are not because of what you did; but because of what you keep doing.”
Moffat Machingura, Life Capsules for Success: 50 Energy Capsules to Speed Boost You Towards Your Success, Now!

“When we Dream , we get inspired.When we Pursue, we are changing lives.When we Prosper, we made the Dream a reality.”

Diane M. Shampine