What religious occasion on the Islamic lunar calendar is associated with a month of daytime fasting?

What religious occasion on the Islamic lunar calendar is associated with a month of daytime fasting?

To learn more, check out our free public presentations on Ramadan and Muslim Americans and Their Faith.

To view other important dates for Muslims, visit our Calendar of Important Islamic Dates


Ramadan is considered one of the holiest months of the year for Muslims. In Ramadan, Muslims commemorate the revelation of the Qur’an, and fast from food and drink during the sunlit hours as a means of drawing closer to God and cultivating self-control, gratitude, and compassion for those less fortunate. Ramadan is a month of intense spiritual rejuvenation with a heightened focus on devotion, during which Muslims spend extra time reading the Qur’an and performing special prayers. Those unable to fast, such as pregnant or nursing women, the sick, or elderly people and children, are exempt from fasting.

When does Ramadan take place?

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic calendar, which is based on a 12-month lunar year of approximately 354 days. Because the lunar year is 11 days shorter than the solar year, each lunar month moves 11 days earlier each year. It takes 33 solar years for the lunar months to complete a full cycle and return to the same season. The month traditionally begins and ends based on the sighting of the new moon. Starting on March 22nd, Muslims throughout the United States and the rest of the world will begin to search the sky for the new crescent or will follow a pre-determined date based on astronomical calculation. In 2023, the month-long fast of Ramadan begins around March 23rd and ends around April 20th.

The Length and Purpose of Fasting

Muslims fast from pre-dawn to sunset, a fast of between 11-16 hours depending on the time of year for a period of 29-30 days. Ramadan entails forgoing food and drink, and if married, abstaining from sex during sunlit hours. For Muslims, Ramadan is a time to train themselves both physically and spiritually by avoiding any negative acts such as gossiping, backbiting, lying or arguing. Muslims welcome Ramadan as an opportunity for self-reflection and spiritual improvement, and as a means to grow in moral excellence. Ramadan is also a highly social time as Muslims invite each other to break fast together and meet for prayers at the mosque.

The ultimate goal of fasting is gaining greater God-consciousness, known in Arabic as taqwa, signifying a state of constant awareness of God. From this awareness a person should gain discipline, self-restraint and a greater incentive to do good and avoid wrong. In commemoration of the revelation the Qur’an, which began in the month of Ramadan, Muslims attempt to read the entire book during Ramadan. The entire Qur’an is also recited during special nightly prayers.

Who Fasts

All Muslims who have reached puberty are obligated to fast. However, people for whom fasting would be a hardship are exempted from fasting. This includes anyone who is sick or traveling; women who are pregnant, nursing, or on their menses; or older people who are too weak or ill to fast. They should make up the fast later, except for those who cannot fast due to age or chronic illness. Instead, they can feed a poor person for every day of fasting which they miss.


While children are not required to fast until they reach puberty, it is customary for children beginning around seven years of age to perform limited or symbolic fasting such as fasting half days or on weekends. This trains them gradually and helps to engender a sense of inclusion during the month-long observance. Mosques often give special recognition to children who are fasting their first full day or first Ramadan.

Family Routines

A Muslim family usually rises around 5:00 a.m. before dawn and eats a modest, breakfast-like meal called suhur. After the meal, the family performs the morning prayer, and depending on the circumstances, goes back to bed or begins the day. Particularly during the long summer months, people often take a nap in the late afternoon after work or school. At sunset, family members break the fast with a few dates and water, and depending on the culture, other light foods such as soup, appetizers or fruit. This is referred to as iftar which means “breaking the fast.” After performing the sunset prayers, the family eats dinner. Inviting guests to break the fast or going to someone else’s house for iftar is very common in Ramadan. Many families then go to the mosque for the night prayer and a special Ramadan prayer called taraweeh. After completing their prayers, the families return home around 11:45 p.m. (All of these times vary depending on the time of year, with shorter days in the winter and longer days in the summer.)

Special Activities

Many mosques host daily community dinners where Muslims can break their fast together. This is a great service for students, the poor and anyone who desires a break from cooking. Many mosques also host a community dinner on the weekends.

Special Ramadan prayers called taraweeh are held in most mosques after the night prayer. During taraweeh, the prayer leader recites at least one thirtieth of the Qur’an so that by the end of the month the entire Qur’an will have been recited.

Since Ramadan is a time for Muslims to be especially charitable and fasting helps Muslims feel compassion for the hungry and less fortunate, many mosques hold food drives or fundraisers for charity during Ramadan. Many mosques also host open houses for their friends and neighbors of other faiths to join them for their fast-breaking dinner or iftar at the end of the fasting day.

The Night of Power known as Lailat al-Qadr, is believed to fall on one of the odd nights during the last ten days of Ramadan, but is most widely observed on the 27th night of Ramadan. It is considered the most blessed night in Ramadan because it is believed to be the night in which the Qu’ran was first revealed. Mosques are open all night as Muslims hold vigils in prayer, Qur’anic recitation, and contemplation.

Special Foods

Breaking the fast with dates or water is the only strictly traditional culinary custom associated with Ramadan. It is interesting to note the suitability of dates for this purpose as they are a concentrated source of energy and easily digestible. Different Muslim-populated countries have a variety of special dishes and desserts for Ramadan.

Benefits of Fasting

Doctors agree that fasting is extremely beneficial for lowering cholesterol levels and for other health benefits. Fasting is a means of purifying the body as well as the spirit, as it gives the body a rest from the continuous task of digesting food.

Eid ul-Fitr

At the end of Ramadan, Muslims celebrate one of their major holidays called Eid ul-Fitr or the “Festival of the Breaking of the Fast.” In 2023 the holiday will be on April 21st. Children traditionally receive new clothes, money or gifts from parents, relatives and friends. A special prayer and sermon are held the morning of Eid day, followed by a community celebration usually in a park or large hall. Food, games and presents for children are important parts of the festivities, as friends and family spend the day socializing, eating and reuniting with old acquaintances. The greeting Eid Mubarak means “blessed holiday!”

As the United States grows increasingly diverse, recognizing important holidays of different traditions not only brings awareness of the diversity within the student population and workforce, but also instills pride in the people who celebrate them. In the case of Muslim holidays or important dates, Muslim Americans, young and old, may be reticent to acknowledge them, since they are not yet a part of mainstream American culture. Additionally, since Muslims use a lunar calendar, the dates move 10-11 days earlier each year on the solar calendar, which makes it a little challenging for people to keep track of them from year to year.

What religious occasion on the Islamic lunar calendar is associated with a month of daytime fasting?

*After Hijra (Hijra means “migration” in Arabic. This refers to the migration that the Prophet Muhammad made from Mecca to Medina in the year 622 C.E., which marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar.)

Please Note: In some communities and based on differences in scholarly opinion, actual dates are subject to local sightings of the new moon. For more information, please contact ING at 408-296-7312.

About the Islamic Calendar

The Islamic calendar (known as the Hijri calendar) is a lunar calendar. It contains 12 months that are based on the cycles of the moon. The Islamic calendar shifts by approximately 11 days every year with respect to the Gregorian calendar because 12 lunar months are only 354.36 days (12 x 29.53). The estimated 3 to 6 million Muslim Americans may observe additional religious and ethnic holidays in addition to those described below.

Ramadan (Islamic month of Fasting)

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic year during which Muslims fast daily from dawn to sunset as part of an effort towards self-purification and moral excellence. Muslims believe that Ramadan is the month in which the first verses of the Quran, Islam’s holy book, were revealed by God through the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad. Learn more here.

Eid ul-Fitr (Festival of Breaking the Fast)

This holiday commemorates the completion of Ramadan and lasts for three days during which Muslims celebrate with special prayers, sweets, presents for children, and community festivities.

Hajj (Annual Pilgrimage to Mecca)

The Hajj or annual pilgrimage to Mecca consists of several rituals that symbolize essential concepts of the Islamic faith, such as devotion to God, fellowship, and unity. The rituals of Hajj also commemorate the trials of the Prophet Abraham and his family. Hajj is required once in a Muslim’s lifetime if he or she is financially and physically able. Two to three million Muslims perform the pilgrimage annually. Learn more here.

Eid ul-Adha (Festival of the Sacrifice)

This holiday takes place on the third day of Hajj and lasts for four days. The holiday commemorates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, who was miraculously replaced by a lamb. The holiday is celebrated much like Eid ul-Fitr with the addition that Muslims sacrifice a lamb, goat or cow, and share the meat with friends, relatives, and the poor

Islamic New Year

The Islamic New Year falls on the 1st day of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. The Islamic calendar began with the migration – or Hijra – of the Prophet Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina. This event has a special significance in Islamic history as it marks the end of the period of persecution in Mecca and the transition to a recognized faith community in Medina. Learn more here.


Ashura falls on the 10th day of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar. This day marks the anniversary of the tragic martyrdom of Husayn, the Prophet’s grandson, and many of his family members and companions. Shi‘ah and many Sunnis commemorate the day by mourning them and reflecting on how their example can inspire them today. Ashura also marks the anniversary of the Exodus of Moses from Egypt and other events from the lives of the prophets, which are often observed by some Sunnis by completing an optional fast.

Mawlid an-Nabi

This holiday is the anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Sunnis observe the holiday on the 12th of Rabi‘ ul-Awwal, while Shi‘ah observe it on the 17th of Rabi‘ ul-Awwal, the third month of the Islamic calendar. Muslims often celebrate the birthday of the Prophet by reciting additional prayers and poems in his honor, remembering his life and teachings, and by giving charity to the poor. In some Muslim-majority countries, the holiday is celebrated with festivals, lights, and decorations throughout cities and in homes.

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