What time of day are mosquitoes most active

What time of day are mosquitoes most active

Dr Cameron Webb, Medical Entomologist at University of Sydney and NSW Health Pathology, takes what science has found about the breeding and biting behaviour of our local mosquitoes and tells you what you can do to protect your family this season. It’s important to protect yourself from mosquitoes not just to prevent annoying itchy bites, but to stop the spread of diseases that they can carry.

1. Pick the right repellent

A topical insect repellent, especially one that contains diethyltoluamide (DEET) or picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus, will provide the longest lasting protection. Repellents containing plant extracts such as citronella or tea tree oil, will need to be applied far more frequently to protect against bites. When it comes to repellents, a dab “here and there” isn’t enough to stop the bites. Apply insect repellent as a thin covering on all exposed areas of skin for the most effective protection.

2. Brighten up your summer

Mosquitoes seem to like dark colours, especial dark blue. If you’re planning a fishing trip or bushwalk, opt for paler colours, they won’t repel mosquitoes but perhaps a few less mozzies will chase you down.

3. Danger lays at dusk and dawn

Most mosquitoes will be looking for blood throughout the night but from late afternoon through until early evening is when you really need to protect your family.

4. Fill your pot plant saucers with sand

You don’t need your plants to suffer when stopping mosquito breeding. Fill pot plant saucers with sand, it traps moisture but stops water sloshing about that mosquitoes would otherwise breed in.

5. Beers could lead to bites

There is nothing you can eat or drink to stop mosquito bites but studies have shown that drinking beer can make you more of a target for mosquitoes! Only problem is, giving up the grog won’t keep them away either.

6. Switch on a fan

Moving the air about will help hide you from mosquitoes. It will disrupt their flight and disperse the carbon dioxide you’re exhaling (that’s the key for mosquitoes to find someone to bite)

7. You don’t have to turn on the blue light

Electrocuting light traps don’t kill too many mosquitoes. Unlike moths and lots of other insects, mosquitoes aren’t attracted to light, they’ll stay away.

8. Smartphone apps aren't so smart

Some smartphone apps claim to repel mozzies with high frequency sounds but there is no evidence that sound will protect you from bites. Switch off those apps, you’re probably just annoying your friends!

9. Stinky cheese and smelly feet

Scientists have demonstrated that some mosquitoes are attracted to Limburger cheese. The cheese’s notoriously stinky aroma is caused by bacteria, coincidently a similar bacteria to that found between our toes! Opting for shoes rather than thongs may block access those bacterial aromas.

10. Water, water everywhere with mozzies soon to come

Tides flooding coastal wetlands and rain filling backyard containers will trigger a hatch of mosquito eggs. Mosquitoes will be out in force biting about ten days after “king tides” or major downpours of rain.

For more information about Australian mosquitoes and how best to keep your family safe from their bites, see Cameron Webb’s recent publication A Guide to the Mosquitoes of Australia.

Mosquitoes are flying, disease-carrying nuisances that always seem to find you whenever you step outside. To avoid diseases that mosquitoes carry and transmit, like yellow fever, West Nile Virus, and Zika virus so you can have the freedom to properly enjoy the outdoors, it’s essential to learn how to avoid mosquitoes

Avoiding the outdoors when mosquitoes are most active is generally a fantastic choice but isn’t always practical or possible. There’s also the issue of knowing exactly when mosquitoes will be most active so you can plan your activities accordingly. However, during the warmer months, you may encounter mosquitoes nearly everywhere you go.

To best avoid these flying pest insects, it is best to learn when the different species of mosquitoes are most active in your region, when mosquito seasons occur, and the specific times of day mosquito activity increases.

What Time of Day Are Mosquitoes Most Active?

With 176 different species of mosquitoes in the United States, each species is characterized by different activity levels, habits, and habitats. Some species prefer being more active during the day while others prefer dusk or dawn to buzz around. Mosquitoes in the United States tend to have higher activity levels during the hours before sunset. If you plan on enjoying the great outdoors during the evening, especially in wooded, shady areas near standing water, you will want to make sure you have extra protection on hand and ready to go to prevent insect bites.

Of the nearly 200 mosquito species, there are two that most commonly plague our homes and property, the Aedes aegypti (the Asian tiger mosquito) and the Culex pipiens (common house mosquito). The Asian tiger mosquito tends to bite more frequently during the day while the common house mosquito prefers to bite in the morning and late afternoon.

Luckily, all mosquitoes are less active during the hottest part of the day when the sun and heat are at their peak. Unfortunately, the conditions inside our homes give mosquitoes protection from the dehydrating effects of the sun that normally keep them in hiding until later in the day. Mosquitoes found inside the house seem to constantly be in search of someone to bite and stay active much longer than normal.

Are Mosquitoes Active At Night?

What time of day are mosquitoes most active

Many types of mosquitoes prefer to be active at dusk or in the evenings. Because they prefer warm, humid areas with easy access to water, they typically avoid the hottest and driest parts of the day when they could easily suffer from dehydration. During the day, you will most likely find mosquitoes in shaded or wet areas. Once dusk arrives, mosquitoes are typically very hungry from a lack of access to creatures to bite, making them more likely to come out of hiding right at dusk in a flurry of activity.

Once they have eaten their fill, mosquitoes will go into hiding to rest before dawn. Keeping mosquitoes out of your home is essential due to this activity schedule. Without protection against these flying pests, mosquitoes are likely to bite unsuspecting humans and pets throughout the night simply because you are an easy target.

What is Mosquito Season?

Mosquito season depends entirely on temperature. Once a region heats consistently above 45° F, mosquitoes will hatch or come out of hibernation in full force. Warmer areas may experience an influx of mosquitoes much sooner than cooler regions, so it’s important to keep an eye on the temperatures in your area to ensure you’re fully prepared. Once temperatures reach 80°F, mosquitoes will become a consistent problem.

Before you consider moving to cooler climates, there are plenty of ways you can prepare your home and property so mosquito season won’t be quite as awful.

  • Prepare Early — As soon as the temperature begins to heat up, clean up any debris or trash in your yard that could potentially hold any amount of water. Stock up on indoor and outdoor DynaTrap Insect Traps so you’ll be ready as soon as mosquito season hits.
  • Avoid Peak Mosquito Hours — Schedule your time outside accordingly to minimize the chances of getting bitten.
  • Prepare Your Home — Add screens or make repairs to existing screens on doors and windows. Any small opening could be an invitation for mosquitoes.
  • Travel Wisely — If you are planning to travel to an area known for mosquito-borne illnesses, consider visiting during the off-season to reduce the risk. Don’t forget to stay up to date on any essential vaccinations when traveling to further reduce your risk of contracting a disease.

Where Are Mosquitoes Most Active

Knowing when mosquitoes will be active is half the battle. Knowing where you are most likely to be bitten is also essential. While different mosquito species prefer different areas, most mosquitoes prefer shady, humid, and wet areas such as in forests or anywhere that has access to standing water. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings so you can take extra precautions to minimize the risk of mosquito bites.

If your community is suffering from an outbreak of mosquito-borne illnesses, you are worried about contracting a disease while you’re ill, or if you react badly to mosquito bites, staying inside during peak mosquito hours may be the best option. However, unless there is a medical reason to do so, you do not need to change your schedule because of mosquitoes. Simply understanding when and where mosquitoes are most likely to become a nuisance and taking the proper precautions will reduce your risk of mosquito bites.

What time of day are mosquitoes most active

DynaTrap offers indoor and outdoor flying insect traps that quickly and effectively eliminate mosquitoes. Simply place them where you’ve noticed insect activity and it provides immediate protection against mosquitoes, so you can concentrate on enjoying your time both indoors and out. The traps attract mosquitoes with their powerful UV light and the trap’s odorless coating while the quiet fan traps and securely holds them inside. As more and more mosquitoes are trapped, there are fewer left to lay eggs, breaking their life cycle and reducing the populations year after year.

Need Help Battling Mosquitoes?

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