What to do when Pisces man pulls away

If he has been unresponsive or pulling away from you, you may find yourself suddenly dealing with a distant Pisces man.

What makes this zodiac sign withdraw or disappear completely?

Pisces men are notoriously fickle, so there are many reasons why your Pisces guy could have fallen off the radar.

Don’t jump to any conclusions and think that his aloofness is a sign that your Pisces man is not interested in you anymore.

By learning more about his zodiac sign’s typical personality traits and behaviors, you will be able to understand why a Pisces man suddenly becomes distant.

He’s Lost in Thought

Pisces men are dreamers and they often get lost in thought. One of the most likely reasons why your Pisces guy hasn’t reached out to you is because he simply forgot.

This doesn’t mean that he forgot about you or that he doesn’t like you anymore. It just means that he’s so busy with his plans and ideas that he’s not thinking about you, or anyone else, for that matter.

When your Pisces guy is being difficult to reach, try to make plans with him, and don’t push too hard for contact until you meet in person.

Give him time to focus on his other projects, and it will make the time you spend together that much more special and meaningful.

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He Needs Alone Time

If you are wondering, “Why do Pisces distance themselves?” The answer could be as simple as he needs some time alone to recharge.

Pisces men tend to be introverted, and as much as they enjoy being with their loved ones, they need to take some time alone to be their best selves.

Try not to take it personally when he wants a night to himself. It’s not that he doesn’t want to see you, he just doesn’t want to be around anyone else.

When he needs some time to himself, let a Pisces man chase you once he’s had enough alone time instead of pressuring him to hang out or making him feel guilty for his absence.

Your relationship will thrive if you give him a little space sometimes instead of coming off needy and desperate.

You Hurt His Feelings

Pisces men are highly emotional and sensitive. Your Pisces guy might be distancing himself if you’ve done something to hurt his feelings.

He’s either licking his wounds in private before coming back to face you, or he’s decided that, because of what you’ve done, you’re not right for him and is taking a step back from your relationship.

Think back on your interactions with your Pisces guy and try to remember if you said or did anything that might have upset him.

Perhaps you already know what you did to hurt his feelings, whether it was intentional or not.

Reach out to your Pisces man with an apology and explain that you know you’ve hurt him and won’t do it again.

Pisces is a very forgiving sign, and a Pisces guy is unlikely to hold a grudge. He will come back to you when you show him that you know what you did wrong and are truly sorry.

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Someone Else Hurt His Feelings

Even if you’re not the one who caused his suffering, a Pisces man still might distance himself if someone or something else hurt his feelings.

In this case, he’s not trying to punish you or push you away; he simply prefers to handle his negative emotions on his own.

When you’re not sure what to do when a Pisces man pulls away, you should check in on him to see how he is feeling. Ask him if he’s okay and if there is anything you can do for him.

Even if he’s upset and not ready to see anyone, he will still appreciate your thoughtfulness and that you’re there for him.

He’s Ghosting You

When a Pisces man has a crush on you, he gives you his undivided attention and wants to spend all of his time with you.

That’s why it can be particularly heartbreaking when a Pisces man distances himself. He could go from being by your side constantly to never talking to you again.

Pisces men are very non-confrontational, so when a Pisces man is done with you, he might tell you by not saying a word.

He doesn’t want to hurt you and he’s trying to avoid the awkwardness of directly breaking things off.

He thinks it will be easier on him and less painful for you if he simply drifts out of your life without an explanation.

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He Committed to Someone Else

Because he is so sweet and considerate, a Pisces man’s friendliness could be mistaken for flirtation.

Your Pisces guy might be acting aloof because he’s already taken by another woman.

If he has already committed to a relationship with someone else, a Pisces guy won’t flirt with you or entertain the idea of infidelity.

He is a devoted partner, so perhaps you misconstrued his kindness for romantic attention. Don’t feel embarrassed if your Pisces guy pulls away because he has a girlfriend.

It could mean that he was starting to catch feelings for you and needed to withdraw for the sake of his relationship, or it means that he just wants to be friends.

He Is Depressed

As a highly emotional sign, Pisces men are prone to depression. One of the reasons your Pisces guy could be distancing himself is that he’s depressed.

You could try leaving a Pisces man alone when he’s depressed if he wants to be by himself to process his feelings, but you should still check in on him.

Send him a text asking him if everything is okay and if he would rather have company or be alone when he’s sad.

Everyone handles their emotions differently, so even if he is self-isolating, your concern and offer of company might be just what your Pisces man needs to hear to make him feel better.

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He Needs Attention

Pisces men are very attached and attentive to their partners, and they hope for the same in return.

Your Pisces guy might be ignoring you because he’s hurt that you haven’t been giving him enough attention.

Maybe you haven’t spent enough time with him, planned any dates, or noticed when he’s upset or excited.

If he’s acting distant because he wants you to show him some attention, don’t think that ignoring a Pisces man back will teach him a lesson.

If you want to solve the problem, you need to shower him with affection and attention.

Tell him that you know you’ve been distracted lately but you want to show him how important he is for you. Then, plan a special night out alone with your Pisces guy.

Take him somewhere he loves and insist on paying. Bring him a thoughtful gift and lavish him with compliments and kisses.

When he sees that you’re making an effort to show him some appreciation, your Pisces guy will warm up to you again quickly.

You’ve Been Too Demanding

Pisces men are very generous in relationships. They give everything they have to their partners, including their time, energy, and money.

Although he doesn’t necessarily expect anything in return, your Pisces guy could be acting distant because he wants a little recognition for all that he does.

When a Pisces man goes cold, it could be a sign that you’ve been too demanding. Perhaps you’ve been ungrateful or taking him for granted.

If you suspect that your Pisces guy is pulling away because you’ve asked too much of him, scale back your requests.

Focus on what you can do for him instead of asking him to do anything for you. Relationships are all about give and take, so try to keep the balance and prevent the relationship from becoming one-sided.

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Someone Else Needs His Attention

Because of his easy-going, empathetic nature, a Pisces man is in high demand. He probably has lots of friends, family members, and coworkers vying for his attention at all times.

Although they typically make their partners their first priority, sometimes Pisces men need to focus on other people, too.

Your Pisces guy might become suddenly distant if he needs to direct his time and energy elsewhere.

If his family or close friends need him, he will do whatever he can to help. He doesn’t want to leave your side, but sometimes he has to.

Instead of begging your Pisces man to forget the other people in his life and pay more attention to you, you should offer to assist him.

When his mom is sick and he needs to take care of her, make some soup for him to take her, or offer to go with him to help.

If his friend’s car breaks down on the side of the road and your Pisces man has to go help him out, offer to drive him there.

When he sees how gracious you are, your Pisces man will fall more deeply in love with you and will remember to give you plenty of attention later.

Pulling away is one of the challenging situations some couples in a relationship today often find themselves. Just when you think you've got a man (or in some cases a woman) to share your emotions and future with, you just discover they are gradually withdrawing their affection from you. He starts to ignore you and the number of times you both spend together either on phone or physically reduces to a level that you're worried about. Before, he used to chase you and would not mind doing anything to court your attention, but now he doesn't care anymore. You guys have not broken up but you can sense visibly that something is wrong somewhere. The emotional connectedness between you and your boyfriend is no longer as strong as it used to be; this is what is meant by the phrase "Boyfriend pulling away." Of course, you are smart enough to know that from just being a mere pulling away thing, you can eventually lose your boyfriend and lovely relationship if something is not quickly done to stem the tide. But, relax, that's the purpose of this article. You'll get some suggestions on what to do should your man pull away from you. However, let's first try and see why this mysterious attitude surfaces in some relationships.

This is one of the questions that are very hard to answer authoritatively. The difficulty lies in the fact that no one can effectively predict why a person is doing what they're doing except themselves alone. Whatever point or reason that is given here as to why a guy would at a point in his relationship ignore his girlfriend or withdraw from her, is at best a guess and may not necessarily be the case. The need lies on the man to tell exactly why he's doing that. However, here are some possible reasons. Perhaps he needs some space to deeply reflect on the relationship. Where he fails to withdraw and continues to chase, he may not actually have the needed time to evaluate how things have been going between you both. So, sometimes, in order to avoid coming to a false conclusion about a relationship, some Capricorn men often decide to pull away. Well, it may just be that the young man is insecure emotionally. Maybe you have once talked him down and challenged his manness and he has no other way to prove his masculinity than to withdraw from you for a while or ignore you totally. It sounds ridiculous actually but it is not impossible. If your man wants you to chase him, don't be surprised he may also adopt that strategy. He pulls away and allows you to miss him. Of course, guys who use this strategy would have first established a strong relationship with you such that you cannot even think of life without them. When they thus pull away, the natural thing is that you would chase him with the whole of your strength. Again, let's not leave out the possibility of a very troubling life challenge. It is not impossible that your guy is passing through an emotional challenge that automatically closes him down. That is, he may not have closed up himself willingly to you but the weight of those challenges may have caused him to withdraw from you without him knowing. The list can be extended to include several other reasons. It's quite paradoxical in a sense that someone who loves you would pull away from you. Truth be told, it's a very traumatic experience for a lady. The big challenge here is knowing how to react so you don't end up pushing him away further. For this, just read on.

What you do or don't do here may determine if the relationship will come to a close or continue. Usually, when a woman notices that her man is pulling away, the natural response, especially if she's a Pisces woman, is to want to do everything to get him back. Below are some five strong pieces of advice that you should consider if you find yourself in that situation where your man pulls away. It would serve you well to heed each of these pieces of advice. Here are they.

Yes, you heard that well. When your guy pulls away, don't do the "normal" thing by trying to draw him close to yourself at all cost. He feels he needs some time to stay away from the relationship and no amount of begging or effort from your end can change his resolve. Rather, the more you try to chase after him, the lesser your chances of succeeding. If he's a Capricorn man, for instance, you can't expect to win him by appeal or logic. He's tactful even though he may appear docile. Before a Capricorn man can conclude to pull away from you, a lot of thought would have gone into the decision. And once he has arrived at that conclusion to pull away, you would do well to let him be. Perhaps you may know that when a guy (Capricorn or Pisces) pulls away, it is usually for a reason. And in most situations, it does not mean that the relationship is over yet. You may not even be the reason for him pulling away. There may be some things in his life that need careful thought for which he's seeking a kind of retreat. He may have considered it wise to withdraw from you for a while so that he can get fresh ideas on adding flavor to your relationship. So, you going up and down trying to pull him close while he wants to stay back may amount to disturbing his plans and may chase him further away from you. While he pulls away, you can message him in whatever way you know to assure him of your love and respect for him. Never make mention of anything that would suggest that you are desperate to have him back. Having assured him of your love and loyalty, just let him be. By the time he's through with himself, except if he doesn't love you, he'll come back and be even better.

The truth is that you're going to feel hurt and lonely that the man you care so much about now ignores you. The usual reaction is to want to teach him a lesson or make him too feel how frustrating it can be going through your experience. Granted, you have the right to be angry and to feel the way you're feeling. But then, it may not actually achieve anything for you in the long run. If you really want to get back at your boyfriend, the best way to do so is not to lash at him but rather to work more on yourself and be a better woman. While he pulls away, don't sit idly somewhere mourning a person that is still alive. Be up to something. In fact, the more you remain inactive, the more you're going to feel hurt about his absence. Put a little bit of effort on your appearance and relationship with other people so that by the time he comes back (if he would), he himself would know he has missed someone. If he refuses to come back to you, you wouldn't be losing much because you have put your time into a productive usage. You have perhaps built a relationship with other people from where you can move on. It's understandable that you love him but again, you have to understand that love cannot be forced, it has to be freely given. So, instead of forcing him to demonstrate his love for you, just carry on with your life and find a way of believing you both never met or dated. If he's in for a breakup, you'll soon know, and if it's just a temporary withdrawal, there's surely a limit to which he would continue to ignore you.

There comes a time when silence is no longer golden. You have allowed him the privacy he seems to be craving and now that it is getting a bit longer than you expect, you have to discuss what the matter actually is without any further delay. Even in a rehabilitation center, there's usually an expected time of recovery for every case. Whatever be the case with your man, if he pulls away for more than a month, you should sit together with him to discuss the future of your relationship. Where nothing ominous is on the way, no man that loves you would stay too long away from you for whatever reason. Be that as it may, you will have to employ tact even while seeking to know what the issue is with him. Avoid the condemnatory tendency for which you are very prone to. Let him know you feel bad being ignored and that you have allowed him to have all of these periods to himself because you never wanted to disturb him. In your discussion with him, let him know that his choice to ignore you by pulling away can only be interpreted to mean he doesn't want you again in his life. Hence, before he becomes offended that you're with another man, he'd better let you know what his plans are. Let him know how much he means to you but also tell him that he cannot continue to pull away forever and hope to keep you. By this approach, you have not blamed or rebuked him for choosing to pull himself away from you. What you have done is to simply make your emotional needs known to him. If he's a Capricorn man, his intuition would tell him you have tried enough. He's likely going to apologize to you for the time he's not been too close.

Although one would not expect that a man would pull away because his girl has done him wrong (except he's the Pisces type), it is possible to discover if you are the reason he did that. If during your discussion with him, as suggested in the previous point, you discover it's because of an issue he has with you, just apologize. That's one more reason you have to be tactful in communicating with him when you choose to. If he's a Pisces man as we have suggested, you'll notice he's very easy-going and romantic and because he doesn't like to have a face off with you, that's why he decided to simply pull away. Pisces men are passionate and emotional and this should be an advantage for you. Don't argue with him because he must have been deeply hurt before resulting to pull away. All a Pisces man needs from you is your genuine apology and everything is over. The key thing here is genuineness. If you apologize only by your lips and not your heart, a Pisces man would know and instead of winning him to yourself, he may even pull away completely. However, as a rule, to forestall your man pulling away another time, you have to put aside those things he detests. You can easily get to know things that pull him from you either by asking him or studying yourself. The truth is if you're careful and willing enough, you would know. Pisces men are not weak as you may be tempted to think, they only do not like confrontations. They are one of the sweetest categories of men to be in a relationship with and you must have noticed that. If he means so much to you, apologizing sincerely for what you have done is the smallest thing you can do for them to keep your relationship alive.

Whether he's a Capricorn, Pisces or any of the Zodiac signs, if you have tried your best to pull him to yourself and he insists he wants to pull away, please let him be. This is one thing you may find hard to swallow but it's necessary you do. You see, while many may want to make you believe that a man deciding to pull away is a normal thing, the truth remains that it is a female approach. You, the woman, should pull away while he chases you. Real men rarely pull away from challenges or their woman if they have one. All we have done so far is to give your man the benefit of doubt. There may indeed be some justifiable reasons for him to pull away but when all those have been cleared and he still refuses to come back, it may just be the time for you also to pull away. If he has to pull away every time you hurt him and then you have to pull him back each of those times, do you think it's a thing you want to keep doing? The point here is simple. You have a limit as a woman for which you can continue to chase a man. He should rather do the chasing. No one is saying you should give up too easily on a man you love but if he has refused all your entreaties or he likes to pull away every time you both have an issue, again the best thing to do is quit the relationship.

A man can decide to pull away for so many reasons some of which may be tangible and some, intangible. Whenever he does that, there is no doubt you as the woman would feel frustrated, lonely, or deeply hurt. We have identified the 'normal' thing you may want to do when he pulls away and then suggested that though they are 'normal,' they should be shelved. Sometimes, it is not what we think that a thing is that it actually is. You probably don't even understand why your man would pull away and that's why it is not okay to pull away also when it happens. You've got to give him the space he seems to want and while he's away -- assure him of your love. In fact, as we have noted, if you discover you're the reason he pulled away, apologize and turn a new leaf. Howbeit, he cannot continue to pull away forever; you need him. If you have tried to pull him to yourself and he has refused to be pulled, you may also have to pull off completely from the relationship. After all, love is love only when it is voluntarily given. It rarely needs a pull even when it is offended. So, save yourself the stress of getting lost in your quest to keep a man that obviously wants to pull away.


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