What to text someone in the hospital

When someone you care about is feeling ill, having surgery, or going through a rough patch, writing get well soon wishes or a personal note with inspirational greetings can make all the difference. We know—sending a comforting get well gift is how Spoonful of Comfort got its start. (Read the story of our founder here.)

And while you might have all the “get well” feels inside your head, we know it’s sometimes hard to put those wishes into words. So let us help.

Get well greetings cross our desk every single day. Some make us laugh. Some make us cry (we’re not exaggerating). Some make us feel there’s hope each sick person will conquer the world. As our hearts have been touched by these heartfelt get well messages, we thought we’d share some common threads we’ve seen.

This article covers questions our customer service team hears a lot when it comes to get well gifts. You’ll see some of the most frequent reasons people are sending get well wishes. And you’ll find inspiration to adapt these ideas to send the care your loved one needs.

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What if I Don’t Know What to Write?

Unless you’re a professional writer—which most of us aren’t—it can be tough to know just what to say to someone who’s feeling down or very ill. Start by thinking about two things: how you imagine that person is feeling both physically and emotionally, and what your relationship with them is like.

Got it? Now you can follow some good common sense steps.

Write a Get Well message that’s brief. If somebody’s not feeling well, they might not be up to long stories (even when they’re sent with the best intentions). Now you know this person better than we do, so use your judgement. But they might appreciate something short and sweet like:

  • I’m thinking of you this very minute. Hope you can feel it—and feel better soon.
  • I’m sorry you’re sick. Call me when you’re up for it, I’d love to hear your voice.
  • Take time to take care of yourself. Hope you bounce back soon!
  • When I heard you were sick, it made me feel a little worse, too. Hoping you feel better quickly.
  • Wishing you good health—and sending you good vibes. Feel better soon!

Say Get Well in a personal way. Say something that could only come from you. What’s your relationship with that person? Is there something you know will make them smile?

  • Hey big brother—did you finally get sick from teasing me? Or did karma finally find you? Hope you know I love you (really).
  • Sorry to hear you’re sick. Hope to see you out walking our block again soon.
  • Miss you, friend! Book club isn’t the same without you. Hope you’re up and around soon.

Be practical in your Get Well Wishes. Is there something you can take over while they’re sick? Let them know.

  • I heard you’re out of commission for a while. Plan on me taking Anna to gymnastics on Tuesdays—I’d love to watch her class.
  • Here are a few freezer meals while you recover. Feel better soon!
  • We’ve got the HOA meetings under control. Focus on getting better!

So someone you know has just had surgery and will be laid up for a while. How can you share your hopes for a fast and full recovery? The same principles above still apply (be brief, personal, and practical). You might find more ways to apply their personality and their situation to a get well message after surgery.

What’s that person like? How will their personality affect their recovery?

  • Is she a go-getter? Tell her you hope the doctors will be the patient ones –you know she’ll kick butt in rehab.
  • Is he someone who gets discouraged easily? Remind him that little steps in recovery make a big difference. Trust the process!
  • How will this surgery change the future? Help them focus on the good things ahead.

Share your wishes to feel well after surgery—and share some practical ways you can help. Sometimes people in recovery “feel fine” but can’t return to their normal routine yet. Offer practical get well wishes by:

  • Driving to and from appointments
  • Picking up the groceries
  • Doing loads of laundry
  • Watching the kids
  • Walking the dog
  • Letting them stay with you, if you have fewer stairs or other complications at home
  • Sending a heat-and-eat meal (if you can’t make it yourself, Spoonful of Comfort offers the next best thing!)

Get Well Messages for a Serious Illness

When someone is seriously ill or has a terminal illness, it’s hard to know what to say. And that’s okay. A simple expression of your care is very appropriate. Here are some thoughts about what you might say—and avoid saying—when wishing get well for a serious illness.

Be straightforward when you say Get Well. It’s okay to be honest about your feelings and theirs. Candidly sharing your thoughts can mean a lot.

  • I’m so sorry to hear you’re unwell. I hope you’re surrounded by the people who care about you most while you recover.
  • I was sad to hear about your diagnosis. Know I’m sending love and care as you begin treatment.
  • I hope you’re taking it slow and easy right now.
  • I’m pulling for you during recovery. It may be tough, but our prayers are with you every step of the way.
  • I don’t know what to say except I care about you and I’m thinking of you.

Say Get Well in a positive way. Instead of dwelling on bad news, the illness, or injury, share an optimistic and cheerful message. A positive attitude can make all the difference in someone’s recovery.

  • I hope you find the positive moments today. My wishes are speeding them to you.
  • Hang in there, I know the strength you have.
  • Hope you feel a little better every day.
  • Wishing you a little encouragement and a little progress as you recover today.
  • Now’s the time to rest and recuperate. Hope you get better soon.
      • Your attitude is amazing.

      • I’d love to visit and laugh with you soon.

    • You’re surrounded by so much love. I hope you can feel that from me.

Avoid making promises you can’t keep in a Get Well card. Even though people have the best intentions, saying “I know you’ll be fine” or “you’ll be 100% in a month” can feel discouraging in serious situations. Be mindful of what you know—and what you don’t know and leave the prognoses to medical professionals.

Avoid comparisons and unsolicited advice in Get Well messages. It’s natural to want to find something in common with a person’s situation. But every patient and every circumstance is unique. Drawing a parallel with your own illness or another person’s outcome or treatment can be disheartening or set unrealistic expectations. Don’t offer advice if you’re not asked.

Don’t be negative when you say Get Well. Again, it’s tempting to make comparisons with other situations you know about. But avoid sharing stories about someone who died or who experienced long-lasting effects from a similar illness or injury. Don’t talk about what’s going wrong while that person’s laid up. If someone looks worse for wear, zip your lips. People have plenty of their own worries without any help.

Think carefully about using humor when saying Get Well. There’s a time and a place for jokes, and you’re wise to consider both before you try to get someone to smile. It might be a really bad day. There might be circumstances of which you’re not aware. Be mindful about the relationship you have with that person, too. The better you know them, the better you might be able to read the situation. And remember, something you write might sound fine in your head but come across all wrong in a note.

Inspirational Get Well Messages

Sharing some wisdom and inspiration is a great addition to get well cards. Consider a person’s personality, religious, and cultural views. Here are a few thoughts to try:

  • I look forward to having your light back in my life. Get well soon.
  • Health and humor are like sunshine and water to the body. Hope you’re healthy and laughing again soon.
    • “We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us.” —A.P.J. Absul Kalam
    • Tough times don’t last, tough people do.
    • “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish He didn’t trust me so much.” —Mother Teresa
    • “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” —Charles R. Swendoll
    • “Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.”—George S. Patton
    • “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” —Helen Keller
    • “Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny.” —C.S. Lewis

Religious Get Well Messages

Religious-based messages of healing can share your faith or strengthen the faith of a close friend or family member. Keep any denominational differences in mind. Here are a few ideas:

  • I’m praying for your quick recovery. God will take good care of you.
  • May God’s love surround you and your family during your illness.
  • Illness is a reminder that we need God’s blessings. I’m praying you’ll get all the blessings you need.
  • God answers prayers. I pray that you’ll be better soon.
  • The Lord can heal you. Keep the faith and keep praying. I will!
  • Faith and prayer are the best kinds of medicine.
  • “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” —Psalm 46:1
  • “And [God] shall heal the breast of the believers.” —at-Tawba, 9:14
  • “And when I am ill, it is [God] who cures me.” —Ash-Shu’ara, The Poets: 26:80
  • “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him and I am helped.” —Psalm 28:7

Whatever the right Get Well message is for your situation, get writing. Genuine care makes a real difference in people’s lives—we are privileged to see it happen every single day. If we can help you put your wishes of comfort into a Get Well card or Get Well gift, we feel good. We hope you and the people you care about do, too.

You are reading a post from our Get Well Gifts Guide. Read on for more great ideas to help those you love (including yourself!) get well soon!

Get Well Gift Ideas

  • 103 Unique Get Well Gift Ideas [Your Ultimate Guide]
  • 30+ Gift Basket Ideas for Your Sick Friend
  • DIY Get Well Soon Gift Basket To Have Sick Friends Feeling Better
  • Care Package Ideas for a Sick Girlfriend
  • How to Make Your Sick Boyfriend Feel Better

Get Well Food & Flix

  • 12 Soups to Eat When You Feel Sick
  • Why Chicken Soup Makes Us Feel Better
  • Best Comfort Foods Comfort Foods to Eat While Sick [Recipes Included]
  • 35+ Best Movies & Netflix Shows To Watch When Sick

Get Well - For the Hospital

  • Hospital Gift Baskets: What to Send For Someone In the Hospital
  • 25+ Best After-Surgery Care Package Ideas For Your Family & Friends
  • 38 Get Well Messages & Best Wishes After Surgery

How to Wish Them Well

  • How To Write Get Well Messages, Greetings & Wishes
  • What to Say When Someone Is Sick [Words of Encouragement]
  • 50 Favorite Get Well Quotes
  • How to Say Get Well to a Colleague

Get Well Packages from Spoonful

 Total TLC Package

 Get Well Soon Gift Package

Mini Sick Day Care Package


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