What type of spyware silently captures and stores each keystroke that a user types on the computers keyboard group of answer choices?

The terms "virus" and "malware" are often used interchangeably. However, they are technically different, so the question of malware vs. viruses is an important one.

Malware is a catch-all term for any type of malicious software, regardless of how it works, its intent, or how it’s distributed. A virus is a specific type of malware that self-replicates by inserting its code into other programs. Computer viruses have been prominent since almost the beginning of the commercial internet: The first one was created in 1982 for the Apple II, and other versions quickly followed.

Viruses spread by attaching themselves to legitimate files and programs, and are distributed through infected websites, flash drives, and emails. A victim activates a virus by opening the infected application or file. Once activated, a virus may delete or encrypt files, modify applications, or disable system functions.

There are many different types of viruses. These are the three most common examples:

  • The file infector can burrow into executable files and spread through a network. A file infector can overwrite a computer's operating system or even reformat its drive.
  • The macro virus takes advantage of programs that support macros. Macro viruses usually arrive as Word or Excel documents attached to a spam email, or as a zipped attachment. Fake file names tempt the recipients to open the files, activating the viruses. An old but still prominent type of malware, macro viruses, remain popular with hackers.
  • Polymorphic viruses modify their own code. The virus replicates and encrypts itself, changing its code just enough to evade detection by antivirus programs.
  • Malware encompasses all types of malicious software, including viruses, and may have a variety of goals. A few of the common objectives of malware are:
  • Trick a victim into providing personal data for identity theft
  • Steal consumer credit card data or other financial data
  • Assume control of multiple computers to launch denial-of-service attacks against other networks
  • Infect computers and use them to mine bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies

Besides viruses, multiple other types of malware can infect not only desktops, laptops, and servers, but also smartphones. Malware categories include the following:

  • Worms. A worm is a standalone program that can self-replicate and spread over a network. Unlike a virus, a worm spreads by exploiting a vulnerability in the infected system or through email as an attachment masquerading as a legitimate file. A graduate student created the first worm (the Morris worm) in 1988 as an intellectual exercise. Unfortunately, it replicated itself quickly and soon spread across the internet.
  • Ransomware. As the name implies, ransomware demands that users pay a ransom—usually in bitcoin or other cryptocurrency—to regain access to their computer. The most recent category of malware is ransomware, which garnered headlines in 2016 and 2017 when ransomware infections encrypted the computer systems of major organizations and thousands of individual users around the globe.
  • Scareware. Many desktop users have encountered scareware, which attempts to frighten the victim into buying unnecessary software or providing their financial data. Scareware pops up on a user's desktop with flashing images or loud alarms, announcing that the computer has been infected. It usually urges the victim to quickly enter their credit card data and download a fake antivirus program.
  • Adware and spyware. Adware pushes unwanted advertisements at users and spyware secretly collects information about the user. Spyware may record the websites the user visits, information about the user's computer system and vulnerabilities for a future attack, or the user’s keystrokes. Spyware that records keystrokes is called a keylogger. Keyloggers steal credit card numbers, passwords, account numbers, and other sensitive data simply by logging what the user types.
  • Fileless malware. Unlike traditional malware, fileless malware does not download code onto a computer, so there is no malware signature for a virus scanner to detect. Instead, fileless malware operates in the computer's memory and may evade detection by hiding in a trusted utility, productivity tool, or security application. An example is Operation RogueRobin, which was uncovered in July 2018. RogueRobin is spread through Microsoft Excel Web Query files that are attached to an email. It causes the computer to run PowerShell command scripts, providing an attacker access to the system. As PowerShell is a trusted part of the Microsoft platform, this attack typically does not trigger a security alert. Some fileless malware is also clickless, so a victim does not need to click on the file to activate it.

Because so many types of malware and viruses are in the wild—and cybercriminals are creating more every day—most antimalware and antivirus solutions rely on multiple methods to detect and block suspicious files. The four main types of malware detection are:

  • Signature-based scanning. This is a basic approach that all antimalware programs use, including free ones. Signature-based scanners rely on a database of known virus signatures. The success of the scanner depends on the freshness of the signatures in the database.
  • Heuristic analysis. This detects viruses by their similarity to related viruses. It examines samples of core code in the malware rather than the entire signature. Heuristic scanning can detect a virus even if it is hidden under additional junk code.
  • Real-time behavioral monitoring solutions. These seek unexpected actions, such as an application sending gigabytes of data over the network. It blocks the activity and hunts the malware behind it. This approach is helpful in detecting fileless malware.
  • Sandbox analysis. This moves suspect files to a sandbox or secured environment in order to activate and analyze the file without exposing the rest of the network to potential risk.

IT security professionals can augment their organization's malware and virus defenses by updating and patching applications and platforms. Patches and updates are especially critical for preventing fileless malware, which targets application vulnerabilities and cannot be easily detected with antimalware solutions.

Likewise, implementing and encouraging data security best practices can be valuable in preventing data breaches. Basic best practices for password management and role-based access to data and applications, for example, can minimize the odds of a hacker gaining access to a system and limit a hacker's ability to do damage if they gain access. Regular security updates for employees can also help them spot potential threats and remind employees to practice good security hygiene.


A polymorphic virus changes its internal code to one of a set number of predefined mutations whenever it is executed.


A remote access Trojan has the basic functionality of a Trojan but also gives the threat actor unauthorized remote access to the victim's computer by using specially configured communication protocols.


A rootkit can hide its presence, but not the presence of other malware.


A series of instructions that can be grouped together as a single command and are often used to automate a complex set of tasks or a repeated series of tasks are known as:


  • A macro

  • A program

  • A rootkit

  • A process


A virus self-replicates on the host computer and spreads to other computers by itself.


A virus that infects an executable program file is known as?


  • boot sector virus

  • program virus

  • macro virus

  • companion virus


How many different Microsoft Windows file types can be infected with a virus?


Malware is software that enters a computer system with the user's knowledge or consent and then performs an unwanted and harmful action.


Malware that locks or prevents a device from functioning properly until a fee has been paid is known as:


  • stealware

  • lock-ware

  • hostageware

  • ransomware


Once the malware reaches a system through circulation, then it must embed itself into that system.


One of the armored virus infection techniques utilizes encryption to make virus code more difficult to detect, in addition to separating virus code into different pieces and inject these pieces throughout the infected program code. What is the name for this technique?


  • appender

  • swiss cheese

  • split

  • stealth


Phishing is sending an email or displaying a web announcement that falsely claims to be from a legitimate enterprise in an attempt to trick the user into surrendering private information.


Select below the type of malware that appears to have a legitimate use, but contains something malicious:



Select the term used to describe tracking software that is deployed without the consent or control of the user.


  • trojan

  • botnet

  • malware

  • spyware


Social engineering impersonation means to masquerade as a real or fictitious character and then play out the role of that person on a victim.


Two types of malware have the primary trait of circulation. These are viruses and worms.


Vishing is a false warning, often contained in an email message claiming to come from the IT department.


What kind of software program delivers advertising content in a manner that is unexpected and unwanted by the user, and is typically included in malware?


  • adware

  • trojan

  • keylogger

  • spam


What social engineering principal convinces a victim an immediate action is needed?


  • authority

  • intimidation

  • urgency

  • scarcity


What social engineering principal frightens and coerces a victim by using threats?


  • authority

  • scarcity

  • urgency

  • intimidation


What specific science discipline do most social engineering attacks rely on when they are being used?


  • psychology

  • engineering

  • criminology

  • psychiatry


What specific type of phishing attack uses the telephone to target a victim?


  • spear phishing

  • whaling

  • target phising

  • vishing


What term below is used to describe the process of gathering information for an attack by relying on the weaknesses of individuals?


  • phreaking

  • social engineering

  • hacking

  • reverse engineering


What type of attack is targeted against a smaller group of specific individuals, such as the major executives working for a manufacturing company?


  • typo squatting

  • adware

  • spam

  • watering hole


What type of computer code is typically added to a legitimate program but lies dormant until a specific logical event triggers it?


  • logic bomb

  • script

  • macro virus

  • metamorphic virus


What type of malicious software technology is used to download and install software without the user's interaction?


  • automated software

  • system modifying software

  • automatic download software

  • tracking software


What type of malicious software technology is used to monitor user behavior or gather information about the user, sometimes including personally identifiable or other sensitive information?


  • automated software

  • system modifying software

  • tracking software

  • automatic download software


What type of malware consists of a set of software tools used by an attacker to hide the actions or presence of other types of malicious software, such as a virus?


  • wrapper

  • rootkit

  • backdoor

  • shield


What type of malware is heavily dependent on a user in order to spread?


  • rootkit

  • worm

  • virus

  • trojan


What type of ransomware displays a screen and prevents the user from accessing the computer's resources?


  • standard ransomware

  • locking-malware

  • crypto-malware

  • blocker ransomware


What type of ransomware was developed to block the user from accessing the computer and encrypts all the files on the user's device?


  • locking-malware

  • blocker ransomware

  • crypto-malware

  • standard ransomware


What type of software can be installed in an individual's web browser to prevent ads from displaying


  • cookie scanning

  • ad blocking

  • ad sensing

  • antivirus


What type of spyware silently captures and stores each keystroke that a user types on the computer's keyboard?


  • ransomware

  • key indexing

  • passive tracking

  • keylogger


What type of structure is used to provide instructions to infected bot computers?


  • client-server

  • bot herder

  • hive

  • command & control


What type of system security malware allows for access to a computer, program, or service without authorization?


  • command & control

  • backdoor

  • botnet

  • zombie


What type of undocumented yet benign hidden feature launches after a special set of commands, key combinations, or mouse clicks?


  • bug

  • Easter egg

  • Trojan horse

  • virus


Which of the following are considered to be the primary payload capabilities found in malware? (Choose all that apply.)


  • modify data

  • collect data

  • launch attacks

  • delete data


Which of the following is malicious computer code that reproduces itself on the same computer?


  • worm

  • adware

  • spyware

  • virus


Which of the following is not one of the four methods for classifying the various instances of malware by using the primary trait that the malware possesses?


  • concealment

  • source

  • circulation

  • infection


Which type of phishing attack targets specific users?


  • vishing

  • target phishing

  • whaling

  • spear phishing