What was the primary requirement for the emergence of Afro-Eurasian cities as opposed to villages

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What did Herodotus think of the Nile basin?

What was the primary requirement for the emergence of Afro-Eurasian cities as opposed to villages

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What was the primary requirement for the emergence of Afro-Eurasian cities as opposed to villages

Who initially ran Afro-Eurasian city-states?

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What was the first use of writing in Mesopotamia?

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Why were royal palaces introduced to Mesopotamian cities?


What was the primary requirement for the emergence of Afro-Eurasian cities as opposed to villages
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What city became the first large commercial and administrative center in the world?


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Why did the ancient Egyptians view the world and the gods as essentially beneficent, in contrast to the worldview of the Mesopotamians?


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Which of the following statements about the rise of trade is correct?


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Who maintained the ancient Egyptian system of using the Nile floodwaters?


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Near which rivers) were Mesopotamian urban centers located?


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Which of the following is a significant intellectual advance of early urban enclaves?


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Which statement about the Sumerian family is correct?


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When did city life emerge?


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Which statement about the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers is correct?


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Which of the following was crucial to the spread of pastoral nomads in the steppes region of Afro-Eurasia?


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In Mesopotamia, what was the stepped platform base of a temple called?


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Which of the following is the location of an early river-valley civilization?


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What did people in river-basin cities do?


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What was the primary requirement for the emergence of Afro-Eurasian cities, as opposed to villages?


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Why is Sargon the Great notable?


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What was the purpose of the Mesopotamian temple?


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