When does your hair stop falling out during pregnancy

Zaineb Hassan Makhzoumi, MD is accustomed to reassuring nervous patients about skin and scalp conditions as a dermatologic surgeon at the University of Maryland Medical Center. But even with all her years of medical training and knowledge, she was dismayed when she started losing hair during her own pregnancy with her twin sons.

She was washing her hair in the shower when she realized just how much she was shedding. “It just kept coming and coming,” recalls Dr. Makhzoumi, who is also chief of clinical service and section head for dermatologic surgery and oncology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Most people who experience hair loss in conjunction with pregnancy actually lose the hair after
delivering their babies, also known as postpartum hair loss. But a smaller number lose more hair than usual during their pregnancy, as Dr. Makhzoumi did. Ahead, we'll break down why hair loss happens during pregnancy, how to cope with the change, and what can be done to prevent it from occurring.

On a normal basis, you might lose between 50 and 100 hairs every day, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).

More dramatic and noticeable hair loss that happens after a triggering event is known as "telogen effluvium," which is how pregnancy and postpartum hair loss are categorized. In postpartum, the triggering event is childbirth and the drop in hormones, most notably estrogen.

But in this case, the triggering event for hair loss is pregnancy, with its shifting hormone levels. Pregnancy hair loss occurs less frequently than postpartum hair loss.

Maram Said, DO, an OB/GYN at Ascension St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana, explains that hair loss typically occurs closer to the third trimester and tends to be an overall thinning, rather than hair loss from one particular area.

You feel like you’re going to go bald, but you’re not. The hair will come back.

— Maram Said, DO.

But just like most postpartum hair loss, it's important to remember that pregnancy-related hair loss is temporary, too. Your body will likely recover from the shock or stress—that is, the pregnancy—that caused the hair loss to occur.

“You feel like you’re going to go bald, but you’re not,” Dr. Makhzoumi says. “The hair will come back.”

It is possible that another culprit is responsible for your pregnancy-related hair loss, so it's best to mention any symptoms to your OB/GYN or healthcare provider.

For example, iron-deficiency anemia can sometimes lead to hair thinning. Anemia is a condition that develops when you don’t have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to all the corners of your body. Pregnant people are prone to developing mild iron-deficiency anemia, especially during the second and third trimester, due to an increase in blood volume that accompanies pregnancy.

Another possible cause of hair loss during pregnancy is thyroid disease. Dr. Said checks the thyroid levels of every new pregnant patient by the eight-week mark, since thyroid disease can also affect the pregnant parent's metabolism and the baby’s brain development.

While there are products on the market that pledge to help with hair regrowth, you should talk with your healthcare provider before using them, as they may or may not be safe for your developing baby.

If you recall commercials for products that promise to regrow hair, you might also remember a warning for pregnant people to avoid using some of these items.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) assigns medications a safety rating on a scale from A (studies have failed to demonstrate a risk to the developing fetus) to X (evidence of human fetal risk or fetal abnormalities).

Products known for promoting hair regrowth, such as topical minoxidil, which is designed to be applied to the scalp, fall into Category C, which the FDA warns, “Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks."

Dr. Said steers her pregnant patients away from this type of treatment altogether, explaining that it’s not worth taking the risk to address a temporary hair loss situation.

“We want to be safe, and there are things that we just don’t have enough data on during pregnancy,” says Dr. Said.

While there's little you can do to fully stop pregnancy-related hair loss from happening, there are actions you can take to help strengthen your hair.

A strategy that might help involves taking a more gentle approach to styling. This could include ditching the tight buns and ponytails, avoiding the urge to aggressively brush your hair, and carefully washing and drying your hair to avoid unnecessary tugging or pulling.

You might also avoid harsh styling tools that use heat, like straightening irons, that could put additional stress on your hair.

If you do use a hair dryer, don't put it too close to your hair, as one study suggests that a 5 cm distance can help protect your hair from possible heat damage. Eating a healthy diet with plenty of protein can't hurt, either.

If you have a medical condition that might contribute to your excessive hair shedding, be sure to stay consistent with your treatment plan. For example, if you’re anemic, your healthcare provider may suggest an iron supplement, Dr. Said points out.

We know that excessive postpartum hair shedding typically peaks around your baby’s 4-month birthday, and your normal hair growth should return by your child’s first birthday. But we don't know as much about pre-birth hair loss. The timeline for regaining any pre-birth hair loss is not as established as postpartum hair loss, but don’t worry. That lost hair will regrow, too.

According to Dr. Said, you just have to remember that it’s a small window in the greater scheme of things. As she puts it, “This is all transient and temporary and not expected to affect you for the rest of your life."

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A baby on board = that “preggo glow” and thick, lustrous locks. Or so they say.

If you’re sporting a Kim K-esque mane for the first time in your life, thank your sky-high estrogen levels for slowing down hair loss.

But if you’re finding alarming handfuls of hair in the shower, it could be something else.

Let’s get to the root of the matter.

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During pregnancy, your estrogen levels rise to support le bébé. Most of the time, the flood of estrogen also slows your body’s natural hair shedding cycle.

Here’s why your head might be droppin’ hair like it’s hot instead.

It could be hormonal shifts

The abrupt hormone changes in early pregnancy are no joke. For some women, the transition triggers telogen effluvium (TE), aka stress-induced hair loss.

TE works like this: In response to shock, trauma, or stress, your body places 30 percent or more of your hairs into the shedding phase. That could take your daily hair loss from 100 strands to 300. Even at that rate, it might take time to notice your hair thinning.

The good news? TE usually resolves itself within a few months.

It might be an underlying health issue

Growing a baby is a lot of work for your body. It increases your risk of several health issues, including:

Depending on their severity, these health issues could cause TE.

Thyroid probs

Sometimes pregnancy hormone levels can fluctuate into the danger zone. Thyroid conditions like hypothyroidism (too little thyroid hormone) and hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid hormone) can cause hair loss.

There are several other signs of hypothyroidism, which affects about 2 to 3 percent of pregnant women:

  • constipation
  • exhaustion
  • cramps

Got iron?

Pregnancy increases your risk of iron deficiency anemia. If you’re carrying multiples (#respect), have severe morning sickness, or got pregnant soon after giving birth, your risk is even higher.

Low iron levels mean you don’t have enough red blood cells to efficiently carry oxygen through your body. This causes hair thinning, along with several other symptoms:

  • exhaustion
  • irregular heartbeat
  • shortness of breath
  • frequent headaches

Since anemia isn’t a preggo-only condition, your hair probably won’t get its volume and shine back until you address your iron levels.

If you’re pregnant and think you might have anemia, talk to your doctor. A simple blood test can determine whether you need iron supplements.

K, but what about postpartum hair loss?

If your hair was on point during pregnancy, you can thank your high estrogen levels. Once you gave birth, your estrogen plummeted back to its pre-preggo level. It’s not great news for your hair, but it’s no reason to worry.

Excessive hair shedding usually peaks at 4 months postpartum. Losing handfuls of hair while you’re recovering from birth is no fun — and it can be scary to see giant clumps in the shower or on the floor — but this type of telogen effluvium typically goes away in time.

Other potential culprits

Telogen effluvium usually makes your hair thinner all over. Noticeable bald patches or clumps from one side or the top of your head could indicate a genetic or autoimmune condition. These conditions cause baldness or hair loss regardless of whether you have a baby on board.

Androgenetic alopecia, aka female pattern baldness, shortens your hair’s growth phase and lengthens the shedding phase.

Alopecia areata triggers patches of head hair and body hair. Some people experience a cycle of regrowth and hair loss, while for others the loss is unpredictable. There’s no cure for alopecia areata, but some treatments can help.

Last but not least: Could it be harsh hair treatments?

Sometimes beauty processes backfire. Excessive blow-drying, flat ironing, or chemical treatments can cause breakage and hair thinning. So can super tight hairstyles.

These lead to traction alopecia, which can cause permanent hair loss or hairline damage if you don’t give your mane a break.

If your locks are thinning due to pregnancy, there’s no special treatment required. Your ’do will bounce back over time.

If your hair loss is caused by thyroid issues or low iron, your doctor can suggest medications or supplements.

If you have androgenetic alopecia, you could try low-level laser therapy (LLLT), which uses red light to stimulate hair growth. This is safer than taking certain meds while pregnant.

Any postpartum hair loss solutions?

It depends. Is your baby on the boob? Breastfeeding moms have fewer options because some meds aren’t considered safe for the baby.

Either way, if your hair doesn’t return to its pre-preggo state, talk to your doctor. They can discuss the pros and cons of minoxidil (Rogaine), supplements, or other meds.

If you can’t blame your thinning hair on an underlying condition or deficiency and you can’t pop pills because of the baby, what are your options?

Here’s a handful of natural remedies to kick-start new hair growth.

1. Scalp massage

Sure, head massages are super relaxing, but they also encourage circulation and hair growth. And while nourishing oils — almond, olive, jojoba — can help moisturize your scalp, a 2014 study on mice found that peppermint oil can stimulate hair growth.

2. DHT-blocking shampoo

Unfortunately, shampoo won’t magically give you a fresh head of hair. But some shampoos contain ingredients that block DHT, an androgen linked to hair loss.

Look for ingredients like vitamin B12, vitamin B6, saw palmetto, pumpkin seed oil, rosemary oil, beta-sitosterol, ketoconazole, and biotin.

If you’re trying a new product, it’s always best to do a patch test to make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction. And if you’re not sure whether an ingredient is baby-friendly, talk to your doctor.

3. Fenugreek hair masks

Fenugreek seeds have been touted as a skin and hair booster for years. But is there proof? Research is limited, but a 2010 study found that fenugreek-infused cream improved the suppleness of skin (and maybe your scalp?).

Massaging your scalp with fenugreek paste (just mash the seeds after soaking them overnight) could boost your hair’s fullness and luster.

4. Feast on nourishing foods

Your diet plays a major role in your internal and external health. That includes your skin, nails, and — yep — hair.

Nosh on foods with omega-3 fatty acids (walnuts, chia seeds, salmon, and tuna), biotin (eggs, fish, meat, and nuts), and vitamin D (orange juice, egg yolks, and yogurt).

5. Amla oil

Amla, which comes from the Indian gooseberry tree, has been used for thousands of years as a hair loss remedy in Eastern medicine.

More research is needed, but a 2012 study found that applying amla oil inhibited 5-alpha reductase, which is linked to male baldness.

Maybe. It depends on what’s causing your hair loss in the first place.

There’s no fast fix to get back the hair you’ve already lost. But these extra TLC tips could prevent more breakage or thinning:

  • Be gentle with your locks. Compulsive hair twister? Stahp already! Resist the urge to rub, pull, or twist your hair. If possible, skip tight ponytails, extensions, and weaves for a few months.
  • Use a wide-toothed comb. Wash your hair carefully and use only your fingers or a wide-toothed comb to detangle it.
  • Just say no to harsh styling. Give your mane regular breaks between uses of hot rollers, curling irons, hot oils, and harsh chemical treatments.
  • Nourish your hair from the inside out. Getting a healthy balance of protein, fats, and other important nutrients helps your hair stay strong and beautiful. Ask your doctor for a prenatal vitamin recommendation too — they’re great for hair, skin, and nails!
  • Talk to a pro. A medical pro, that is. Your doctor can help you ID any meds or supplements that have hair-thinning side effects. They can also help you get to the root of your hair loss.
  • Choose volumizing hair products. Some shampoos and conditioners can make your hair appear more full and bouncy. Just beware of super heavy formulas that weigh down thin hair. When in doubt, apply conditioner to only the ends of your hair.
  • Try a different haircut. Short bobs and strategic layers can help hair look thicker. If you’ve already lost a lot of hair, a shorter, lighter haircut might be helpful while you work on growing back your mane.

Losing handfuls of hair during pregnancy isn’t common, but it doesn’t usually indicate a major problem. Hair loss is normal if you have a hormone imbalance or certain preexisting health conditions.

For some people, hair will regrow within a few months. For others, it’s necessary to treat the underlying issue.

Postpartum hair loss, on the other hand, is very common. It usually peaks 4 months after you give birth. Most mamas say their locks feel back to normal by their baby’s 9-month milestone or first birthday.

Last medically reviewed on July 22, 2020

  • Health Condition
  • Parenthood


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