When immobilizing a patient with a Kyphotic spine to a long backboard the EMT would most likely have to?

When immobilizing a patient with a kyphotic spine to a long backboard, the EMT would MOST likely have to:A. place blankets behind the patient's head.B. use a scoop stretcher instead of a log roll.C. secure the patient's head before the torso.

D. force the head into a neutral alignment.

A. place blankets behind the patient's head

Chapter 35, page 1309, Special Considerations in Assessing Geriatric Trauma Patients

The EMT should suspect left-sided heart failure in the geriatric patient who presents with:A. fever and a cough that produces green sputum.B. jugular venous distention and peripheral edema.C. swelling of the lower extremities and weakness.

D. tachypnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.

D. tachypnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.

Chapter 35, pages 1288–1289, Changes in the Cardiovascular System

You are assessing a 70-year-old female who complains of intense thirst, frequent urination, and dizziness. She has a history of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout. Her blood glucose reads “high.” She is conscious, but confused. Her blood pressure is 92/52 mm Hg, her pulse rate is 130 beats/min and weak, and her respirations are 22 breaths/min and shallow. This patient's clinical presentation is MOST consistent with:A. hyperglycemia with moderate dehydration.B. acute renal failure with associated hyperglycemia.C. hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome.

D. diabetic ketoacidosis.

C. hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome.

Chapter 35, page 1295, Changes in the Endocrine System

An abdominal aortic aneurysm:A. is often the result of hypertension and atherosclerosis.B. can sometimes be palpated as a mass in the groin area.C. causes dull pain that often radiates to the shoulders.

D. is usually not repairable, even if discovered early.

A. is often the result of hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Chapter 35, page 1294, Changes in the Gastrointestinal System

An 84-year-old male fell a week ago and has been bedridden since then. Today, he presents with an altered mental status. His skin is pale and cold and his respirations are rapid and shallow. The EMT should suspect:A. hypovolemic shock.B. acute hyperglycemia.C. a systemic infection.

D. a subdural hematoma.

C. a systemic infection.

Chapter 35, pages 1295–1296, Changes in the Immune System

Common causes of depression in the elderly include all of the following, EXCEPT:A. prescription medication use.B. alcohol abuse and dependence.C. chronic medical conditions.

D. an acute onset of dementia.

D. an acute onset of dementia.

Chapter 35, page 1299, Behavioral Emergencies

The stooped posture of some older people, which gives them a humpback appearance, is called:A. scoliosis.B. kyphosis.C. arthritis.

D. miosis.

B. kyphosis.

Chapter 35, page 1296, Changes in the Musculoskeletal System

The leading cause of death in the geriatric patient is:A. hypertension.B. arthritis.C. heart disease.

D. altered mental status.

C. heart disease.

Chapter 35, page 1285, Changes in the Body

During the natural process of aging, the number of functional cilia in the respiratory system decreases, resulting in:A. a decreased ability to cough.B. an increased risk of COPD.C. air-trapping within the alveoli.

D. baseline respiratory distress.

A. a decreased ability to cough.

Chapter 35, page 1286, Changes in the Respiratory System

In contrast to younger patients, older patients are more prone to a decrease in blood pressure (BP) upon standing because:A. the aging process results in an overall increase in blood volume.B. the body is less able to adapt the BP to rapid postural changes.C. their red blood cells are destroyed at a faster than normal rate.

D. any change in position causes blood to be shunted to the brain.

B. the body is less able to adapt the BP to rapid postural changes.

Chapter 35, page 1288, Changes in the Cardiovascular System

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