When large medals are worn in an overlapping manner what maximum number are you authorized to wear in one row?

Wear of Navy Service Ribbons


(The Coast Guard generally follows U.S. Navy guidelines) Wear up to 3 in a row; if more than three military ribbons, wear in horizontal rows of three each. The top row contains the lesser number, centered above the row below, no spaces between ribbon rows. Rows of ribbons covered by coat lapel may contain two ribbons each and be aligned. Wear ribbons with lower edge of bottom row centered 1/4 inch above left breast and parallel to the deck.

Coast Guard members may either wear the senior three ribbons or all ribbons when they are covered by lapel by 1/3 or more. Rows can be decreased to 2 or 1 if all ribbons are worn in this situation.

Wear of Full Size Decorations & Navy Service Medals

Wear large military medals on full dress uniforms. Align bottom row same as ribbon bars. All rows may contain maximum of 3 medals side by side or up to 5 overlapping. Overlapping is proportional with inboard medal showing in full. Mount medals so they cover suspension ribbon of the medal below. When large medals are worn, all unit citations and ribbons with no medal authorized are centered over the right breast pocket the bottom edge 1/8 inch above the top of the pocket.

Wear of Miniature Navy Medals

Wear miniature navy medals with all formal and dinner dress uniforms. Place holding bar of lowest row of miniatures 3 inches below the notch, centered on the lapel. Center the holding bar immediately above the left breast pocket on the blue and white service coat. You may wear up to five miniature medals in a row with no overlap on the dinner jacket, center up to 3 miniature medals on the lapel. Position 4 or more miniatures at the inner edge of the lapel extending beyond the lapel to the body of the jacket.

Large medals are worn on the service coat or jumper of Full Dress Blues and Full Dress White. When wearing more than one medal, suspend them from a holding bar that supports the medal’s weight. Place the holding bar of the lowest row of medals in the same position as the lowest ribbon bar

What qualifies a sailor to wear one Navy service stripe?

All personnel wear one stripe for each four years of active duty service or reserve service in an active status in any of the armed services.

What maximum amount of time does a sailor have to submit an appeal for nonjudicial punishment?

Non-judicial punishment can be imposed by a commander in the military which allows punitive action to discipline for minor violations under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Non-judicial cases can be appealed to the immediate supervisor of the commander as long as it is within 5 days of its imposition.

What is the maximum amount of bulk hair authorized?

approximately two inches

Can you wear medals and ribbons at the same time?

The use of large medals and badges is reserved for daytime attire, but ensure not to wear large medals and ribbons at the same time. The exception is the wear of unit ribbons on the right side on the Army uniform.

Where do you put ribbons on a uniform?

The ribbon mount should be pinned centered over the left breast pocket on the uniform shirt. Pin each medal on to the left breast of the uniform if wearing full-sized awards. Full-sized medals are generally worn with service dress uniforms for more formal, ceremonial occasions.

How do you wear ribbons with medals?

Wear both large medals and ribbons that do not have corresponding large medals on Full Dress Uniforms. Center ribbons on the right breast in the same relative position as the holding bar of the lowest row of medals. Arrange ribbons in order of precedence in rows from top down and inboard to outboard.

What term applies to Navy uniforms that are worn with ribbons and large medals?

When large medals are worn with either uniform, the uniform is called full dress.

How many years do you get for each service stripe?

three years

Why do some Sailors wear gold stripes?

All enlisted Sailors with 12 cumulative years of active naval or active reserve service are authorized to wear gold rating badges, and gold service stripes in lieu of red rating badges and stripes.

What do the colored stripes on a Navy uniform mean?

If a sailor hits the 12-year mark before meeting those requirements, they wear red stripes. Sailors who have qualified for the gold stripes but are later convicted by court-martial or nonjudicial punishment (NJP) must also switch to red. At that point, the 12-year clock to earn the gold stripes back starts over again.

What is the difference between red and gold stripes on a Navy uniform?

Starting June 1, all sailors over the 12-year service mark will be authorized to wear gold chevrons on their dress and service uniforms, a stark contrast to the red stripe worn by some senior enlisted sailors as a visible sign of misconduct from some point in their careers.

What type of punishment is administered at captain’s mast?

Non-Judicial Punishment

When an enlisted sailor violates a regulation in the presence of both an officer and a petty officer the responsibility to correct the sailor rests with what authority?

What term is interchangeable with fundamentals of leadership?basic principles of leadershipWhen an enlisted person violates a regulation in the presence of both an officer and a petty officer, who is responsible for correcting the violator?petty officer61 more rows

Which of the following situation qualifies a sailor to wear one Navy service stripe?

All personnel wear one stripe for each four years of active duty service or reserve service in an active status in any of the armed services.

What is the purpose of a command climate assessment quizlet?

Assess their command climate 90 days after assumption of command. The purpose of the climate assessment is to determine the: Determine the Health and mission readiness of the unit

What is the authorized maximum fingernail length from the end of the finger tip for a males and B females?


When large medals are worn in an overlapping manner you are authorized to wear what maximum number in one row?

Wear large military medals on full dress uniforms. Align bottom row same as ribbon bars. All rows may contain maximum of 3 medals side by side or up to 5 overlapping. Overlapping is proportional with inboard medal showing in full.

What is the maximum authorized size of a tattoo on a sailor’s forearm?

The major change to the policy involves the amount of skin a sailor or potential recruit can have tattooed. The 2003 rule still holds that says the size of the tattoo on a sailor#8217;s lower arm #8212; the portion visible in uniform #8212; can be no larger than the wearer#8217;s hand, fingers closed

How do you wear navy ribbons and medals?

Wear both large medals and ribbons that do not have corresponding large medals on Full Dress Uniforms. Center ribbons on the right breast in the same relative position as the holding bar of the lowest row of medals. Arrange ribbons in order of precedence in rows from top down and inboard to outboard.

Are ribbons the same as medals army?

As their name suggests, military medals are actual medallions suspended from ribbons, used to recognize acts of heroism, bravery, achievements or participation in specific military conflicts. The terms decoration and medal are used almost interchangeably today, but there are recognizable distinctions between them.

How do you put ribbons on medals?

The medal at the left of the bar should be placed first and the remainder of the ribbons placed so that they overlap equally the medal on the right, or senior medal, being in full view. When mounting medals in this manner, it is not possible to bring the ribbon back through the slot in the bar.

How many ribbons can you wear?

Ribbons are worn in order of precedence from the wearer’s right to left, in one or more rows, with either no space between rows or 1/8-inch space between rows. No more than four ribbons are worn in any one row. Soldiers will not start a second row unless they are authorized to wear four or more ribbons.

How do you put ribbons on a uniform?

Wear ribbons with the lower edge of the bottom row centered 1/4 inch above the left breast pocket and parallel to the deck. To prevent coat lapels from covering ribbons, ribbons may be aligned so the border to wearer’s left is aligned with left side of pocket.

How are ribbons placed on the Class A uniform?

Put the award holder on a flat surface in front of you, facing up with the pin underneath. Begin by placing the lowest-ranking award furthest right. Add additional awards in the order of their ranking to the left. If you have more than three awards, add another award holder above the first row.