Which best describes the overall purpose of youth activism and animal rights”?

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Which best describes the overall purpose of youth activism and animal rights”?
OpenStudy (philly_01):

Which best describes the overall purpose of "Youth Activism and Animal Rights”? to entertain readers with a sad story to educate readers about an important issue to convince readers to join a cause to inform readers about a historical figure

5 years ago

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Which best describes the overall purpose of youth activism and animal rights”?
likeabossssssss (likeabossssssss):

\(\Huge\color{#EB00FF}{\text{WELCOME}}\) \(\Huge\color{blue}{\text{TO}}\) \(\Huge\color{green}{\text{OPEN}}\)\(\Huge\color{purple }{\text{ STUDY!!!!!!!!!!!}}\) \(\Huge\heartsuit\)

5 years ago

OpenStudy (girlgoyleh.):

Judging by the title, its most likely b

5 years ago

OpenStudy (firejay5):

Correct Answer: C. To convince readers to join a cause.

5 years ago

Which best describes the overall purpose of "Youth Activism and Animal Rights"?

to entertain readers with a sad story

to educate readers about an important issue

to convince readers to join a cause 

to inform readers about a historical figure

Answer & Explanation

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Which best describes the overall purpose of youth activism and animal rights”?

AnswerTo convince readers to join a causeExplanation Youth activism is where youths in the community come together and engage themselves in in matters pertaining social change. Their participation in the social change focuses more important things in their lives. While animal rights is animals are entitled to posses their own lives and their interest and they are well treated.To convince readers to join a cause will help them to to improve the youth activism and facilitating the youth rights.

11 months ago 189

Which best describes the overall purpose of youth activism and animal rights”?
Which best describes the overall purpose of youth activism and animal rights”?

Which best describes the overall purpose of youth activism and animal rights”?
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