Which statement best describes a similarity between the political systems in ancient Greece and Rome

What is the difference between the political systems in ancient Greece and feudal Europe? Ancient Greece featured more powerful centralized governments. Feudal Europe featured governments centered on legislative assemblies.

What is the difference between the political systems in ancient Greece and ancient Rome?

Rome’s political structure provided for representation by two political parties in the Senate. The patricians represented the aristocracy, or nobles, while the plebeians represented the middle-class and wealthy merchants. The Greek government did not have political parties.

What political system was ancient Greece?

Democracy in ancient Greece served as one of the first forms of self-rule government in the ancient world. The system and ideas employed by the ancient Greeks had profound influences on how democracy developed, and its impact on the formation of the U.S. government.

What were the two types of political systems used in ancient Greece?

  • Democracy – rule by the people (male citizens).
  • Monarchy – rule by an individual who had inherited his role.
  • Oligarchy – rule by a select group of individuals.
  • Tyranny – rule by an individual who had seized power by unconstitutional means.

What best describes a difference between the ancient Greek and other ancient cultures?

What best describes a difference between the ancient Greeks and other ancient cultures? … – The ancient Greeks did not have fertile land to grow crops. – The ancient Greeks did not build cities around major rivers. – The ancient Greeks built cities in the mountains for protection.

How did Greece use democracy?

Democracy in Ancient Greece was very direct. What this means is that all the citizens voted on all the laws. Rather than vote for representatives, like we do, each citizen was expected to vote for every law. They did have officials to run the government, however.

How did Greece influence democracy?

Another important ancient Greek concept that influenced the formation of the United States government was the written constitution. … The original U.S. voting system had some similarities with that of Athens. In Athens, every citizen could speak his mind and vote at a large assembly that met to create laws.

What are the similarities between ancient Greece and ancient Rome?

The main similarities between Greek and Roman political structures were that both empires were made up of several city-states, both believed that the citizens needed to actively participate in politics and military service, and both favored aristocratic rule.

What are some similarities between ancient Rome and ancient Greece?

Both Greece and Rome are Mediterranean countries, similar enough latitudinally for both to grow wine and olives. However, their terrains were quite different. The ancient Greek city-states were separated from each other by hilly countryside and all were near the water.

How were ancient Rome and Greece different?

The cities in Ancient Greece were separated by hilly countryside. All the cities were near to water bodies. Rome was an inland country and situated on the banks of River Tiber. Greek art was considered to be superior to that of Roman Art.

Did Greece have kings?

From about 2000 B.C.E. to 800 B.C.E., most Greek city-states were ruled by monarchs—usually kings (the Greeks did not allow women to have power). At first, the Greek kings were chosen by the people of the city-state. … Over time, these advisors decided that they should have more power than the king.

What was ancient Greece social structure?

In ancient Greece, the social system started off fairly simple. You were either a free man, a foreigner, or a slave. … Athenian society was ultimately divided into four main social classes: the upper class; the metics, or middle class; the lower class, or freedmen; and the slave class.

What religion did ancient Greece follow?

Ancient Greeks Were Polytheistic

The religion of Ancient Greece was classified as polytheistic, which means that they believed in multiple deities. In fact, the gods and goddesses that we know as the Olympian Gods were something that many religious experts accept as being at the core of their belief system.

Which statement best describes a similarity between the political systems in ancient Greece and Rome?

Both avoided centralizing political power in the hands of one person. Explanation: This is the statement that best describes a similarity between the political systems in ancient Greece and the Roman Republic. Both systems avoided centralizing power in the hands of one person.

Which best describes the geography of Greece?

Mainland Greece is a mountainous land almost completely surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. Greece has more than 1400 islands. The country has mild winters and long, hot and dry summers. … Greek cities were founded around the Black Sea, North Africa, Italy, Sicily, France and Spain.

How did Egypt influence Greece?

Some of them believed that Egypt had influenced Greece in the distant past; for the historian Herodotus, Greek religion was mostly an Egyptian import. … These Greek pharaohs communicated in Greek and the country itself became increasingly bilingual and bicultural, a process that continued into the Roman period.

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Tyson Brown, National Geographic Society

National Geographic Society

Gina Borgia, National Geographic Society

Jeanna Sullivan, National Geographic Society

Sarah Appleton, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society

Margot Willis, National Geographic Society


Both avoided centralizing political power in the hands of one person. Explanation: This is the statement that best describes a similarity between the political systems in ancient Greece and the Roman Republic. Both systems avoided centralizing power in the hands of one person.

Which statement best describes a difference between the political systems in ancient Greece in?

Answer: Ancient Greece believed in the policy of direct democracy as they were very reflective of the philosophy of democracy. Explanation: This policy best describes the political systems in feudal Europe and ancient Greece.

Which statement best describes a difference between the political systems in Acient Greece and feudal Europe?

Explanation: When comparing the political systems of ancient Greece and feudal Europe, the first and fundamental difference is that the Greek city-states had a democratic political system, such as Athens, although in Sparta ruled the king with the aristocratic council of the elders.

What are the arguments against power sharing?

1. It leads to a feeling between citizens that the sharing of power leads to division of power which makes a country weaker than it would be if power rested in one hand. 2. It also leads to misunderstanding between the council of various organs.

Why is power sharing not desirable?

Power sharing is a good way to ensure the stability of political order as social conflict often leads to violence and political instability. Imposing the will of the majority community over others may look like an attractive option in the short run, but in the long run it undermines the unity of the nation.

What are the two positive aspects of power sharing?

1. The Belgian power sharing arrangement suggested that the number of Dutch and French speaking ministers should be equal in the central government. 2. The powers of the central government had been given to state government of country.

What is the potential and moral reason of power sharing?

Answer: Prudential Reason: Power sharing helps in reducing the conflict between various social groups. Hence, power sharing is necessary for maintaining social harmony and peace. Moral Reason: The avoiding conflict in society and preventing majority tyranny are considered as prudential reasons for power sharing.


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