Why are my dogs eyes watering all of a sudden

Epiphora means an overflow of tears from the eyes. It is a symptom rather than a specific disease and is associated with a variety of conditions. Normally, a thin film of tears is produced to lubricate the eyes and the excess fluid drains into the lacrimal ducts, or tear ducts, which are located in the or corner of the eye next to the nose. The nasolacrimal ducts drain tears into the back of the nose and the throat. Epiphora is most commonly associated with insufficient drainage of the tear film from the eye. The most common cause of insufficient tear drainage is a blockage of the nasolacrimal ducts or poor eyelid function due to a deformity. Epiphora may also result from the excessive production of tears.

What are the signs of epiphora?

The most common clinical signs associated with epiphora are dampness or wetness beneath the eyes, reddish-brown staining of the fur beneath the eyes, odor, skin irritation and skin infection. Many owners report that their dog's face is constantly damp, and they may even see tears rolling off their pet's face.

How is epiphora diagnosed?

The first step is to determine if there is an underlying cause for the excess tear production. Some of the causes of increased tear production in dogs include conjunctivitis (viral or bacterial), allergies, eye injuries, abnormal eyelashes (distichia or ectopic cilia), corneal ulcers, eye infections, anatomical abnormalities such as rolled in eyelids (entropion) or rolled out eyelids (ectropion), and glaucoma.

"A thorough ocular examination is performed, paying special attention to the nasolacrimal ducts and nearby tissues, and looking for signs of inflammation or other abnormalities."

Once the more serious causes for epiphora have been eliminated, it is necessary to determine if proper and adequate tear drainage is occurring. A thorough ocular examination is performed, paying special attention to the nasolacrimal ducts and nearby tissues, and looking for signs of inflammation or other abnormalities. The facial anatomy of the dog may play a role in this condition. Some breeds have flat or squished-in faces (brachycephalics) that do not allow the tear film to drain properly. In these pets, the tear film fails to enter the duct and simply rolls off the face. In other cases, the hair around the eyes physically obstructs the entrance to the nasolacrimal ducts, or debris or a foreign body forms a plug within the duct and prevents drainage of tears.

Why are my dogs eyes watering all of a sudden

One of the simplest tests to assess tear drainage is to place a drop of fluorescein stain in the eye, hold the dog’s head slightly downward, and watch for drainage into the nose. If the drainage system is functioning normally, the eye stain should be seen in the nose within a few minutes. Failure to observe the stain does not definitively diagnose a blocked nasolacrimal duct, but it does indicate the need for further investigation.

How is epiphora treated?

If the nasolacrimal duct is suspected of being blocked, your dog will be anesthetized and a special instrument will be inserted into the duct to flush out the contents. In some cases, the lacrimal puncta or opening may have failed to open during the dog's development, and if this is the case, it can be surgically opened during this procedure. If chronic infections or allergies have caused the ducts to become narrowed, flushing may help widen them.

If the cause is related to another eye condition, treatment will be directed at the primary cause which may include surgery.

What can I do for the staining?

There are many remedies that have been recommended for removing or eliminating the facial staining associated with excess tears. None of these has proven to be 100% effective. Some over-the-counter treatments may be harmful or injurious to the eyes. Some other over-the-counter products have been suggested but have not been proven to be effective in research trials.

"Do not use any product without consulting with your veterinarian."

Low doses of some antibiotics are no longer recommended due to the risk of developing bacterial antibiotic resistance, rendering these valuable antibiotics worthless for human and veterinary use.

Do not use any product without consulting with your veterinarian. Avoid using any product containing hydrogen peroxide near the eyes since these products can cause severe damage if inadvertently splashed into the eyes.

What is the prognosis for epiphora?

Unless an underlying cause can be found and treated, most patients with epiphora will experience intermittent episodes throughout their life. If your dog's facial anatomy prevents adequate drainage of the tear film, it is likely that some degree of epiphora will persist despite all treatment efforts. In many cases, no significant problems may arise, and the tear staining may be cosmetic. Your veterinarian will determine the specific treatment options and prognosis for your dog.

The clinical name is epiphora, or excessive tearing — a common issue in dogs.  But epiphora can affect your feline friends as well.  So, what causes it and what can you do about it? 

A better question might be, how much tearing is too much?  In some dogs, it’s just the nature of the breed.  Short-faced dogs like Cocker Spaniels, Pugs, and Shih Tzus are prone to excessive tearing and the stains they often leave on their coats.  This moisture can collect in skin folds on the face and nose creating an ideal environment for bacteria to breed.  Keeping these breeds faces clean and dry on a frequent basis can help avoid infection. 

Eye infections.  It’s easy for some dogs to develop bacterial, viral or fungal infections in their eyes.  This can be due to the introduction of an irritant or is transmitted by other animals.  Treatment would involve applying drops or ointments a few times a day until the condition clears up.

Trauma.  A scratch, a stick in the eye, a clump of dirt following a raucous dig for a bone —  foreign objects that impact the eye are the most common reasons for eye trauma.  The resulting injury results in irritation, inflammation and lots of itching and scratching, which can compound the original problem.  If you suspect your pet has suffered trauma to the eye, it’s important to search for “veterinarian near me” on Google and get it looked at right away.  Your vet will probably perform a fluorescein stain, which is a harmless eye dye, to look for abrasions, or corneal ulcers, on the cornea. 

Why are my dogs eyes watering all of a sudden

Allergies.  Allergies can make your pets eyes red and weepy, similar to how hay fever affects people.  Antihistamine medications can alleviate these symptoms.

Obstruction of the tear ducts.  The tear duct, or nasolacrimal duct, drains from the eyes out through the nose.  If this duct becomes blocked, tears overflow out the eye instead of through the nose as usual.  Your vet may perform a “tear test” to check tear production, which involves placing special paper strips under the eyes and timing how long it takes for tears to reach a line on the strip. 

Dry eye.  Also known as Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca (KCS), dry eye is when your pet underproduces tears.  The lack of tears causes irritation due to lack of lubrication. Extremely dry eyes can lead to a thick, sticky discharge, infections, and even impairment of sight. 

Cats have a tear film over their eyes, which is a protective layer that helps remove debris.  This special coating plays a major role in keeping them healthy.  If you notice that the tissues around their eyes become inflamed and red, the most common cause is conjunctivitis, or pinkeye.  Pinkeye can be cause by an allergy, an infection, or even dust or dirt in the eye, and is highly infectious.  Feline herpes can be another cause of pinkeye, but the good news is your vet can give  protective pet shots to kittens to help prevent this.  If pinkeye is diagnosed, your vet will treat it with antibiotics. 

Why are my dogs eyes watering all of a sudden

You should contact your veterinarian immediately if you notice these signs:

  • Odor from the eye discharge
  • Yellow or green discharge from the eye
  • Squinting or twitching of the eye
  • Redness or swelling of the eye or the area around the eye
  • Your pet excessively pawing at the eye or rubbing his face
  • Vision problems

Jacksonville Community Pet Clinics offers two convenient locations–Jacksonville Community Pet Clinic-West on Verna Boulevard and the Beaches location on 11th Avenue North in Jacksonville Beach.  They also have a Mobile Clinic that provides free physical exams, low cost vaccinations and affordable prescription medications at various stops throughout Jacksonville and the surrounding five county area.  The Mobile Clinic partners with businesses and churches, running the Clinic from their parking lots.  Like their permanent clinics, the Mobile Clinic is staffed by a Jacksonville Community Pet Clinic veterinarian, vet tech, clinic manager, and two administrative staff members.  To learn more visit www.mycommunitypetclinic.com.