Why do they say cats have nine lives

The story that cats have nine lives is out by a factor of 9. Science suggests that like the rest of us, they only have one. But here's the facts behind this one mythical number.

Yes I want treats with that.

We know they're cute. But why do we say they live nine times more often than they do?

Are they reborn or just good at jumping?

Cats don't really have nine lives. But the main reason that cats got a reputation for reincarnation is their ability to jump and land.

They climb high trees, run in front of cars and jump from high places. Surely someone with only one, short life wouldn’t leap about frantically, like a pogo stick with a death wish?

Cats do though. So an old housewives tale, based on the fact that Mr Nibbles would jump from the top of the wardrobe and land on his feet, has persisted over hundreds of years.

They are good at jumping though. Cats have even been known to fall off skyscrapers and other high rise buildings in earthquakes and still survive.

Watch this video of a cat emerging from a collapsing building.

Cats DO almost always land on their feet. This is because they have what is called a ‘righting reflex’- they are able to twist around very quickly in the air if dropped from high places.

They have extremely good balance and reflexes, and have very flexible backbones, as they have more vertebrae than humans.

Why nine?

Okay they're good at surviving, but why the nine lives? Well once you start giving them magic powers, 9 is a good place to start.

An old English proverb states "A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays". This could be where the myth that cats have nine lives came from- though the proverb is not thought to be meant in seriousness. It's a statement about the hardy nature of cats and the fact that they give the most love when they are old- too old to chase mice and run away!

Nine is also a magic number- and this could be partly why cats are attributed with having nine lives, because they have been both worshipped and feared throughout the ages for being magical. The ancient Greeks said that the number nine referred to the trinity of all trinities- and is a mystic number which invokes tradition and religion.

So there are a few different sources which the nine lives myth could have come from- at any rate, humans throughout the ages have been astonished at the hardiness of the feline.

This one cat is pretty near immortal

Myths aside, this cat is doing pretty well for itself. Pinky is apparently the world’s oldest cat at 28 years old. She’s still healthy and eats well, and still has beautiful thick, soft fur.

She’s ancient and wise and is the oldest cat in existence… to our knowledge.

Perhaps all the baby kittens we see on the internet are secretly hundreds of years old and are on their ninth life.

Cats are lucky. After all, nothing else in the animal kingdom can boast more than one life—let alone nine! So, do cats have nine lives? While felines display a Houdini-like knack for escaping precarious situations unscathed, we know that, unfortunately, the nine lives thing is a myth. But where (and why) did this common saying originate?

An old English proverb

The details are murky surrounding the origin of the nine lives myth. Most sources simply cite an “old English proverb”—a proverb that mirrors what could arguably be called the three stages of human life, as well:

“A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays, and for the last three he stays.”

Or, blame Shakespeare

On the other hand, many people point to Shakespeare as planting the notion in the minds of modern society—namely through his time-honored play Romeo and Juliet. In Act 3 Scene 1, Tybalt asks, “What wouldst thou have with me?” and Mercutio replies, “Good king of cats, nothing but one of your nine lives.”

Why nine lives?

This, too, is up for debate. We love to relate feline lore all the way back to the ancient Egyptians, who revered and even worshipped cats. A common creation myth says that the sun god Ra, who took the shape of the “Great Tomcat” or Mau during his visits to the underworld, engendered eight other gods—thus representing nine lives in one.

The number nine has mystical significance in many cultures: In both Christianity and Hinduism, the number nine symbolizes divine completeness; in Chinese culture, nine is a lucky number; in Norse mythology, the universe is divided into nine worlds; and in Greek mythology, there are nine muses. 

But nine is not ubiquitous: Elsewhere in the world, cats are said to have seven lives (Spanish-speaking regions) or six lives (Turkish and Arabic legends).

Do cats have nine lives? Why it’s easy to believe

Flashing Cat GIF from Flashing GIFs

Cats in particular are known for surviving extremely precarious situations. Here are a few reasons why cats seem to be able to cheat death:

They’re fast

Cats can lengthen their spines by alternately extending and flexing their backs, allowing for extra-long strides that give them the ability to run 20-30 mph for short bursts. 

They’re flexible

Cats have an incredibly elastic spine with 53 vertebrae (while humans typically have 33). This allows them to rotate their bodies at angles of as much as 180 degrees and contributes to their incredible righting reflex—or their ability to land on their feet almost every time.

They’re springy

Cats’ springy, muscular legs help them expertly absorb the shock of a hard landing. They can also jump as much as nine times their height from a standing position.

They’re Houdini-like

Cats also have tiny collarbones, which allows them to flatten their bodies and squeeze through impossibly tight spaces.

So do cats have nine lives? Sadly, no. But the fact remains that cats are incredibly adept at escaping trouble. With this in mind, we can make every day count by cherishing and watching out for our furry loved ones!

Cover photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash



Cats are magnificent creatures that make wonderful pets. They are also excellent hunters skilled in stealth, and they can ambush or stalk their prey. Cats can see in near darkness and have amazing balance with no fear of heights. These characteristics have inspired many legends, like the claim that cats always land on their feet or have nine lives. If you want to learn more about your cat, keep reading while we look at the latter claim to see when it started and why people say that cats have nine lives to help you learn more about your pet.

When did the Saying Cats Have Nine Lives Start?

Many people believe the saying that cats have nine lives comes from an old English proverb that could be several hundred years old. The proverb states, “A cat has nine lives, for three he plays, for three he strays, and for three he stays.” This proverb doesn’t tell us why cats have so many lives, but since the proverbs are so well known, it’s more than a little believable that this is the origin of the myth.

Other Cultures

William Shakespeare wrote about the nine lives of cats in his play “Romeo and Juliet”, and many people point to it as a strong possible source of the myth despite it not being the original. Still, the cat’s amazing abilities aren’t limited to the Europeans. The Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese, and Norse people, among others, worshipped cats and believed that they had magical powers due to their unique ability to avoid danger.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Why Do People Believe That Cats Have Nine Lives?

The most likely reason people like to believe that cats have nine lives is that they are extremely adept at getting out of harm’s way. You’ve likely witnessed these skills yourself if you have owned a cat for a few years.

Cats have amazingly fast reflexes and can swiftly get out of the way of any incoming objects. They can jump extremely high when they need to, and their excellent balance allows them to jump up onto a tiny ledge without preparing first. They can accomplish these tasks in near darkness with their excellent eyesight, and they have a natural gracefulness about them. Since they can move and react much faster than humans, it’s not hard to understand how some of their escapes can be unbelievable, leading to a belief that they actually used up one of their lives and are continuing on.

Why do Cats Need Nine Lives?

Cats are extremely curious creatures that will often find themselves in trouble of their own doing. We’ve all heard stories or seen first-hand cats getting stuck in trees or abandoned houses. They like to explore and pay little attention to the way back, often getting them into life-threatening danger. Cats are also territorial, and if your cat goes outside, it will get into disputes regularly over territory.

Another risk that outdoor cats face is traffic. Many cats like to cross the road at the worst possible time, and motorists often aren’t watching for it.  A cat that spends time on the road will certainly use up its lives quickly. Despite these dangers, many cats live a full, happy life that can exceed 15 years.


Unfortunately, your cat only has one life despite any myths or legends that might suggest otherwise. We say they have nine lives because most cats are skilled at escaping danger, but they can’t escape everything and traffic, and falling from a high place can injure or even kill them. We recommend keeping your cat indoors to remove most of the dangers that your cat might face. Depending on the breed, indoor cats can live more than 20 years, with very few health issues. A proper diet and plenty of exercise will ensure you get the most out of its one life.

We hope you have enjoyed reading over this short guide, and it has helped answer your questions. If you have learned something new, please share our look into why we say that cats have nine lives on Facebook and Twitter.

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay


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