Why does my dog pant

All dogs pant. Some do it often; some do it a little. They may be loud or quiet “panters” and some of them do it with a lot of slobber involved. Sometimes they pant quickly; sometimes they pant slowly.

Panting is generally normal doggy behaviour and is generally no cause for concern, but it can also be a warning sign of something more sinister. Here are the various reasons your dog pants and the situations where you’ll want to get them to your vet for a check-up.

#1: To cool themselves down

While humans cool themselves by sweating, dogs only sweat a little between their toes — not enough to cool them down. Instead, panting helps them stay cool by circulating air through their bodies.

This type of panting is normal and necessary; however, if your dog has been exposed to high temperatures and you notice their panting become faster, louder or more laboured, it may be a sign of heatstroke, which can be fatal and requires immediate veterinary attention.

To avoid heatstroke, all dogs should be left with access to plenty of shade and drinking water (or even a paddling pool with fresh cool water if you have a pooch that enjoys bathing) and ideally kept inside when it’s especially hot. Also, be aware that heatstroke can hit faster in older dogs, so take extra care to monitor their time in the heat and any changes in their breathing.

#2: Breed

Brachycephalic breeds — those breeds with short, “pushed-in” faces, tend to pant more because their physiology makes it harder for them to breathe.

Dogs such as Pugs, Boxers and Bulldogs have upper-airway challenges and can have problems panting efficiently, meaning they’re at an increased risk of heatstroke. Keep an eye out for any changes in their breathing and panting and, if you notice any louder or more frequent panting, see your vet as soon as possible.

#3: Fear — or excitement

Some dogs will pant excessively when excited, or when anxious or fearful — for example, during a storm or a car ride. Some may become excited by day-to-day occurrences such as cyclists or other dogs.

While the excessive panting will not harm them and is not uncommon, if they’re exhibiting frantic panting and other signs of fear or distress whenever they’re exposed to the cause, this may indicate they’ve developed a phobia.

There is plenty you can do to minimise fear; for example, using a soothing voice and ensuring their exposure to loud noises is minimised in the case of storms, or ensuring they are properly harnessed in a car to stop them moving about and feeling unsafe.

However, ongoing phobias can spoil their quality of life and may be successfully treated by working with an animal behaviourist.

#4: They may be unwell

Excessive panting may also be a sign of sickness, so if there are no other obvious causes of the panting, or you notice a lot of slobbering, whimpering, vomiting, changes in appetite or disinterest in exercising, there’s a possibility it’s a sign of illness.

This one will require a vet’s attention, as the cause can be anything from ingesting something that doesn’t agree with them to heart or respiration issues. Your vet will examine your dog, ask questions about their recent activities and may recommend blood or other diagnostic tests.

Panting may be a sign of anaemia, which in turn leads to oxygen starvation. While you’ll need to see your vet for a definitive diagnosis and treatment, other signs of anaemia include elevated heart rate, pale tongue or gums and lethargy or disinterest in exercise.

Frequent panting may also be a sign of Cushing’s disease, or hyperadrenocorticism, where the adrenal glands release too much cortisol. Dogs with Cushing’s may also experience increased thirst and urination, weight gain inconsistent with their diet and exercise habits, hair loss, bruising and restlessness.

When is a pant a cause for concern?

If you’re not sure if your dog’s panting is cause for concern, look out for:

  • Panting more excessive than your dog’s normal panting behaviour.
  • Times when there is no obvious cause for excitement or fear, they’re not overly warm and there’s no logical reason they’d need to cool their body down.
  • When it sounds different from their usual panting: louder, faster or lasting longer.
  • When the panting seems to be taking a lot of effort.
  • When it is accompanied by other signs of illness — for example, lethargy, vomiting, or lack of normal appetite.

Stinky pants? Might want to check that out

Has Fido panted in your general direction and almost knocked you over with the smell? Canine bad breath may indicate dental disease (the sooner you get onto it, the better; dental problems will escalate if left untreated). Or it may also be a sign of illness in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, or kidneys. Either way, a visit to the vet is advised to diagnose and treat the cause.

Almost all dog lovers know why their furry friends pant after taking a stroll in the stifling Texas summer heat, but have you ever wondered why panting is the primary way our canine companions cool down? Or why they only sweat through their paws and noses? And have you ever asked why your dog would start panting in the middle of the night for no reason? If you said yes to any of the above questions, keep reading.

What Is Panting?

Panting is a key mechanism for heat reduction. The movement of air during panting is strictly limited to the upper airway, which ends where the trachea (windpipe) begins branching. As a result, cool outside air absorbs heat from the body during panting and allows for evaporation of saliva in the mouth and airway, thus slowly lowering body temperature1 (Goldberg et al., 1981). Panting is an inefficient way to cool down, especially in the stifling heat so common in Texas. A primary reason panting is inefficient is because dogs evolved to retain as much of their body heat as possible, which is the main reason why dogs only sweat through their paw pads and noses.

Pain and Anxiety-Induced Panting

If your dog is randomly panting in the middle of the night in your perfectly air-conditioned home, what could possibly cause such a behavior? The three most common reasons for panting when there is not an obvious temperature-related cause are from pain, anxiety and disease.

When dogs show signs of stress or pain like during a Texas summer thunderstorm or from aching joints, their bodies rapidly increase cortisol production, leading to excessive panting. Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glandsendocrine glands that produce a variety of hormones including adrenaline and the steroids aldosterone and cortisol that is helpful in dealing with normal amounts of stress. Under usual circumstances, cortisol is helpful in regulating metabolism, salt and water balance and blood sugar, just to name a few functions. If produced in excess, the additional cortisol will increase metabolism, thus leading to an internal rise in body temperature and excessive panting2 (Dresche and Granger, 2005). Any source of stress, fear or pain for your dog can cause the same effect. In addition to elevations in cortisol, medications such as prednisone that mimic cortisol can cause panting as well.

Disease-Related Panting

In cases of disease, any process that causes an increase in the respiratory rate (number of breaths per minute) often will give the appearance of panting once breathing is rapid enough. Such disease processes include heart failure, lung ailments and metabolic abnormalities just to name a few. One disease that increases cortisol levels is Cushing’s disease. Not only will dogs affected with this condition experience excess panting but they also will develop a pot-bellied appearance, have excessive thirst and urination, and their skin and coat will look unthrifty.

How To Identify Panting

The best way to know if your dog is experiencing panting or rapid breathing is to first know the normal breathing rate, which at rest is between 10 to 40 breaths per minute. If at any point you are unsure if the breathing is abnormal, call your veterinarian.

Whenever you see your four-legged family member starting to pant, remember that it could be a possible sign of discomfort, overheating or disease. Your veterinarian can provide insight on why your dog may pant with no obvious explanation, so be sure to discuss any questions about panting during your next visit with your other family doctor.


1. Goldberg, Marcia B.; Langman, V.A.; Taylor, Richard C. “Panting in Dogs: Paths of Airflow in Response to Heat and Exercise.” Rspiration Physiology. March 1981, Vol 43, Issue 3, 327-338.

2. Dresche, Nancy A. and Douglas A. Granger. “Physiological and Behavioral Reactivity to Stress in Thunderstorm-Phobic Dogs and Their Caregivers.” Applied Animal Behaviour Science. December 2005, Volume 95, Issues 3-4, 153-168.

Tyler Foreman, DVM, is a graduate of Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine who lives in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Foreman practices at Rowlett Veterinary Clinic in Rowlett.


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