Why does my dog rub his face on the floor after eating

There are several different reasons why your dog may be rubbing his face, either with his paws or against the carpet. Causes may include:


If your dog has an allergy of some sort, like to specific medications he may be taking or to a plant he was nosing around in while outside, he may have facial swelling leading to a need to rub the face. 

Mites or Fleas

Mites and fleas can cause irritation if your dog has a large number of them on his face. He may be scratching his face repeatedly or several times a day, and his face may swell causing him to rub it. 


Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eye, namely the outer skin and eyelids. It can cause your dog to paw at his eye or eyes repeatedly. Make an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible if your dog shows signs of any eye inflammation.


Bee stings or snake bites can cause itching, burning, and swelling of the face. If your dog has pain or irritation of the face due to a sting or other trauma, he may need a visit to the clinic.

Dental Condition

Just like humans, if your dog has an infected tooth or gum area, he may have facial swelling on one side. In some cases, swelling may not be evident but rubbing of the face is a symptom of the pain. A tooth abscess can be very painful and requires immediate veterinary attention.

Ear or Eye Irritation

If your dog has an ear infection or eye irritation (or infection) he may paw at his face repeatedly. He will most likely be experiencing discomfort, and pawing at his face will be a way to help him ease the pain. There are many different causes of these irritations, and most eye and ear irritations can be cleared up with the proper examination and medication prescribed by your veterinarian.


Dogs are often seen rubbing their faces on walls, furniture, the ground, and other things. This behavior isn't always concerning and may be as simple as an itchy face but there are some reasons why a pet owner may need to address it.

If a dog is rubbing its face regularly on something, then it may have a problem. But if the rubbing is intermittent, then it may not be of concern. An annoyance such as wet or dirty fur, pain from a bad tooth or eye injury, irritation from fleas or allergies, or simply because it feels good are all potential reasons why a dog may rub its face on something.

Some dogs develop allergies that cause them to be itchy and rub their faces. Skin inflammation may lead to itchy skin or eyes and dogs may rub their faces in an attempt to scratch their itch. Allergies may be to a food or treat that a dog eats or household and environmental allergens such as dust mites, various grasses, or pollen. They can be constant or just seasonal. A dog with allergies will likely have other symptoms including itchy and/or malodorous ears, itchy paws and hind end, and other skin changes including redness, hives, and/or thickened skin.

External parasites include fleas, mites such as Demodex and scabies, and ticks. All of these parasites can bite or burrow into the skin of a dog, however not all of them cause itchiness. Fleas and scabies are classically the itchiest and these kinds of infestations lead to itchiness all over, not just on the face. Routine preventative medications should be utilized to prevent common skin parasites and any dog who appears extremely itchy should be examined by a veterinarian.

New collars or collars that are too tight may cause a dog to rub its face and neck on the ground, furniture, or walls in an attempt to relieve the discomfort. If a dog has a new collar, it should be checked to make sure it isn't too tight or causing irritation on the dog's neck. Also, if a dog hasn't had its collar removed and washed in a while and/or has grown or gained weight, it could now be too tight or in need of adjustment or removal. You should be able to comfortably slip two fingers underneath your dog's collar.

Dogs that have food, dirt, or even water on their faces may rub them on something to wipe it off. This may be after a meal, playing outside in the yard, or after a bath or swim. If a dog is rubbing its face, for this reason, there is no cause for concern but the dog may need a little assistance in wiping its face off.

A bad tooth, other mouth pain, nose pain, or ear pain could cause a dog to rub its face on something in an effort to ease the pain. Dogs with dental pain may eat less, only want to eat soft food, or only chew on one side of their mouth. Bad breath, bloody saliva, and dropping food out of their mouths are other signs that may suggest a dental problem. Loose, broken, or diseased teeth can cause pain and infections and need to be extracted by a veterinarian. Ear pain can also cause dogs to rub their faces in an attempt to soothe their discomfort. Ear pain due to an infection is usually accompanied by a bad odor and redness within the ear. If you suspect pain to be the cause of your dog's face rubbing, you should have your dog examined by your veterinarian right away.

Brain tumors are a rare cause for a dog to rub its face on something. Brain tumors can put pressure on the brain and be painful or uncomfortable. Dogs with brain tumors may rub their heads because of this discomfort, however, there are many other symptoms that could accompany a brain tumor without signs of pain or discomfort. Seizures, behavioral changes, and changes in vision or hearing may also be signs of a brain tumor. If any of these symptoms are observed in your dog, it should be examined by a veterinarian.

An itchy or painful eye could occur if foreign material gets stuck in a dog's eye, if there is a scratch or ulcer on the cornea, or if the dog has dry eyes or environmental allergies. These things can all cause discomfort, leading a dog to rub its face and eyes. A dog with eye irritation will also often paw at their eye or hold it shut. If an eye problem is suspected, your dog should receive veterinary attention right away to relieve the irritation and to prevent the problems from becoming more serious.

Dogs have a very acute sense of smell so if they like how something smells they may just rub their entire face and body on it because they enjoy it so much. The item may not have a pleasant smell to us but to a dog, it could be great. One common example of such an item is a dead animal found outside in the yard. So if you notice your dog rolling around in a specific spot in the yard, you should investigate and remove anything that could be a health hazard such as wildlife droppings or carcasses.

Dogs can leave their scent on an item to mark their territories by urinating, defecating, or simply rubbing their face or body on it. This action leaves invisible pheromones behind on the furniture, carpet, or other items the dog is rubbing on. This can be normal behavior, and while humans cannot smell pheromones, other dogs can.

Dogs are just like people when it comes to different fabrics and textures and sometimes rubbing their faces on things just simply feels good. If a dog owner has ruled out concerning reasons for why a dog may be rubbing its face on things, then this may be why the behavior continues.

Low calcium, or hypocalcemia, can also lead to facial itchiness and rubbing of the face. Low calcium can occur for a number of medical reasons and can include other signs such as twitching, seizures, restlessness, aggression, and/or excessive drinking or urinating. This condition must be diagnosed and monitored by a veterinarian so any dog with these clinical signs should be examined right away.