Why is it important for us to isolate a single colony of bacteria from the chicken farm sample

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Page 2

Samples collected from different commercial broiler supply chain.

No.Types of samples collected n
1Swabs from egg setting room (10 swabs from different areas and pooled to one/hatchery)3
2Swabs from incubator/setter (3 swabs from different areas of each incubator and 50% of the incubator present in each hatchery were sampled and pooled)3
3Swabs from air tunnels and fans of incubators/setter (3 swabs from different areas of each incubator and 50% of the incubator present in each hatchery were sampled and pooled)3
4Swabs from hatchers (3 swabs from different areas of each hatcher and samples were pooled)3
5Swabs from hatchers egg tray (ten trays/hatcher and one swab/tray from different areas and samples were pooled)3
6Meconium swabs (ten trays/hatcher and one swab/tray from different areas and samples were pooled)3
7Yolk sac swab of dead chicks (ten dead chicks and samples were pooled)3
8Hand swabs from hatchery workers (two swabs from two workers)5
9Boot socks from hatchery floor3
Commercial broiler farm (CBF)—three samplings—day 1, days 18-20, and days 35-4299
125 ml water from water tank/shed (25 ml in 25 ml 2x BPW)15
225 ml water from 30 different nipples/shed/(25 ml in 25 ml 2x BPW) and pooled15
325 g feed sample from 10 different feed bags/shed and pooled15
425 g feed sample from 30 different feeders/shed and pooled15
5Faecal swabs (30 swabs/shed pooled)15
6Internal (inside the shed) environment samples using sterile boot socks/one pair/shed15
7External (outside the shed) environment samples using sterile boot socks/farm9
Retail meat shops (RMS)54
1Swabs from surface of cutting/chopping board (100 cm2). Swabs were immersed in sterile BPW3
2Swabs from cutter/knife3
3Meat rinsing water (25 ml in 25 ml 2x BPW)3
4Chicken carcasses (5 carcasses/shop)15
5Ileal contents from five carcasses15
6Cecal contents from five carcasses15


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