Why is my hamster climbing and biting cage

I have a female Syrian hamster that will not stop chewing on the side of her cage. I wanted to try an aquarium, but some health issues are caused from using an aquarium. I have tried everything. We have an apple tree in our back yard; I have cut branches off for my hamster to chew on, but she ignores them. She’s not very old, only 1. What can I do?


Bar-biting is very common with hamsters and rarely causes problems. If it’s not an acute behavior change, she’s probably enjoying the noise and the exercise. Typically it subsides within six months. But teeth break and mouths and noses can be rubbed raw, so it’s a good idea to encourage safer alternatives.

You mentioned your concern about health issues caused by using an aquarium. If you’re following a standard weekly cleaning schedule and picking out any uneaten fresh food each day, a tank with a secure wire mesh lid can be an ideal home for a hamster. A 10-gallon tank for a hamster is roughly equivalent to a 200-square-foot room for a person with an essentially open ceiling. Aquarium tanks can be very effective at blocking drafts and scents from other hamsters or pets. Various cages have their benefits but don’t rule out an aquarium entirely. It might be the right answer for you and your hamster.

Biting the bars doesn’t mean your hamster isn’t happy in her home. For some hamsters, it’s just a favorite pastime. It can simply be an expression of youthful energy. Some chew them in their sleep, or dash to their cages during playtime and try chewing their way in. It’s not just an attempt to get out. They like it!

Apple branches are a great idea. She might be more interested in them if you rub a little flavor on it to get her started. Carrot or apple work well, or a very thin smudge of peanut butter.

A substitute can be wedged between the bars at her favorite chewing spot. A lab block, hamster-safe dog biscuit (should not contain garlic), tightly rolled cardboard, apple branch or a Popsicle stick work well, especially if they’re anchored tightly. Hamsters often focus intently on challenge. Just be sure not to spread the bars far enough to facilitate an escape.

A stainless-steel teaspoon in the cage works for hamsters that have learned to like chewing metal.

Unsalted nuts in the shell can be helpful. Peanuts are favorites. She might be more interested in a hard-shelled nut like a hazelnut if you help her along with a tiny crack the first time or two, so she knows there’s a prize inside.

A hard roll crust that’s sat in a warm oven till it’s even harder is a real treat to avid chewers.

Some hamsters chew their bars on hamster cages because it’s gotten them attention and playtime. Withholding attention until the hamster is quiet, then scooping her up for cuddles and play may help quickly if that’s the case.

Hamsters that never bit their bars may pick up the habit immediately when moved near a bar-biting hamster. If you acquire another hamster before your girl breaks the habit, be aware this can be a learned behavior.

If all else fails and an aquarium isn’t a possibility, take heart that injuries from bar-biting aren’t common. Check her teeth and the skin around her mouth and nose regularly, and remind yourself that most hamsters slow down on this behavior over time.

By: Martha Boden

Featured image: BP EAKAWAT/Shutterstock.com

  • I gave my hamster a chew toy, but it doesn't bite it, only the cage! Any tips?

    Support wikiHow by unlocking this expert answer.

    Some biting and chewing can become learned behavior, and this is very difficult to break. Provide more than one toy, and keep changing them around so they remain new and exciting. Provide plenty of objects for the hamster to chew on, such as orchard woods, and hide the food inside a cardboard roll (the inner roll from toilet paper), and plug with ends with hay so the hamster has to work to get the food, chewing the cardboard in the process.

  • What sort of wood is safe for hamsters to bite?

    Support wikiHow by unlocking this expert answer.

    As a rule of thumb, 'orchard' woods, those from apple, pear, and plum, (with the exception of cherry trees) are considered safe. Also safe are mulberry, crab-apple, kiwi, hazelnut, grape, and pecan woods. Be wary of pine or cedar, as these contains oils that are toxic. If you have a specific tree in your yard, then it's always best to double-check if it's safe before offering the hamster some to chew.

Metal bars aren’t very good for your hamster’s teeth - they’re too hard to get through, and they can cause serious tooth problems by breaking them and pushing them out of their normal alignment. If hamsters regularly chew bars, then they can suffer from problems such as broken teeth, misaligned teeth, and mouth and facial injuries.

If your hamster keeps biting the bars of its cage, then there may be some things that you need to do to improve your pet’s life. Gnawing on the bars of the cage can indicate one of a number of things, including boredom, a lack of space, or overgrown teeth.

For the most part, your hamster will entertain themselves. However, lots of owners recommend that they are brought out of their cage and played with at least once every 24 hours. If your hamster is chewing its bars, then the first thing to do is bring it out of its cage for some play time. Try increasing the frequency with which you play with your hamster for a while, and see if this reduces the bar-chewing behaviour.

Another thing to try is to provide your hamster with something to chew. Hamsters have very long teeth that are constantly growing, and if they don’t have enough hard food to chew then they’ll gnaw whatever they can get their paws on - if there’s nothing else this can mean that your pet may resort to nibbling the bars of its own cage. A possible solution to this is to buy a hamster chew or gnaw. This is a special piece of wood that is safe for your pet to munch on, and allows your pet a more comfortable, safer way of wearing down their teeth.

Finally, if you’ve tried the above two options for a few days, then the problem may be the cage itself. Your hamster may be trying to escape because their cage is too small - if they’re somewhere they don’t want to be, and there’s no obvious way out, then the obvious thing that they’ll try to do is attempt to gnaw their way out.

If none of these options work, then you may want to purchase a large glass cage that doesn’t have any bars. These are often reclaimed aquariums, and thus are quite a good size, but it’s a good idea to get the measurements before you purchase any new home for your pet.

At times, you may see your hamster climbing their cage and occasionally doing backflips. As a pet owner, you may be wondering if this is normal. This article will answer what it means when a hamster is climbing and more. 

A hamster that is constantly climbing the bars of their cage may be experiencing one of the following:

  • Inadequate environmental enrichment
  • The need to burn energy
  • They are trying to escape

In some cases, climbing can be an instinct. Other times, there could be an underlying issue to fix. Keep reading as we discuss the possibilities and answer how you can stop your hamster from climbing. 

Why Is My Hamster Climbing The Walls And Ceiling Of Their Cage?

Part of the fun of having a hamster as a pet is getting to know their quirky behavior and personality. As you get to know each other, you will appreciate their habits and routines. Does part of your hamster's behavior include cage climbing?

The need to climb and explore is common for a hammie. However, this behavior done in excess or randomly starting can indicate your hamster is experiencing an issue. 

In either case, you are probably wondering how to get this behavior to stop. The first step in preventing it is finding out why they are climbing in the first place. 

Let's take a closer look at what could be going on. 

Inadequate Environmental Enrichment

Environmental enrichment includes anything that provides your hamster with physical or emotional stimulation. Enrichment is necessary for your hamster's well-being.

The amount of enrichment needed can depend on your hamster's personality and demeanor. Meaning some hamsters require a bit more than others.

If your hamster is only cage climbing and not interacting with anything else in their cage, this behavior may come from a lack of environmental enrichment. 

In these cases, you want to prevent your hamster from experiencing boredom. This can be done by adding new toys, props, levels, and treats to their home.

Additionally, you can provide them with more playtime or time out of their enclosure. 

The Need To Burn Energy

Hamsters are tiny and full of energy. If your hamster randomly climbs their cage from time to time, but it is not a habit, they may be simply trying to burn the energy they have. 

These small energy balls love to explore and work their muscles. There is nothing to worry about if no harm comes from the occasional climb.

However, giving your hamster plenty of opportunities to exercise outside the cage can reduce the need to climb the cage walls or ceiling for physical activity.  

They Are Trying To Escape

Do you have a constantly climbing hamster, one that is charging the door or biting at the cage bars? This behavior can point to stress and the need to escape. 

Hamsters, who are experiencing fear or not liking something in their environment, will try to run away from it. Inspect their enclosure for anything bothersome, as well as the environment around their home. 

Your hamster's enclosure should be their safe haven. This is a place they go to hide, eat, sleep and relax. It is important to keep your hamster's home in a condition where they feel safe and comfortable to do these things. 

Is It Bad To Let My Hamster Climb Their Cage?

There are some downfalls to allowing your hamster to climb their cage. If they are climbing their cage because they lack something in other parts of their life or are stressed, then it is necessary to resolve the root issue. 

Even hamsters who climb occasionally are subject to certain risks. If you have a particularly high cage, your climbing hamster can fall and experience a broken bone or other injuries. 

Climbing is hazardous if your hamster has any pre-existing conditions, like tumors or old injuries. In most cases, climbing is a behavior that should be discouraged and stopped. 

How Do I Stop My Hamster From Climbing The Cage?

The simplest way to get your hamster to stop climbing their cage is to ensure they have plenty of other things to do. Keeping your hamster healthy and thoroughly entertained can stop most undesired behaviors. 

You can create layers within your hammie's enclosure by adding additional floors or tubing. Having items they can climb on or through will help motivate them to stop climbing the cage bars. 

Other forms of entertainment include hamster wheels or balls, ladders, puzzle toys, and more. 

See this puzzle toy for hamsters here on Amazon.

Getting your hamster out of their cage more may help them burn energy. Playing games with them and allowing them to explore should burn enough energy, so they won't need to climb their cage. 

For the hamsters that are climbing to escape, you have to locate and eliminate the source of stress. Stress can come from soiled bedding, spoiling food, specific toys, noise in or around the cage, other pets, and more. 

Read more on our blog post, "How To Stop My Hamster From Chewing The Bars Of The Cage?"

How Do You Tell If Your Hamster Is Stressed?

Knowing the signs of stress in a hamster will help you know when your pet has an issue. Eliminating stress from your hamster's environment is vital to keeping them healthy and happy. 

Signs or symptoms your hamster is experiencing stress include the following:

  • Lack of appetite or intake of water
  • Excessive hiding
  • Attempting to escape
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Teeth chattering
  • Hair loss
  • Repetitive behavior, like pacing
  • Lethargy
  • Acting skittish
  • Freezing up

Any change in your hamster's normal routine can point to feeling stress. If you notice any of the above behaviors, the next step is finding and reducing stress for your pet. 

You can lower stress for your hamster by maintaining a consistent schedule, keeping their enclosure clean and quiet, eliminating immediate sounds or movement around their home, and providing plenty of toys and treats.

Learn more on our blog post, "My Hamster Is Scared Of Me - What To Do?"

What Is Hamster Cage Rage?

Hamster cage rage is a physiological disorder that can develop from a hamster being in too small of an enclosure. This disorder results in your hamster experiencing deranged and dangerous behaviors. 

Signs of cage range look like aggressive or anxious behaviors. These signs include the following:

  • Excessive bar biting
  • Destroying toys or other items in their home
  • Increased aggression both in and out of the cage
  • Frenzied attacks when being handled
  • Abnormal squealing or spitting
  • Possessive behavior over their cage
  • Food hoarding
  • Change in sleep patterns

Some of these symptoms can look like just stress or anxiety, making cage rage harder to identify.

However, hamsters are not aggressive by nature. Showing one or more of these symptoms makes it likely your hamster is experiencing cage rage. 

Cage rage is one of the most common issues your hamster may experience, but it is also one of the most preventable. Ensure your hamster has a large enough cage. Typically the bigger, the better. 

Learn more on our blog post, "What Size Cage Does A Hamster Need?"

How Do I Know If My Hamster Is Happy?

Your hamster shows plenty of signs when they are unhappy or stressed, but how can you tell that your pet is happy?

Hamsters express themselves in subtle ways. Knowing their usual routines and behavior can help you determine their mood. Some subtle signs that your hamster is happy include yawning, stretching, and grooming routines. 

Additionally, happy hamsters are playful and interactive. They will wait for you at their cage door to be handled or played with. Curious hamsters that are frequently playing with their toys is another good sign. 

Simple things like a good appetite and motivation to exercise are more signs that your hamster is comfortable and happy. 

Getting your hamster to their ideal happy place starts with knowing what your hamster likes and dislikes. If you are a new pet owner, this process can take a little trial and error until you find what suits them and you. 

Read more on our blog post, "25 Ways To Make Your Hamster Happy".

In Summary

Your hamster may be climbing due to stress, lack of enrichment, or simply the need to get some energy expelled. We hope you found this article helpful when dealing with a climbing hamster. 

Are you looking for more insights into hamster behavior? Have a look through our blog post, "My Hamster Always Wants Attention - Is This Okay?"


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