Why is narutos last name uzumaki

Hiruzen(the third Hokage) Decided to put Naruto's Surname as Uzumaki because the Uzumaki was a clan which has Split after the village was destroyed,which meant that Most of the Uzumakis were refugees, which meant that it would be harder to confirm that Naruto was Minato's child(although he has yellow hair instead of ...

Is Naruto technically a Namikaze?

Naruto's life was always at risk, but he was safer as an Uzumaki than as a Namikaze. Many questions have been asked about why Naruto was named an Uzumaki and not a Namikaze. ... However, there is actually a logically agreeable reason as to why the third Hokage still opted to use the endangered clan as Naruto's surname.

Is Naruto part of the Namikaze clan?

The past references has been brought up so many times with Kushina having Senju DNA, and therefore Naruto has it too. As for all the members, we only know of Minato. No other Namikaze member was revealed in the manga. I haven't watched all the fillers, but there might have been another Namikaze person in there.

Why is Naruto's last name not Namikaze?

  • Naruto shippuden revealed that the fourth hokage, minato namikaze, was narutos father. This makes you wonder why narutos last name isnt namikaze. Why is naruto's last name uzumaki? This video explains why naruto is not namikaze and why naruto is uzumaki not namikaze. Why isn't naruto's last name namikaze? Find out here! Loading...

What is the real last name of Naruto?

  • What is Naruto’s real last name? Naruto UzumakiNaruto Uzumaki (Japanese: うずまき ナルト, Hepburn: Uzumaki Naruto) (/ˈnɑːrətoʊ/) is a fictional character in the manga and anime franchise Naruto, created by Masashi Kishimoto. Is Minato Tsunade’s son? Naruto was born to Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.

Who are the parents of Naruto the baby?

  • Naruto Uzumaki’s father was Minato Namikaze. His mother was Kushina Uzumaki. The baby is Naruto and the two people holding him are his parents. Uzumaki is not simply Naruto’s last name, but more broadly the last name of every member of the Uzumaki clan.

Who are the Uzumaki clan in Naruto?

  • Naruto was born to Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. We know that the Uzumaki are one of the most well-known clans in the series. …. So, that brings us to the theory which is, Minato is Tsunade and Dan’s son.

Did the village want to keep it a secret that he was the son of the 4th or something? I mean, he doesn't even look like an uzumaki.

Naruto’s Family

Hello Guys! We know that The Seventh Hokage Naruto Uzumaki is the son of Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. But you must have been wondering why is naruto’s last name Uzumaki or why does naruto have his mom’s last name. And as per the general rules, naruto must have been named ‘Naruto Namikaze’ instead of ‘Naruto Uzumaki’.

Why? Well, there are some interesting Fan theories and facts that shows why he was named Naruto Uzumaki and not Naruto Namikaze.

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Why is Naruto’s last name Uzumaki

Theory #1:

If Naruto was to named Namikaze, then Minato’s enemies would have tried to harm or abduct Naruto since he was the only son of a very important person.

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Theory #2

Uzumaki’s were known to be the jinchurikis of Kurama for generations, so if Naruto was named Uzumaki, people would know that he is the nine-tails jinchuriki. Minato wanted people of Konoha to know that Naruto was the jinchuriki and saved the village.

Theory #3

Minato did not want people to know about his marriage. This makes sense because even their son Naruto was not told about his parents. This was kept a secret because if enemies knew that Naruto was Minato’s son they would have tried to attack him.

Theory #4

That is also a possibility that there was no explanation that how a little kid has nine tails sealed inside him, without talking about his parents(Minato & Kushina). So, the Third’s fear was also apart of being Naruto being an Uzumaki.

These all theories are fan theories based and some are derived based on common logic. I hope this answered your query about why is Naruto’s last name Uzumaki. You can watch naruto on Netflix.

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Naruto Namikaze: Naruto’s Uzumaki last name is because its his Mother’s name.

I m sure you already know that Minato Namikaze the four Hokage is Naruto’s Father.

The day that Naruto’s was born and became the nine tail’s Jinchuriki and when his

parents and the other ninja or you could say shinobi protecting the hidden leaf village

from the nine tail’s attack many people died from the nine tail’s attack. The third

Hokage wanted the villager’s to know very little about the incident since it was also

decreed that it was a forbidden to talk about the incident and no ones supposed to be

tell Naruto that he had the nine tail’s inside him. The third Hokage did not tell Naruto

anything about his parents except that his parents died protecting the village from the

nine tail’s attack. The third Hokage thought it was best for Naruto and everyone no to

know that

The 4th Hokage was his Father

other wise Naruto’s life would of been in Danger if anyone found out and there would

also be a protest or someone sort of riot or something that would destroy the balance

of peace in the hidden leaf village and no doubt  that Naruto’s life would be in the

Danger and might have died if something like that ever came again. This is why his

name last name is the uzumaki and its also because his mother kushina is from the

uzumaki clan’s from the land of eddies like the Uchiha the uzumaki clan is also and

extinct clan only a few sole survivors scatted all over some are still living or hidding in

a different village or nation. You learn about that the nine tail’s incident in the 1 Naruto

season in the very beginning. They tell you about the decree and how its is forbidden

to talk about the nine tail’s incident and how no one can tell Naruto that he had the

nine tail’s inside of him. You learn about that reason in the Naruto Shippuden when

you first see the four Hokage he tells us the reason well or what he believe’s is true

since the third Hokage didn’t tell Naruto much of anything.You learn the rest about his

mom and her clan the uzumaki clan and about the nine tails incident later on in Naruto


The Third Hokage named the boy uzumaki in order to the hide his connection with Minato Namikaze ( Naruto Namikaze )

who had a large share of enemies especially in the Iwagakure. This is made perfect

sense if Naruto’s mother was some nobody. However it was later revealed that his

mother Kushina was a famous and powerful kunoichi, Jinchuuriki and a member

of a very famous and powerful clan to boot. There fore in this Hiruzen Sarutobi’s

decision wasn’t smart at all.The changing of the name was done by the Third

Hokage, Hiruzen. He felt that Naruto would be the hunted down by the enemies of

Minato Namikaze, for example, Kumo and Iwa. So for Naruto’s own protection,

they change his name from Namikaze to Uzumaki, because no one except for

Jiraiya, Hiruzen, his wife Biwako, and Tsunade knew about the marriage of

Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze. So no one knew that Naruto was a child

there and because of this fact, people would not make the connection between the

Kushina Uzumaki and Naruto. Naruto didn’t even have the customary and red hair

of the clan, a fact that be worked in Hiruzen’s favor, as people would think the that

Naruto was a clan less orphan. 

Actually the Uzumaki Clans was wiped out as well. However it happened way before

naruto’s was born. During the third ninja war, other villages except hidden leaf, feared

the clan’s sealing jutsu’s (they could seal a monster with make just a few hand signs).

So they ambushed the village’s and killed everyone. (don’t get confused here! The

Uzumaki Clan’s had their own village named Uzushio-gakure no sato) How ever

there have been some survivor’s such as Nagato parent’s, Karin parents and

Kushina Uzumaki parents. If you want to know watch the episode, it’s the 247th.


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