Why isnt dr zed in borderlands 3

While playing the Borderlands DLC, The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, I noticed that several of the different characters wanted to make it very clear, and I quote "This is Doctor Ned, who is totally not Dr. Zed in disguise." I was curious, is Dr. Zed actually the protagonist in Zombie Island, only in a disguise? If so, how is the character still alive and well in Borderlands 2? At one point in the DLC, Dr. Ned states on one of his ECHO devices that "My brother, who is most definitely not me in disguise, would never approve of my current course of action." Does this statement mean that Ned is admitting that Zed is his brother? Or is is just Zed trying to cover his tracks?


I got really upset that Dr. Zed doesn’t have a part in bl3 bUT THE FANDOM DECIDED ZANE X ZED?? WAS A THING? 

someone help

#bl3#dr zed#was it because of the z names because i honestly have no idea

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magg0t-king · 8 months ago



I wanted to make this before I go to bed. :0 p. s this is just my opinion. :)


-BL2 had no right for being so good.

-I loved everything about it; The antagonist/main villain(handsome jack) , The new Vault hunters, the old characters, the DLCs, MR. TORGUE(<3), dr zed, Boom Bewm, blah blah blah. You get the idea!

-Beating it was the greatest achievement in my life(other than beating TM: B and Loco Roco).

-Solid 10/10


-The reason why BL1 is in second place of being a scrumptious BL game is because it's kinda hard to play.

-I fanboyed whenever I saw Dr. Ned. Dr Zeds Zombie Island was the best DLC on there.

-I absolutely adore the skags on there.

-A scrumptious 9.5


-It was different from the others and that's what I liked about it. Simple and lovely.

-August, Vaughn, and Scooter made the game more scrumpdiddlyumptious.

-Some of it was sad tho.

-A good 7-8!


-I liked it, but it seemed rushed to me.

-Cool characters tho!

-Idk what to say. Uh.. Wilhelm was rad?

-5? 6?


-Definitely the odd ball of the bunch. I didn't really like it because I leveled up too fast and it didn't have the ✨zazz✨ I was looking for. The style seemed a bit off to me as well.

-The DLCS were okay ig. (I loved hammerlocks dlc and kriegs dlc tho)

-Most of the antagonists/side(+main) bosses were bleh. I didnt like the twins and they stole the goliaths gnarly BL2 design. SIDE NOTE!: My fave characters were Killavolt, Pain & Terror, Fl4k, and Clay :D

-a sad 5.7//////P. S Ava was the worst character imo

#maggot talks#borderlands 1#borderlands 2#borderlands 3#bl1#bl2#bl3

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caramel-poptart · 10 months ago


I think Dr. Zed isn’t in BL3 bc Tannis killed him as a gut reaction to finding out he was attracted to her.

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eternal-garbage · a year ago


For character headcanons: Tannis, Timmy and mmmmh, for spice, a random one… Gortys. :P

1: sexuality headcanon


I have a super duper indulgent RP AU Timothy and he is gay as hell. But, when I write ye olde canon compliant Tim I keep him as creators intended and he is bi, even though he still leans more towards men than women.


Asexual as they come. Textbook perfect specimen and an icon.


I reject talking about this subject. Or, rather, I have no idea xD

2: otp


Rhysothy and Jackothy. Jackothy because of that delicious gross narcissistic undertones and Rhysothy... Well, the beauty of that ship is that it can be both fluffy when you want it and extremely rancid if you wish so. Rancid toxic fluff is also an option I am very partial too.


She and her research.No human will come between them and it is a match made in heaven, pass it on. (I did find it hilarious that she got horny for DeLeon in BL3 but in that case I would rather have her horny for Leda because she was, you know, actually smart on the subject of eridians and sirens.)


Her and LB. I don’t even need to elaborate her, right? Sweet metal babies.

3: brotp


Athena. It’s the kind of friendship where someone scares you beyond belief but you still like being around them. I also kinda enjoy weird chemistry Tannis and Tim in My Fair Timmy (my fic) have/will establish.


I don’t think i have any for her. She just kind of... Interacts with people in a particular way that is both terrible and amazing. They are all her bros and they don’t even know it yet.


Her and LB, again. Also Her, Rhys and Fiona.

4: notp

I don’t have any of those. Some pairings are not my taste and I don’t indulge in them but no, I don’t get visceral reaction or the sudden urge to doxx the OP when I see something like that haha

5: first headcanon that pops into my head


Can’t eat raw fish. Sushi is bad and wrong and he gets all green in the face if he as much as smells raw fish. Tannis

She actually likes to be around people. As in she is very social. She just has difficulty out it properly and in moderation. it’s either all or nothing and that’s why she got all those random nosebleeds back when Roland moved her to Sanctuary. She tried too hard, poor woman.


She has some weird and most boring (to an outsider) hobby ever. Like collecting stamps. But she is very passionate about it and will make you enjoy looking at her stamp collection as she is chirping about the pretty colours and the nice pictures.

6: one way in which I relate to this character


Doesn’t want to be here. Is here anyway. me too man, me too.


Wants to be friends with people but is weird as fuck.


The simplest things make her happy and make her day.

7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character


How much time I dedicated thinking about him and developing this RP version him but I love him so much so embarrassing time well spent.


Lol, lusting over a poop farmer adventurer. i mean, come on, lady. There are better options. Like Dr. Zed. he is most likely into a kinky medical play as well, so all bases are covered.


Nothing. She is too pure. there is nothing to be embarrassed about uwu

 8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?


RP Tim: Rancid problematic cinnamon roll, do not eat. Looks cute but don’t come too close because it ssssstinks.

Canon Tim: Eh, guy burned down a church. Problematic spineless money whore. (ILU)


Doctor has history and is certified crazy. Problematic, of course.


Not a cell of evil within her. but keep her away from Rhys because, in that case, give her a couple of years and she’ll be evil little robot.

That said, can’t stress it enough but nobody in that franchise (save Gortys) is a cinnamon roll. All of them are are 50 shades of problematic and as a wise man once said “Even the good guys are murderers.“ 

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💖 + borderlands?

oh thank you love 💖💖 y’all aint gonna like this one ahsbfjw

bl1: lilith 💖

bl2: h*ndsome jack… but also dr zed

bl3: fl4k!! 💖💖

send me  💖 + a fandom and i’ll tell you my fav character  

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xxang3lw1ngxx · 3 years ago


“Doctor Zed is not a licensed physician.”

Dr. Zed: Surgery is just stabbing someone to life

Vault Hunters: .. Who gave you this job?

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prettypinkdork · 2 years ago


Theory: the reason Moxxi went to touch Tim’s face and then pulled back (he pulls back too if you look carefully) is because she knows there’s a bomb in there and the next DLC will have us taking Timothy to Dr. Zed to have the bomb removed as a segue into a Zed-focused DLC

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firehawkcultist · 2 years ago


MFW Wainright talks about how Jakobs Co. is about honor and family. Like, yeah I get you might be an honorable guy but are you that oblivious to what your own company, your “family” has done? Cause a Lilith, Brick, and Mordy might have a story to tell you about a little itty-bitty zombie pandemic they had to put down that was caused by Jakobs Co. greed and negligence.

That being said, haven’t finished game yet and I can’t wait to attend the wedding and reunite with Gaige!

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vaulthunter426 · 3 years ago


Tour of Sanctuary III | PT. 2

Sanctuary III is not a small ship! It has multiple levels with plenty of rooms and halls to traverse and although I’m sure in due time we will know it like the back of our hand, in the beginning we’re gonna be lost! Thankfully there seem to be plenty of signs directing us to what we’re looking for as well as quick ways to access floors below like the one in the image above.

During the Live event we hear Randy call this a “gold chest”, in reality it doesn’t seem that gold BUT I’m sure it takes our trusty Gold Keys aquired though our SHIFT account.

Below is a quick example of some signs directing us to our trusty vendors! Although I’m sure it will take time getting used to, we will have plenty of help.

And Marcus has branched out from just selling and buying our guns! Marcus will now be our go to for our SDU’s (Storage Deck Upgrades). And unlike Borderlands 2, it will cost money to upgrade instead of Eridium.

One notable missing NPC from Sanctuary III was Dr. Zed. Instead, we get this sign pointing us in the direction of Tannis’ Lab + Infirmary.

Maybe Zed hangs out on Pandora... or maybe he was a casualty during whatever ill fate befell Sanctuary 2. But we don’t talk about that...

Next stop, Moxxxi’s!

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cranberry-crawg · 2 years ago



..well, kinda. More like a background spoiler/detail.

anyway, don’t click play if you don’t wanna know......or do. 

I think I just about had a heart attack when I heard this! lol Now I’m sooo freakin’ curious!!!! >.<’

I’ll be posting my speculation on this little tidbit of sacred information soon.

I’m sure all us Zed fans are now on edge..in a good way i hope.

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amadeus-draws · 2 years ago


have you ever just looked at Zane’s design and his overall characterization beyond being the goofy drunk irishman? the things he DOESN’T say are almost as interesting as the zany things (ahem) that come out of our favorite operative’s mouth:

his jacket's probably something of his own design, and has what looks to be armor plating lining it (especially around the neck and upper chest; gotta protect your vital areas!) and mesh lining for ventilation around his arms--just a cool detail

the little digistructor (at least I think it is?) mounted on his shoulder for the drone is also armored and heavily padded, because this guy takes good care of his little bud 

wouldn't be surprised if that bodysuit he wears under his shirt is something he kept from his black-op days or stole when he was an active operative

said bodysuit also looks reinforced behind the neck and on the shoulders 

between the armor in his jacket collar and the armor on the bodysuit, his neck is stupidly well-protected from things like attacks and explosions from behind, because he needs to be prepared for anything at any time

the bodysuit design actually reminds me a lot of the various sneaking suits in the Metal Gear series, where some provide physical augmentation (ie, synthetic muscle tissue), exert pressure to control bleeding from injuries, etc on top of just acting as armor

let's not forget those dope trigger-finger gloves, with the textured tips on the fingers for extra grip, the thinner perforated material over most of the palm for ease of flexing the hand (which also looks well-worn and even has cracking in the texture if you look closely), and the padding on the lower part of the palm because having a very secure grip on a gun is nice 

so I'm REALLY reaching a bit here, but you ever wonder about that gun holster on his hip? I mean everyone and their mother has a holster for their shit, but Zane has that nifty high-tech looking one that rivals that of Jack and Lorelei... AND they're all connected to high-tech companies (Hyperion and Atlas respectively). kind of makes you wonder where and how he acquired his gear in general; did he steal these things? keep them from his jobs? get designs for them and/or make them himself otherwise? maybe buy them with the decent amount of money he probably has?

have you SEEN this guy's reflexes, perception, and PHYSICAL STRENGTH? he's obviously not young anymore and past his physical prime--WHEW geEEeeEz and all--but he friggin manhandles a bandit and throws him clean out a window in the opening cinematic, effortlessly tosses a guy into a dumpster in his character trailer, manages to get a guy that’s twice his size and bulk off the edge of the cliff in the same trailer, doesn't even turn around to acknowledge the big mofos coming behind him in the Let's Make Some Mayhem and We Are Mayhem trailers before swapping places with his clone, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY... 

in the E3 We Are Mayhem trailer, he manages to deploy his drone, quickly swap between two guns, deploy/trade places with his clone, AND kill 5 mechs ALL in the span of FIVE SECONDS (with an extra backstab on the last guy to boot), with extremely precise and controlled movements; i personally think this is probably one of the best demonstrations of the fact that this is a guy who had black-ops/military training on top of having just killed countless people over the last few decades

and sure, maybe that earpiece might enhance his hearing or some crap and you can probably hear those big guys coming from a mile away but STILL!

I’m not gonna touch the Happy Together trailer because that is clearly an acid trip, but if he actually IS shooting guys without even looking at them WHILE DANCING........ I mean jesus christ, no wonder he’s so deadly

"flamboyant spy man" SHOULD be one of his middle names, given his dramatic hands-behind-his-back pose in the opening movie, his chin-on-hand main menu pose, and that James Bond-y pose he has in the character selection menu

now I'm not saying bandits are thirsty for Zane, but I find it hilarious that they're constantly babbling about how THE GEEZER is good-looking (pretty boy!) to the point of even asking what the hell he uses to look so good (the answer is NOTHING of course, he just looks that good), and most of the lower-tier bandits are probably in their 20s and up or something lmao

as far as family resemblances go, Zane and Baron share pretty similar hairlines (AND SIDEBURNS MOST IMPORTANTLY OF ALL), facial structure (them cheekbones), the squinty-eye deal, and that default stern, perma-grump facial expression (or “sour disposition” as Zane’s in-game description calls it)

AND BONUS SHIT: he has the wildest little ECHO animation of the VHs when you use the Quick Change station, with him swapping to a full length cloak and his wanderer head (the rice hat with a full gas mask) while everyone else gets slightly less dramatic clothing swaps. because even the friggin little pixel animations for him have to be fun! 

Bit of a digression, but I always found it funny how his enemies poke fun at him for being old--I personally imagine him to be probably in his 40s at the youngest--when he isn’t super old by most measures (ffs, full head of hair, not a hint of a receding hairline, and still has color in his hair... friggin Wainwright looks comparatively ancient), BUT! 

we know he’s 1) a guy who’s probably been in active combat most of his life and we know life tends not to be long for people like him, and 2) actively being hunted down with at least 36 bounties on his head based off his on-down dialogue

the probability of him managing to live long isn’t all that great, and it’s kind of interesting to think about why bandits call him an old guy: he IS an old guy by virtue of life being short in the galaxy, especially for someone still in the fight

I mean most of the older people we see in the BL universe are usually either civilians or people who’ve been out of combat for a while, like Mr. Blake, Dr. Zed, Crazy Earl, etc

Zane’s pretty much a unicorn in the BL universe, and i for one think his longevity is a testament to his skills and ability to survive (with help from Lady Luck of course); even he’s not sure how he’s managed to live as long as he has in another of his cripple quotes

just so you get an idea of how long this guy has stayed alive, he’s outlived older brothers Baron and Captain by 12 (5 years between BL1 /BL2 plus 7 years between BL2/BL3) and and 7 years (from BL2/BL3) respectively

ANYWAYS YEAH, Zane is just a really interesting character both upfront and when you read between the lines, I dunno how you guys feel hahah

in other news, i’m actually going back in for my second playthrough to collect all them tasty Zane deets i missed the first time around and making my way through the DLC... stay tuned for more Zane ramblings!

#zane flynt#zane the operative#borderlands#borderlands 3#non-art

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