Why my eyebrows grow so fast?

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There are a number of reasons why a person might lose their eyebrows. Overzealous tweezing, years of waxing, and even shaving are common reasons for sparse or missing eyebrows.

There are also a number of medical reasons for eyebrow hair loss, including such conditions as:

  • alopecia areata
  • hormonal imbalances
  • nutritional deficiencies

Brow eyebrow hair loss is also a common side effect of chemotherapy.

The underlying cause of eyebrow loss, your age, and other factors may play a role in determining how long it takes for your eyebrows to grow back. According to research, eyebrows usually grow back within four to six months.

It was once believed that when eyebrows were shaven or lost, they wouldn’t grow back. However, unless you have an underlying medical condition that is causing your hair loss, your eyebrows should grow back.

A study published in 1999 debunked the myth by showing that shaven eyebrows grow back normally. In the study, a single brow was shaved off of five people and the other brow was left for comparison.

Regrowth was assessed over six months using pictures taken at each follow-up. With the exception of one female participant with light-colored, sparse eyebrows who took a full six months to achieve full regrowth — all the other participant’s brows had grown back to normal within four months.

Hair growth follows a cycle with three phases. The phases aren’t synchronized and some hairs stay in one phase longer than others.

The three phases of hair growth include:

  • anagen, the active growing phase
  • catagen, an in-between phase lasting two or three weeks when growth stops and follicles shrink
  • telogen, the resting and shedding phase at the end of which older hairs will fall to make room for new ones

Hair length depends on the duration of the anagen phase. Eyebrows grow slower than scalp hair and have a much shorter anagen phase. Eyebrows grow between 0.14 mm to 0.16 mm per day.

There’s no quick fix for growing your eyebrows. Your age, genetics, and hormones are factors that impact how fast your eyebrows grow back. Depending on the cause of your hair loss, you may need to speak to a doctor about treating any underlying medical condition that has contributed to your brow loss.

There are some things that you can do at home that may help you grow your eyebrows.

A balanced diet

Eating a healthy and balanced diet may help. Hair is mostly made up of proteins and animal studies have shown that not getting enough protein can cause hair loss.

Certain vitamins, including B vitamins and vitamins A, B, C, and D have also been linked to hair growth. Dark leafy greens, such as spinach and kale are excellent sources of these vitamins. Meats and beans are excellent protein sources.


Iron deficiency anemia is a common cause of hair loss that can also affect the eyebrows. Getting enough iron in your diet may help your eyebrows grow faster. You can increase your iron intake by eating foods high in iron, such as iron-fortified cereals, white beans, and spinach.


Biotin, which is also known as vitamin H, is part of the vitamin B family. Biotin supplements for hair growth have become very popular. Research on biotin for hair growth is limited, but there’s a small amount of evidence that increased biotin intake may promote hair growth.

To increase your biotin intake, you can add biotin-rich foods to your diet, such as organ meats, nuts, and whole grains. Biotin supplements are also commercially available.

Avoid plucking, waxing, and threading

If you want your eyebrows to grow back, you should avoid tweezing, waxing, or any other form of hair removal. This gives your eyebrow hairs the chance to grow in fully.

Castor oil

Castor oil has been used as a natural home remedy for hair loss for years and has become popular for eyebrows and eyelashes in recent years.

There haven’t been any scientific studies to prove it can regrow hair, but the main compound in castor oil — ricinoleic acid — has been linked to hair regrowth. At the very least, it can keep your brows moisturized, which may help prevent breakage.

Eyebrow serums

There are a number of eyebrow serums available that are said to help eyebrows grow faster and thicker. While these claims haven’t been scientifically proven, they may still be worth a shot. Shop for eyebrow growth serums.

Bimatoprost (Latisse)

Latisse is a medication approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to promote eyelash growth that has shown promise as a way to also grow eyebrows. Though not yet approved for use on the eyebrows, there’s evidence that when applied once or twice a day, bimatoprost 0.03% solution can help regrow eyebrows.

There are several things that can interfere with how quickly your eyebrows grow back. These include:

According to the American Cancer Society, chemotherapy drugs damage hair follicles, which makes hair fall out. This is because chemotherapy targets and damages all rapidly dividing cells in the body, including those responsible for hair growth.

Not everyone who takes chemotherapy drugs loses hair. Which hair and how much falls out varies from person to person — even on the same drugs. Some drugs cause hair loss across the entire body, including the eyebrows, while others only cause hair loss on the scalp.

Hair loss from chemotherapy is usually temporary. Eyebrows and other hair often begin to grow back even before treatment is finished.

Most of the time, eyebrows do grow back, but how fast they grow will depend on your age and overall health. A little patience, avoiding plucking and waxing, and changing your diet may be all you need.

An underlying medical condition can cause your eyebrows to fall out or prevent them from growing in properly. Speak to a doctor if your eyebrow hairs fall out and stop growing for no obvious reason.

We’ve all had a moment where we’ve experienced a brow disaster so significant we were immediately left wondering whether our eyebrows would ever grow back. Luckily, even if you’ve been too heavy-handed with the wax strips or tweezers, we’re happy to report that your brows will grow back…eventually. To find out exactly how long you’ll need to wait until new hairs appear and whether the waiting times differ depending on which hair removal method you chose, we spoke to two top brow experts: Benefit Cosmetic’s National Brow Artist, Hannah Mutze, and brow artist and founder of Amy Jean Brow Agency, Amy Jean. 

How long does it take for eyebrows to grow back?

Both Amy Jean and Mutze note that the time it takes for brow hairs to grow back varies from person to person, but the best case scenario is you’ll see hairs starting the reappear within a month. “While most brows show signs of new growth within a couple of weeks, others can take several months or years,” says Mutze.

Do eyebrows grow back after shaving?

Although it’s not a common way to shape your brows, you may have given this technique a go if the thought of plucking is too painful. While we don’t recommend shaving your brows – due to the risk of cutting yourself, or worse, plus it’s far too difficult to get an accurate shape – the good news is your hairs will grow back quite quickly if you have already shaved them. Mutze notes that because shaving only removes the hairs above the surface of the skin rather than from the root, the hairs will start to grow back within a week or so. In fact, you’ll probably find they grow back so quickly that you’ll constantly need to reach for your razor to keep your brows tidy. Even more reason to try another method!

Do eyebrows grow back after plucking?

Once a hair has been removed from the root, a new one starts to grow in its place. While it does take time for the new hairs to be visible above the surface of the skin – the growth cycle of eyebrow hairs can take anywhere between four to six weeks – you can rest assured that they are indeed growing back.

According to both Mutze and Amy Jean, the only reason why hairs may not return is if a follicle has been damaged or traumatised in the hair removal process. Amy Jean notes repetitive and excessive tweezing is to blame when this occurs.

Do eyebrows grow back after waxing?

Just like plucking, hairs will grow back at a slower rate because each hair has been removed from the root. According to Amy Jean, some people can expect hairs to grow back softer and sparser after waxing, however others “will find their hair grows back just as consistently as it did prior to being waxed".

I have to pluck my eyebrows all of the time. They grow back way, way, way too quickly--they have to be plucked at least twice a week.

Is it normal that they grow so fast, and is there a way to slow them down?

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The reason that the eyebrow hairs grow back quickly is due to the root still being underneath your skin. The root is white in colour and sometimes comes out with the hair during plucking. The best way to remove the root is via waxing I think. If you remove the root the hairs wil grow back at a much slower rate.

What stops eyebrows from growing?

Underlying health conditions: Because thyroid function affects both your skin and the hair on your head, a thyroid condition can lead to brow thinning. Anemia (a common blood disorder) or deficiencies in iron, vitamin D, biotin or zinc can also slow or stop hair growth.

Plucking one hair at a time

  1. work your way through your unibrow one hair at a time.
  2. gently stretch your skin taut and grip the bottom of the hair (near the root)
  3. pull each hair out firmly in one swift motion.
  4. pull in the same direction the hair is growing (this helps prevent breaking and decreases discomfort)

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Will my eyebrows grow back in 3 weeks?

While it does take time for the new hairs to be visible above the surface of the skin – the growth cycle of eyebrow hairs can take anywhere between four to six weeks – you can rest assured that they are indeed growing back.

How can I grow my eyebrows in 3 days?

  1. Castor oil. This is perhaps a very common yet effective way to grow eyebrows naturally.
  2. Coconut oil. Another ingredient that definitely tops the list of how to get thicker eyebrows has to be coconut oil.
  3. Olive oil. Olive oil is another great way to grow eyebrows naturally.
  4. Onion juice.
  5. Egg yolks.
  6. Petroleum jelly.

How do you stimulate eyebrow growth?

Here are the top 10 ways to grow thick eyebrows naturally:

  1. Castor oil. This is an old and one of the most effective remedies for getting thicker eyebrows.
  2. Coconut oil. Coconut oil works as a conditioner as well as a moisturizer and is great for improving blood circulation.
  3. Olive Oil.
  4. Onion juice.
  5. Egg Yolk.
  6. Lemon.
  7. Milk.

At what age do eyebrows stop growing?

Even the in extreme age (100 years+) eyebrows are not usually lost. Most humans do not usually experience total loss of eyebrow growth. If a person does loose their eyebrows, it is not directly age related. Your eyebrows do not stop growing at any designated milestone in the aging process.

Can you regrow eyebrows?

Takeaway. Most of the time, eyebrows do grow back, but how fast they grow will depend on your age and overall health. A little patience, avoiding plucking and waxing, and changing your diet may be all you need. An underlying medical condition can cause your eyebrows to fall out or prevent them from growing in properly.

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Why do eyebrows not grow?

As lashes and brows have a much shorter anagen phase than head hair, they don’t get a chance to grow as long before they are shed. Some particularly hirsute individuals have follicles with a longer anagen phase than the norm, causing them to grow unusually long hairs on various parts of their body.

Home Remedies to Remove Unwanted Hair on Face

  1. Lemon Juice and Sugar. This is an ancient beauty technique to remove unwanted hair.
  2. Banana and Oatmeal.
  3. Lemon and Honey.
  4. Oatmeal, Honey, and Lemon Juice.
  5. Turmeric and Milk.
  6. Potato, Lentil, and Lemon Juice.
  7. White of Egg.
  8. Rose Water and Alum.

What foods stop facial hair growth?

The traditional mixture of gram flour, turmeric and curd is said to marginally reduce hair growth. Apply this mixture on your face and rinse it once it dries. A mixture of papaya and turmeric helps contain hair growth, and what’s more, it also exfoliates the skin.

Are Unibrows rare?

Are unibrows rare? Everyone has a unibrow. It’s just the natural way your hair grows and it eventually grows to the area between your eyebrows. Everyone has a tiny amount of hair in that small area and it just up to them to do what they want to do with it.

Does Vaseline help your eyebrows grow?

Unfortunately, there’s little to no evidence that any of the ingredients in Vaseline, which is a brand name for petroleum jelly, can grow thicker or fuller eyebrows. However, Vaseline is very moisturizing and may actually help eyebrows look fuller and thick, even if they’re actually growing at the same rate.

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How can I fix my thin eyebrows permanently?

Find ways to relax and reduce stress, such as massage or meditation. Resist the urge to over-pluck your eyebrows or use harsh chemicals near them. Protect your brows with a dab of Vaseline if you need to use hair bleach or dye, tretinoin (Retin-A), hydroquinone, or glycolic acids.

Does coconut oil help eyebrows grow?

Scientific proof of the benefits of coconut oil for eyebrows specifically may be limited. However, there are plenty of other proven benefits of coconut oil to make it worth a try. Coconut oil is a generally safe and inexpensive remedy that may help you grow fuller brows.


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